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"Ow!" Ben yelped after I pulled him off the train with me after we tumbled to the ground together into the soft padded grass.

"Sorry," I said quietly as he heaved for air, and I realized I was probably a bit too heavy to be laying on top of him, especially after jumping from a train going about 45 miles an hour.

Which doesn't seem like a lot when you say it, but it feels like 85 when you jump from it.

"I think I hit my ankle on a rock..." He said, trying to pull himself from the ground.

"Nah, just my abs," I smiled, flexing casually as he looked up at me, unamused, holding his ankle.

"Not funny," he said, "I think I sprained it."

"I'm not carrying you, if that's what you want," I said, taking in our surroundings.

It looked like your typical nearly abandoned small town whose glory days have now been decades past, but you could still feel the faded grandeur in the warm air.

Weeds grew up through the cracks in the road, highlighted by the blinking streetlights. It was only about 2PM, but they were still all on throughout town, some of them not working at all.

The main strip had several graffiti painted vacant buildings, cars parked outside of them, their meters appearing to have been missing "mysteriously".

"It's not sprained. It just hurts. I'll be okay, I think," Ben said behind me, twisting his ankle cautiously, his eyebrows meeting in between his eyes.

"You'll be fine- at least you weren't shot," I joked.

"Ha, good thing. I'd hate to have to get cauterized! Sounds like it sucks," Ben said as he ran up beside me in a slight limp.

On the other side of the railroad tracks, the main road continued into the woods, the town completely residing on the opposite side of the tracks.

"Alright, where's this guy with the swords? If you're going to drag me all the way out here then I better actually get what I came for."

"Oh you will- this guy has tons of weapons. So many swords and spears,even cannons! He's a family business so he's pretty reliable," Ben said, hopping onto the crumbled sidewalk.

"I'm not seeing any places here that look like it could possibly be whatever you're describing," I said, looking around at all of the buildings, joining him on the sidewalk.

"That's the cool thing about it. It's hidden pretty well," He said, only one side of his lips curling up.

"Then how do you know about it?" I asked, tilting my head towards him.

"SHIELD thing. He was unknowingly supplying weapons to some wannabe terrorist group. We solved it by making him notify all of his sales to us."

"Cool. Okay. Question-" I asked, "If we buy this sword, SHIELD is gonna know. And come for us."

He gave me a mischievous smile as he dug in the pocket of his jacket. "Remember that ring that we claimed?"

"Never going to forget it," I said, giving him a disapproving look.

"I think it was simply fate playing its cards in our favor," He said, flashing the ring around, "With this ring...I trade it for the sword."

"A loophole?"

He shook his head, handing me the ring.

"But if I trade the ring, then I won't have enough money for... possibly important things," I reasoned, squeezing the ring in my palm.

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