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This au everyone has wings and all the different colors are special like raritys.
It goes orange green yellow purple pink red black white blue.
Also, this is a high school au, so the wings also determine how popular you are.

Ring ring ring screams the blaring alarm. I reach my arm over a slap it of my nightstand. "Ugh, school." It's Monday morning, and it's time to go get the crap beaten out of me. The only reason I'm bullied is because of my eyes and the fact that I don't like to show my wings. They're just so ugly. They are an awful shade of blue and the so small Aswell. I stand up out of my light blue blankets and stretch out my sore, beaten body. I walk to my bathrooms with my wings trailing behind. I pull out my toothbrush and brush my teeth as well as brushing my hair. I walk back to my room and throw on a pair of jeans and my large blue hoodie. I slipped my wings inside and walked to the kitchen. I grab an apple, and in the living, I see my step-dad sitting on the coach asleep with a bear in his hand. A can't believe mom would marry that guy. I pull on my checkered vans and start my walk to school. As I'm approaching, I see my two best friends and Matt. I walk up and wait for the to love birds to notice. "Hey, Tom." Edd says with his naturally cheerful voice. "What ya doing today."Nothing much. Probably just clean around the house." I answer. Ding dong the bell sings. It's passing period. We now have 10 minutes to go get our stuff and be in class. I leave Edd and Matt to go find my locker. As I'm stuffing my things into the locker, someone's hand shows up behind me. "Hey, freak." A strong aggressive voice calls behind me. That can only mean one thing. Tord. "What do you want, tord?" I question. "Hmm. I don't know, mabye for ypu to show us you wings." "Fuck no. Leave ne alone." As I say this tord grabs me by the back of my hoodie and drags me to the gar bathroom. No one is ever in here. He's probably just gonna beat me to a pulp and show everyone how weak I am. I say nothing as we reach the bathroom until I feel a strong, warm hand, meet my cheek. Tord continues to slap and punch and kick me all as I let out little yelps of pain. He lands one final punch to my eye and leaves me their on the floor. I can feel the blood running down my face and sides. He did quite the number on me. I try my best to pull my body up as my vision slowly fades into nothing. I lay motion less on the floor as I let the darkness consume me.

Why wont the freak just let us see his wings. It can't be that bad. He's just a drama queen. I'm leaving the bathroom as thomas lays on the floor not moving. I take off to my first class before I can be late.
Time skiple for meh

It's my third class of the day. This time thomas is in my vlass. I want to see how bad my damage was. This is gonna be so funny. I step in to class and wait for the bell to ring. Class goes by and tom never shows up. It wasn't that bad was it? The bell rings and all the students flood out into the hall. I'm walking around the halls until I hare yelling and screaming down one of the halls. I walk to look around the corner and there's tom. He was layer out on a stretcher with what looks like a mask giving him air. The nurses and doctors carrying him to what I assume is a ambulance are screaming at students to get out of the way. I can feel the sweat running down the back of my neck as I see him rolled off. I can't belive I did that to him. Soon the halls start to die down as student make there way to class. I stand there paralyzed until I look down at the floor. Lying there are 2 blue feathers. Did tom leave the fethers? Are his wings blue? What have I done? My thoughts are broken when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Tord. Dude are you alright" it was paul. He's one of my best friends from the football team. "You speed put there for a moment and were freaking some people out." He continued. "Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." A reply " oh and Paul I won't be at practice today so tell couch for me." "Alright I'll tell coach. We better get to class though" "yeah let's go." Walking through teh halls all I can think about is tom lying on the stretcher or in the ambulance. The rest of the day sucked. I couldn't focus at all. I now have a bunch of homework because I didn't get like anything done in class. As the final bell rings, I walk outside and stretch out his huge red wings. Everyone is watching and adoring my wings as I fly away to my house. I stop my flight and ealk through the front door. I head up to my room. I throw my backpack on the ground and grumble as I walk over to my bed. As I belly flop onto the bed, my mind goes back to those blue feathers. It had to be tom, right? I know I haven't seen his wings, but it could only be him. I look over at my alarm clock, and it reads 3:28. You know what. I'm visiting Tom right now. I climb off the bed and out the door of my house. As I start my flight to the hospital, I wonder if Tom will even want to see me. I guess I lost track of time while flying because I'm now coming up on the hospital. I slowly glide down to the floor and walk inside. In the lobby. There were two rows of chairs, some flowers, and a main desk for check-ins. I walk up to the desk and ask to see thomas. Apparently, he's in room 113 on the 11th floor. I walk over to the elivator and hop in. While going up, two nurses join me in the elevator. They were asking me questions like who I'm seeing and how I knew them. Finding room 113 was the hard part. There were lots of turns in the hospital as I tried to find the room. Turns out it was in the far back corner of a little hallway. I stand in front of the door, surveying what I can see inside, which isn't much. I pull the handle and walk in. What I see hurts my heart. There lying on a bed is tom with a heart monitor,blood bags, and an iv bag all in his arms. Ilthe guilt is really getting to me as I look at him. His room is fairly black, just cabinets, the bed a nightstand, a small chair next to the bed, and some blue flowed ina vase. Edd and Matt must have left those for Tom. I walk over to the small chair and sit down. Looking at him, I remember the feathers. I reach under his back to grab his wing and pull it out. There lying in front of me is a beautiful small blue wing. Why would he hide this? Meh, I don't care as long as he's ok. The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out with a passed out tom. As I was about to leave to go home, I thought I should right how a small apology note. I pull out a pen and a piece of paper. I write him the note and leave it by the flowers. I smile as I leave the room feeling better. Mabye being nice to Tom more often could help me and him. I shut the door with a small click and start way way home. I think I'll visit tom some more while he's hospital bound.

Sorry I didn't have enough energy to give this chapter a true ending
Thanks to all of you guys reading me book and see ya next time. <3

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