stupid drunk

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It's been about three hours since Tom left after our argument. Tom was freaking out, yelling that I stole is dumb bear. We ended up fighting rolling around the floor. In the process, Edd had to pull us apart and start his year-long lecture. Thomas just stormed out the house and probably went to the bar for a drink."tord, go get tom NOW," lectures edd. "He's been given for three hours, and I'm getting worried."Don't worry, edd he'll be fine." Tord complained. "Tord Larson now!" Hollered edd. "Fine, mom! I'll go get that stupid witness." I hop of the couch and out the living room. I stop by the door and pull on my shoes. "Stupid jehovas witness. Why am i the one who always has to go get him?" I take a mabye 15 minutes to walk to the usual bar toms at. I walk inside and take peak around, not seeing any thomas. A continue to walk around the bar until on the far side, I can see a little blue hooded man laying his head on the bar with 2 empty bottles lying next to him. I start to walk over, but as I get closer, I can hear Thomas's chocked out sobs. Why the hell is he crying? I sit down on the bar stool next to him and wait in the awkward silence around us. "Tom?" I ask with no response, "Thomas?" I repeat. "What do y-you want T-Tord?" Tom chocks out black tears streaming down his face. It's not something you see every day. "Tom, what's wrong?" I ask, finally getting a little concerned. Tom would never cry around me. Ever.
"H-hes gone." His words slured." I can't f-find tomee a-anywhere." "Shhh shh shh . Your fine Tom. I'll help you find him. Ok?" Said tord trying his best to comfort Tom. Instead, Tom let out another broken sob. He took another swig from his drink and lying back down to cry. Tord let's out a long sigh and is trying to rack his mind for anything to comfort the small brit in front of him.
"Tom, how about this? we go home a find tomee and you need to head to sleep." There was a short moment of silence until Tom looked over at me, with a small nod ready to go home. I took a glance at his drinks and set 20 pounds for the drinks and tip. As I get up tom dosent follow. I look down to see the small Brit has fallen asleep on the bar stool. A sigh leaves my mouth as I go to pick the man up. I left the bar and start my walk home with Tom bridal style in my arms. It took a few extra minutes to get back because Tom slowed me down, but we got home. I open the front door, and light in the living room flicks on. "What took you so long?" Edd questions, but I just shush him and look down at jehova in my arms. I'm not gonna lie toms kind of cute when he rests peaceful. Like a little kitten. Suddenly, I pull myself out of those thoughts. I can't think about Tom like that. He hates me. I ignore edds questions and make my way upstairs to toms room. Opening the door to a minute with no hands, but I got it open. I walk into his room seeing all the clothes and trash spread on his floor. I carefully set Tom down on his bead and start my hunt for tomme Bear. No wonder Tom couldn't find the bear it was on the top of the toms shelf. He probably threw it up there when he was "cleaning" His room. I pull the stuff bear on the shelf and set it next to Tom. I don't k ow if it was in his sleep, but he reached out his arms and grabbed the bear from next to him, snuggling it right against his chest. The innocent smile on his face was everything as he curled up in his heavy blankets and prized bear. He was so soft and peaceful in his sleep as I ran my hand through his amazing, soft sandy hair. Feeling the hair run, I thought my fingers felt like cotton. I broke my train of thought about his hair qhen I realized that it's kind of creepy to watch him sleep. I stepped away from his bed, getting teacy to go to my room and sleep, but I felt a light grip pull on my sleeve. There was Tom, his hand gripping my sleeve. His eyes were half open, and he had a small frown on his face. The sad look he wore my heart ache just a little seeing him like that. "T-tord?" He spoke up."Yes, is there something wrong, Thomas?" Tom turned away to look at his bear instead as ha gently spoke." Thanks for finding my bear tord." He said with a light pink dusting his face. Thought it was his next sentence that truly surprised me. " Tord, umm, could you stay with me?" The blush spreading across both our faces like wildfire. "Umm yeah sure Tom I'll stay." I said this a pull his blanket down and over me. He slowly moves so that he's cuddling against my warm sides. His head moves to find a comfortable position on my chest. Toms eyes slowly shut as he fades off into dream land. I could get used to this. Having a nice conversation with Tom or mabye, even hang out out and cuddle with him. I truly want a better relationship with him. I slowly start to drift out and into sleep, my thoughts waking me down. This is a great start for us.


I could feel tords breath slow to a steady pace. I finally let our a little giggle. I can't believe he would do any of that for me. He carried home found tomee bear and even stayed when i asked him to. I never truly hated tord. I guess I just haven't found a way to tell him a link home more than a friend. I try to keep my eyes open as soft dreams try to pull me down. The alcohol and tords warmth are finally catching up with me. My eyes shut softly as I utter the words I never could before.
" I love you, tord. To the moon and back."

Let's go, that's the first chapter of my trash done. I'm so excited to see how you all feel about it. This took me forever, and I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistakes. Let's see where I go from here. Bye

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