The creature ~ Chapter 2.1

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The Chappels estate
6:30 am

"Good morning, for your first training you're gonna get used to the basics. I'm going to fill you in on who exactly you will be working for and what you will be doing." Fred explained to me. Where we're currently sitting a massive old library. Its interior was rigged and worn out. It looked like it had been sitting here for a while. Anyways, he basically is just teaching me about the history on this house.

  " Alright. Right here is the book of Chappels and Rivete family which the empire. This is the history of  the relationship between the two family's. It includes the back story of Chappels along with some world history. You will read this book and memorize it. Then I will test you." He finished his mini speech  and handed me a book. It was rugged and dusty. Taking from his old thin hands I inspect it. The cover was cloth and had some rips in it. The title beamed with exhaustion but it intrigued me. I open the book and begin reading.

    The cromosone

       In the year 1500 BTC, the Great Revolution war had come to its end. After 58 years of pure torture, the world had bloomed anew. The Rivete Empire had finally succeeded the long battle. Leaving the Cromosone empire in history. The enslaved were now free and a new system of living introduced to the world. All six continents united under one ruler. Magic was now used to protect civilization not to imprison it....

    It took me a good three hours to read. I now know how exactly the world works. What the Chappels family is. Though I never found the relationship between them and the Rivette empire. It seams...Hidden?
"You are finished already? My gods you are quick. Alright no need to linger let's get going." Fred commented. He got out of his chair and started walking to the entrance of the library. I quick closed the book and rushed to catch up with him. Slightly tripping on a lump in the carpet.
    " Well, might as well give a run down. You now work for the Chappels. Mostly lady Chappel. You would normally be to manage the cleaning and cooking maids, organizing household schedules, planning formal events et cetera. But you will be specifically only taking care of Lady Chappel. You will be waiting on her— like a foot-men!" Fred exclaimed. He seamed happy? I don't know this whole house is weird.
     "Today we will be going into the city. You will be obtaining lady chappels favorite thing. Maybe she will not bite your head off" he mumbled the last part. I still heard him.
It took us a while to get to entrance of the estate.
I don't know exactly how long it'll be to the city. I hope it's a quick trip.


     For the journey we went on horseback. Took me a while to get used to it but luckily I did! I enjoyed it, guess a new experience that's not getting kidnapped or shipped to a whole new country is enjoyable.
      We are stopped in front of some merchants. Fred is deep into a conversation with one of the sellers. They look like good friends. The merchant sold fruits and small pastries. Finishing their conversation Fred pulled out a small sack which I assume has coins in it and gives the merchant two silvers. I don't know exactly what he picked up. Though I'm not really interested.
      " Alright then, Let's get going!" Fred exclaims mounting his horse. He seems more chipper.
I climb on to my horse then followed closely behind Fred. The part we're going into is more for the rich. The town was truly beautiful; tall buildings, freshly painted; lavish trees; flourishing flowers; a sea of different color dresses; happy children running down the street; couples arm in arm chatting up a storm. It was comforting.
         Not after long we stop in front of a shop. Judging by looking in the window— and its sign— it was a tailor.
         " I won't be long. Stay put." Fred deadpanned. I just smile and nodded my head. No need to put up a fight. I disembark from the horse grabbing both of their head collar ropes and make sure we aren't in the way.
     It had been a couple minutes since Fred went into the tailor. Then suddenly a familiar force rammed into my leg. Causing me to fall down, I used my hands to catch myself. It broke some of the force from the impact of the fall. I looked to where I was originally standing shocked. Only nothing was there.
      "Heh, heh, heh" the sound of panting eloped my left ear. Slowly I move my eyes, side-eying whatever was next to me. It was a...What is that? Some random creature seemed infatuated with me its face was only an inch away from me. I could smell what it had for its breakfast. It's not pleasant. The creature strutted to my waist crawling on top of me.
       Now I had a clear view of it. It was tiny. How does that small thing have that much power?

Third person POV

     There Halian lay. Completely shocked, the tiny creature had just bulldozed her out like it was nothing. Now it sat on top of her stomach smiling ear to ear. The creature was some mix breed. It had this appearance of a dog. But its body had weird attributes; dragon like wings; bull horns; and a dragons tail. What could it possibly be? Was the only the she thought.
Halian slowly lifted herself up into a sitting position picking up the animal and cradled it. It was not so bad, in-fact it was quite cute. The animal curls up in her arms and closed its eyes. Going to sleep. Leaving a clueless Halian completely confused.
She got up from the floor ignoring the eyes of bystanders and dusted off her clothes using one hand. She felt conflicted. She couldn't just leave the poor baby alone but she couldn't take care of it. Though eventually she came up with a plan. On the side of the saddle was a bag it was big enough for the little creature to go inside so she decided to rest it inside it. Just then.
       "Alright I'm finished. We should head back it's getting closer to dusk." Fred exited the store and once again mounted his horse taking off not worrying about Halian. Halian quickly got onto her horse and scurried behind him. Nervously she bit her fingers. The feeling of getting caught harboring an animal was scary. Though getting abducted did not cause too much of a panic. Hm.
     It didn't take long before they entered the estate again.
      "Today—though you didn't do much. You did good I guess." Fred was not one for a fake attitude and that was clear.
        "You may go back to your servent quarters but put the horses back first. I have business to take care of." Fred hurried Halian to the stables. Rolling her eyes she did as she was told and made her way over.
         Fred's horse followed by Halians horse without a doubt. The job didn't seem bad to Halian. Maybe she would settle. Up ahead of her were the stables they were torch lit.
      Finally getting there she disembarked from her horse and put both of the horses back to where they needed to be.
      "Halian? Oh it's so good to see you! How have you been? It feels like it's been decades since I last seen you!" A girl exclaimed. Halian turned around only to find Ruby. Her smile gleaming in the light. The light illuminated her face. It was truly the first time Halian had seen Rubys face. Weirdly it was just what she had expected. She had freckles scattered across her face, brown eyes, Small lips and a button nose.
"Ruby! Oh it has been some time. I've been thinking about you non stop." She replied. Ruby lit up.
"Oh, really? Well I've been mostly working outside. Picking crops helping with the horses. It seems like they are over staffed so I don't really have a designated spot!" Ruby ranted. Halian just smiled and listened, she missed the girls rants.
"How about you?" Ruby asked. Halian didn't know exactly what she was she barely listened to Fred.
"I'm here and there, I just came back from the town. It was fun!" Halian exclaimed—-well tried to—- the girl was too tired. Though she had barely done anything she was still exhausted . Then it hit her. The creature! She had forgotten completely about it.
" Well Ruby I hope to catch you at dinner! I just forgot something and I need to get it... bye!" The girl rushed. Sprinting to the stabled her horse was located. Right outside of it the bag was hanging on a little hanger. She grabbed it and made her way scurrying to her room.

   "I'm back buddy! And I brought you some food!" Halian told the creature as if it could understand her. She had just come back from dinner and rationed some food for the Creature. It jumped up from its laying position and did circles on the bed. Its little tail wagged behind it making the animal unsteady. Halian made her way over to bed and sat right next to it. The creature crawled right onto her lap. On her side Halian untied a cloth it had some food in it. Breaking off a small price of bread from the loaf, She slowly fed the creature.
"What should I call you? Hmmm I think Buddy works just fine!" She exclaimed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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