kidnapping isnt very kind

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Before I get started, Tom and the tord didn't live together beforehand, and this chapter has a bit of angst.
Tords pov

That fucker is so annoying. He's been getting in the way of all my plans. Blue leader is a pain in my ass. He always knows when I'm gonna attack. Plus somewhere there is a snipper on his team and he's been taking down my troops like there nothing. Jake/blueleader is a asshole. But I'm smart. I have a new plan. I'm gonna walk up to the base just me paul and patryk. We're gonna bring red leader outside and attack. In the fight I cam either kidnapp the leader or someone important to him. This is great. Over the intercoms I spoke " All soldiers get ready. The plan starts in  30 minutes!!!" Great. Today is the day I final finish him off.

Time skip

It's time me and my men were ina separate car while the army followed behind. As we make it to the base I step out followed by Paul and pat. "Greetings blue leader" I call and wait for a response. Soon the door opens up and out walks blue leader. His dark blackish hair shines with his blue eyes. He has a dark navy long jacket on with black army boots. He also has a white shirt on. But there's also another person that walks out with him. He has sandy blonde with a blue dress shirt covered by a grey vest. He also has black dress pants and shoes. On his shoulder there is a checkered circle as well. But thr one thing that really stands out his is pitch black eyes. As I observe I can tell this is blue leaders assistant. "The fuck you want red" blue leader questions. "I want to make a small proposal to stop the fighting between us" He looks at me with a suspicious look. He leans over to his assistant and wispers something in his ear. The other man turns his back and leaves. Though I must continue with my little chat " me proposal his that we don't have to fight so much." I said witha smirk " we just have to do one simple thing. We play a game called war. The last one to get shot loses" I continue " ready? We start in 5 4 3 2 1... let's begin." As I spoke those words my troops came flooding out of the surrounding woods to attack. Feon the inside of the base many blue soldiers were running out to join the fight. I pull my pistal out of my belt ans start shooting me heart out. The sight of flood the sound of screams its.... it's so exhilarating. As I'm shooting I look to find blue leader he was over in a corner fighting of 3 of my soldiers. He seemed panicked so he looks up to the top of the blue base and I see 3 bullets perfectly shoot thepight my soldiers skulls. Looks like I found the snipper. I run over to the base and ram through the doors. I run theought the base until I find the stairs to the roof. As I open the door as quickly as I can I see the snipper. They had all of the proper equipment out. They also had what looked like a black tarp or blanket over them so no one would see them. I slowly creel of behind them and jump on there back. The way they try to fight back is kinda sad. The sniper was quiet small. I put my hand over there nose and mouth stoping all air flow. The struggle slowly lessons until there body goes limp. I pull my hand away and check for a heart beat. Good They were still alive just knocked out. I pull the tarp thing off and to my surprise it's the boy who walked out with blue leader. I lift up the boy witch wasn't to hard since he was so incredibly small. I start my way down the roof and back to the field. I ran along the side of the battle as to not get shot. When I make it to the jeep I was riding in I grab some duck tape. I place the tape over his mouth and rap some tape around his hands. Good now we have a hostage. I turn back to the battle field and see alot more red soldiers than blue. This went great. I watch the fight for a little longer seeing the blood and corpses everywhere until I call back my troops. We all evacuate back to the red army base. As we make it back out medical team greats us to take any injured soldiers to the emergency wing of the base. I task paul to bring out new hostage friend to the prison. I walk back to my office to finish a few experiments I was working on before we left. This is all so fun. In about 20 minutes I get a call saying the hostage is awake. I get up from my desk and start my silent walk to the prison. As I make my way down the stairs into the basement I could here someone struggling. As I get closer to the cell the noise gets louder. I soon see the beautiful sight of the no eyed hostage pulling and ripping at the ropes that tie him up. I step out of the shadows and it seems the hostage noticed. " hello " I say but in return I get a dirty look from the small man. " You know you've been a pain in my ass with you shooting down my soldiers." I Tell him " so I just need to give you a small warning about the trouble you've been causing." I finish. The boy raises his eyebrow while looking at me with his head tilted to the side. I pull out my pistol and fire 2 shots into his right foot. The scream he trys to let out js covered up by the tape over his mouth. He keeps trying to scream and breath while crying from the pain. I walk into the cell and go to take of his shoe but he trys to kick my face. I grab on to his leg as hard as I can and he let's out another yelp from pain. I pull of his shoe and sock to see the damage I caused his foor was bleeding and fast. Great. I run my fingers over the 2 bloody holes I caused and he trys to scream again. With blood now smeared on my fingers, I lick the blood off. His blood was oddly sweet. I want more. I again run my fingers over the blood and drink more of it. He seems to be in less pain now. I pull out my walkie and call for a nurse to come down and pull the bullets put of his foot. I set the walkie back down and pull the tape of the boys face. He's panting and crying from the fading pain. I grab his chin between my thumb and my pointer finger a say " What's your name." He just stays silent, not answering my question. So ask again what's your name. The boy seemed scared. He was probably newer to the army and hasn't been well kidnapped before. " T-thomas," he finally answered. "See, that wasn't so hard. See you tomorrow, thomas, " I call out as I walk away. I can hear his whimpers behind me as I leave. I walk out of the prison and start my way back to my office. As I walk I pass by some soldiers and the nurse that I assume is supposed to take care of thomas. I make it back to my office and finish up a few papers I had to sign. I finish my work and head to my room to sleep. In the morning I wake up and a bright idea pops in my head. I walk to the science lab and take a new chemical the science team has been working on. As I walk to the prison I watch the chemical it glows a bright purple with small hints of black swirling around in it as well. I make my way down the stairs and go to Thomas's cell. He is sitting in the very corner of the cell today. He legs are curled up with his arms rapping around him self. I look down farther to see his foot has been put in bandages. I walk into the cell with the chemical behind my back. " Hello, thomas!" I greeted with him grunting in return. " stakk opp drittsekk" I grumble to my self. " we are gonna try a little experiment today" I say with glee he just curls in on himself farther. I walk over to him a grab his arm pulling him into the middle to the cell. " let me go fuck face" he scream but I just slap his cheek.
Now that he's unfurled I use one of my hands to hold down his hips. I laugh under my breath seeing the blush spreading over his face. Soon I pull the chemical out form mehind me and pop the lid open. I pour the chemicals into his eye sockets as he let's out a blood curdling scream. As I stand up he is clawing at his face. Grabbing at his eye sockets. Black tears roll down his face as he claws at himself. In about 10 minutes of me watching he passes out. I lift up his light body and start my treach to the hospital wing. On the way there he whimpers and crys in my arms. The guilt slowly pulling at my heart as I hear his crys. I bring him into the hospital wing and the  moment I step in Thomas was taken from me into emergency care while I had to wait for the docter to let me see him. I sat in the chair waiting for my chance to see him. Soon I was pulled put of my thought by a doctor who brought me to thomas. As the doctor left I stair at the small man. He now has bloody bandages over his eyes. There is still a bit of the black ooze on his face from him crying. I sit down in the chair next to him watching and waiting for any sign of life. Every now and then he would flinch or make small little noises. This just makes me feel even more guilty .  In the chair  I slowly fall off to sleep waiting for what's next to come.

??? Pov

"Ugg" I sit up with a groan. All over my body hurt like hell to move. I tried blinking which caused so much pain. Then I noticed I can't fucking see. I pull my hand up to my eyes to feel a large bandage. I pull said bandages off and still can't see. Where am I? How'd i get here? What the fuck his going on?

Hi everyone, that's it for this huge chapter. Sorry for any typos. I don't feel like checking. If you have any ideas, I'm running out and need some inspiration.

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