✯-🄲HⒶᑭ𝑻ǝ🆁 t𝐇🅁ǝᴱ -✯

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"Get this scum to the slammer so I can personally interrogate him," I said, "I've got some files I filled out on the plane, I marked them a level 4. They've got all the new information we were able to gather."

We were on top of the building, unloading our plane of troops and resources, including the annoying scientist that had just woken up. Thankfully it was whenever we returned back to the Triskelion and not during the 15 hour plane ride.

"Who should we get the files to?" An assistant asked, following up beside me as I signed a form.

"Get them to Hill if she's not busy," I said, waving off another form to sign.

"Well, we've all been pretty busy..." The assistant said, clearing her throat.

"There was an Alien invasion yesterday, thanks to the tesseract and Thor's adopted brother, Loki," someone said from behind me, "he made sure we knew that."

Maria Hill.

"If you're expecting me to freak out, I don't think that's possible after what I've seen," I said, pulling a hair away from my face.

"Well then let's compare. What happened in Argentina that's crazier than Aliens?" She asked.

"Human experimentation. I've looked into four eyes this weekend."

"I'd say it was just another Friday for us, then."

"The scientist is being loaded into the interrogation chambers as we speak. I'm going to personally interrogate him later. Preferably after I see Dad," I said, adjusting the collar of the suit I had changed into while on the plane.

"You think Fury will let you do that?"

I sighed. "'No, but a girl can dream."

Maria sighed back, looking down at her tablet. "Fury wants you in his office to fill you in on everything that's happened."

"I'll beat him to it. I promised I'd get a recovery team to the base in Mendoza for the victims."

"We'll have to assign a team from another to it. We're pretty busy here," she said, "Project Pegasus was destroyed, unfortunately, so we're moving all of our assists from there to here."

"I leave for a few days and we lose a whole base..." I scoff under my breath, nodding away a lingering Agent who was asking pointless questions.

"Oh please, Meredith," Maria said, rolling her eyes. I simply chuckled, nudging her shoulder playfully.

"Well I'm guessing Dad is up to his neck in paperwork," I laughed. "That explains why he wasn't here to greet me when I got off the plane."

Maria was silent, her composure suddenly changing.

Another paper was shoved in my face. I signed it quickly, shoving one of my hands into my pocket.

"Fury is getting impatient. I'll escort you to his office if you'd like," she said, walking to the entrance.

"You sure you're not too busy?" I asked, catching up to her quick and agile pace.

"I've got time," she said, tapping at her tablet that she seemed to always carry with her wherever she went. Me and Ben joke sometimes that she takes it in the shower.

Looking over her shoulder, I read her message.

"She's on her way. Go easy on her."

Go easy on me?

We walked into the building, Maria's posture stiff as she didn't take her eyes off the device, tapping away.

"Listen, if you really don't have time it's totally fine, I can walk by myself," I said, trying to get a better grasp of what might really be going on here.

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