Weddings and The Beach

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Skià pov

It turns out that Fury is not dead which was a surprise for seemingly everyone but me. He went to go destroy all the rats in shield. Bucky started living with me, dad and Aelynn so the house is even more packed than before. I have yet to tell him or my dad about the whole soulmate thing as I have not even reached my sixteenth year in this life. Though I do wonder who my fathers is as he is a mutant as well.

Fadér and his fiances decided on a spring wedding on Asgard. Odin decided to let it happen as it is probably the least trouble my fadér could get into by marriage and it does not give fadér anymore power than he already has there. So on April first me and Aelynn head up to Asgard for the wedding.

I see Sam, Reid, Dean and Cas there already. They are wearing white and gray suits and standing at the front. They are Gabe's best men. I see alien Thor as Loki's best man in a emerald green suit and my son and daughter in pastels at the front as they are fadér grooms man and grooms maid. I am fadérs best man and Aelynn is the flower girl. I am wearing a pastel green suit with a grey undershirt and Aelynn is wearing a pink and white dress with emerald green shoes.

I see a variety of people sitting in the seats waiting for the wedding. Every one is wearing the color scheme that represents the person that they are here for. Like bobby is here and he is wearing a gray suit with a white undershirt and Loki's mother is wearing a Forest green dress.

Soon enough the music starts Gabe goes up to the front. He has a big smile on his face as he turns to face the crowd as I help Aelynn drop flower petals on the aisle. As soon as we get to the front I stand by alien Thor and watch as fadér and Loki come down the aisle hand in hand. I never thought that after his wife died many many years ago he would get married again but here we are.

The ceremony was beautiful but not as serious as most weddings as none of the grooms are particularly serious people. But as soon as the partying was over everyone was kicked off Asgard. But not before I could call Gabe, pater and Loki, Pa. Which Gabe was rather happy about because he was rather annoyed that I would not address him as a father figure before hand.

We return home rather late and Aelynn is already asleep in my arms. I put her to bed and see that Bucky is at the table. "Are you okay?"

He turns around and looks at me in surprise. I suppose that he was not expecting me to be here or perhaps he is unused to being approached silently. "I just keep remembering all the horrible things that they made me do. It is all I can think about when I am trying to sleep."

"Remember that there is nothing you could have done. You were not in control of yourself."

"I wonder sometimes if I could have resisted a bit more and gotten away."

"If you resisted they would have killed you. I know some people who were forced to do things under mind control as well if you want to talk to them."

"Really?" He says with slight hope and disbelief and I nod. "It would be great if you could set up a meeting."

"Of course but not both at once. One of them mind controlled the other while under mind control themselves. They still have a bit of a hard time being around each other but we are working on it. Well actually the one that did the mind controlling while being mind controlled is currently thought to be dead but In fact he is just not here. It won't be a problem though because I have a way to communicate with him." He nods slowly before giving me a hug and heading off to his room.

His room used to be Aelynn's room but she was moved into my room until we can get a bigger place to stay. So the man with the metal arm is sleeping in a small room with walls covered in flowers and mythical creatures. I find the thought rather amusing as I head off to my own room.

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