Where am I? Chapter 1.6

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    "Alright you too. Get up and out." A deep voice states. Ruby and I look at the man. He's tall with dark brown hair, theirs a long scar that goes down from his right eyebrow to his mouth. In that right eye he seemed blind. That looks like it hurt. Slowly and cautiously I standing up climb out of the small wagon. Though not before making sure ruby's close behind. As I step down onto the pebbled floor I block my eyes from the blinding sun. Looking around I found we were in a rich estate.
    " So these are the new arrivals? Woman, really? I asked you for workers." The old man spoke.

   Ruby and I stood next eachother, arms crossed behind our backs tied. Their where some other woman around us. In the same formation. The old man was dressed in what seemed to be high quality clothing. The estate was huge and lavish, these must be one of the royals Ruby was talking about. Just by his tone and face I can see that he's snarky, rude, and unjust. He was through insults left and right at the women but he had a pedophilic gleam in his dull brown eyes. He would stare at a woman's chest gawking. Moving close to them and caressed them. Moving down the row another after another until he got to me. His eyes moved up and down my body. He had a thirsty grin on face that made me nauseous. I couldn't look him in the eyes. Well it wasn't hard not to considering I was a foot taller than him.

  "You..." he pointed her chubby fat finger in my face.

   "You're something new, tall, too skinny- we'll fix that- quite the looker. I have the perfect job for you." He had a snarky grin pressed into his face. I already want to punch him. He didn't touch me, thank god. He slowly took two steps to my right. To Ruby. Ruby wasn't especially, well... "gifted"is what a pedophilic person would say. The only thing that stood out about her was her red hair. Though surprisingly it didn't catch the old man's attention. Her face did. He stared at her, for it felt like hours but was just a couple of seconds. I never could a good glimpse of her face but guess from his reaction.  I would guess she was beautiful of had a distinctive feature on her face that stood out. Like my purple eyes. Which is still very weird to me.

  Finally leaving us two her continued to harass the rest of the girls. Taking in my surroundings, we were in some type of hall. It was luxurious, giant windows that reached to the heavens were accompanied by longer red carpet like curtains.  Around the walls golden trims lay and family portraits bigger than temples hanged high. There were some decorations but it was very non simple but simple. Rich people simple.

  "Guards!" The old man signaled. About 10 Guards stood around some girls others were left alone. Ruby and I being one of them. The old man turned on his heels and strode to the middle of the large hall. He snapped his fingers.

  The sound of swords leaving their scabbards filled the air. Blood curling screams engulfed the hall. Some girls tried to run seats but failed terribly. Swords were skewered through their backs. Others slid across throats. Some just a simple slash to the back of the neck.

  The sound of gurgling blood soon replaced the screams. Body's fell limp to floor, the once lucky girls were now lifeless. It's was uncanny. Blood poured from their body's never ending. Their screams still stick to my brain. My breathing became rapid, looking at all the girls around me some twitched. Others completely still. Suddenly a cold hand was placed into mine. I wiped my head to my right. It was Ruby. Her eyes were full of woe and terror. I gripped her hand trying to calm myself down.

  "Alright now that that's out the way, clean this up maids, you ladies come with me" he said with a mano tone taking off with a fast pace. I'm still in shock so it's hard for me to move. Soon I felt something sharp impale my side. That'll do it. I know it's a guard and after seeing that I don't want to know what they'll do to me. Still holding Ruby's hand I quickly pull her trying to keep pace with the old man.

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