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⭐️ This story is made of my nightly thoughts, which goes against the fact that Alastor is Aroace. If you do not like that, please click off. For I am a young ff maker, and I try my best to give updates during the night when I have these thoughts. In this storyline, I have based Y/n's life off of my life, so you will be very cheerful with a few twists here and there. Also, this might be weird bc of my thoughts being in 2024, and Alastor was alive early 1900s- 😭 Either way, please enjoy this fic!!>:3

5 and 6 years old.

You had moved into a new house in New Orleans, very far from your old house. You knew that it was probably for the best, considering that your mother had bruises on her quite often. Ever since you moved here though, those bruises and marks on her had disappeared.

Across the street was this kid named Alastor, which you took fond liking of. You thought he was funny and kind, so you became his friend! Your first friend. Every day you two would visit each other's houses and have playdates. You both were inseparable.

"Hey Al, come outside and play!!" You exclaim knocking at his window, startling him from inside his room. He moves the curtains and looks out the window and sees you as he smiles. It takes him a few moments to realize you're literally on top of his roof and he grabs your hands and pulls you inside as you both fall on the floor of his room.

You both look at each other then burst out laughing. "N/n how did you get on my roof?!!" He keeps laughing and you both settle down.

Now you both are left staring at his roof in complete silence. You look over to him and see him already staring at you. You laugh and sit up, then climb back out the window.

"Wait N/n it's dangerous! You could hurt yourself, come back inside!!" Alastor said concerned, also climbing out the window trying to keep you from falling off the roof.

"Oh come on Al, it's okay! I do this all the time, I'm a ninja!!!" You say overconfidently as you slip and hang off the edge of his roof. "N/N!!" He grabs your hand as he attempts to pull you up but fails.

You grip onto the roof edge for dear life as Alastor runs and grabs a few pillows and blankets as fast as he can. He runs outside and places some down as you fall on top of him making him fall back onto the pillows with you.

"OW!" You exclaim and then start laughing again as you look at Alastor. He is on the floor laughing too and then sits up and checks to make sure you're okay. "Are you okay Y/n? That was quite a fall. Really high up, and you fell on top of me-" You cut him off. "That was so fun! Again!!"

Alastor looks at you like you're crazy and he grabs you before you run off. "No!! That's dangerous, you could have broken a bone!! Luckily, you didn't break me." He teases and you tackle him playfully.

"She's gonna end up killing herself if it weren't for your sweet boy, Tara." Your mother Mira says to Alastors mom. Tara smiles and they continue talking and drinking tea as you two play away outside.


Till death do we part. Human and hell Alastor x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now