Chapter 3- Period..

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⭐️So this week is my last week of school and I have exams, so while I'm in other rooms, Ima write these chapters:3

13 and 14, 8th grade.

You come home from school and set down your stuff, plopping on your bed.

"Ugh.. I feel like shit.." You grumble and curl into a ball. "Y/n how was school today?" Your mother asks as she sits down on the bed next to you and sets down your f/f on the bedside table. "Y/n are you okay? You look pale.. Have you eaten?" Mira questions anxiously.

"Yeah.. just a little.. tired.." You say and groan in pain. "Y/n are you sure? You're holding your stomac- Oh dear." Mira says in a concerned tone and this makes you look over.

"What?" You asked her and she points to the bed making you stand up. "Oh god.." You say embarrassingly and frown. "Mum I'm sorry-" "You have no reason to apologize, it's a natural stage in every girl's life, at least you got it now and not later." She says and pats your back.

She takes off the blood-stained sheets and she goes to wash them before she stops in her tracks at the door. "Y/n honey, wash up, I'll give you some pads." She says and you do as she says, groaning from how you didn't want it this soon.

You go clean up and change your pants and put on a pad. "This feels weird.." You say to yourself and walk out your room. "Mum I'm gonna go visit Alastor, is that okay?" You ask. "Of course hun, just don't run around too much okay?" You nod and give her a hug then go to the usual spot in the woods, seeing Alastor already there.

As you get closer you see Spike and Lily and smile. "Hey Al! Hi Lily, Spike come heree!" You say sitting down next to Alastor as Spike comes over to you and lays his head in your lap, allowing you to pet him.

"Hello Y/n!" Alastor says as he keeps petting Lily. "How was school?" "Eh, nothing new. Last days of school andwe have to take exams? Talk about shitty." You grumble and keep petting Spike. "You know we aren't supposed to use profanity!" He gasps as you look at him with narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow. "And?" You say nonchalantly and look down at Spike resting his head on your lap.

"Y/n may I ask why you're more moody?" He says slightly concerned and you sigh. "Sorry Al, I just.. I... Dunno how to put it. You've noticed changes, small ones at least. I've noticed big changes.. You noticed my attitude and my body has.. gotten.. curvier." You say embarrassingly and look over to Alastor.

His face is flushed and he glances at your body for a few seconds, realizing what you mean and he looks away. "Oh.. so uhm.. I'm assuming you've started?" He asks and puts his hand on your shoulder.

All you do is nod.

You stand up and walk around a little bit, trying to find the Lily you both planted 3 years ago. "Hey we need a new lily, ours died." You say, showing him the wilted flower. He smiles and points to the other side of you where there's more Lily of the Valleys. "When did those get there?" You say confused. "I placed them there today while you were at school, I'm surprised you didn't notice them."

You smile and sit back down next to him.

⭐️Quick note, in these chapters I'll leave some updates on my personal life through Y/n, like how she's on the last days of school with exams. I got exempted from math and ela exams😋(I only exempted math but they told me I was able to not take ela, so win-win chat)⭐️

You sigh and look at the trees for a few moments then look back and Alastor is playing with Lily.

"Hey Alastor, ya know, if school for me ends, we can finally hang out again like we do every summer." You say, catching his attention. "Oh yeah, I miss when it's summer and we can hang out all the time when we can only hang out on the weekends." He says.

⭐️This will be weird, yes I know there was no phones in the 1900s, but how else is Y/n supposed to contact their friends? You're gonna have a phone either way womp womp⭐️

You take out your phone and text Aly.


                                                 Hey wyd?>

<Nothing wbuu😋

                    Hanging out with Alastorr>

<Ooo cool:)

                                              Oh yes😽😼>



Alastor looks over your shoulder. "Who ya texting?" You show him your phone. "Aly." "Who's the one that thinks we should be dating?" He asks.
"That would be Katelyn." You say and then put your phone back in your pocket. "Well it's getting kinda late Al, let's go home." You stand up and pet Lily and Spike, sending them off.

Alastor walks home with you and drops you off at your house then goes back to his. "Good night Y/n!" "Goodnight Al!" And you both go to sleep.

⭐️Ima make the next chapter juicy cuz I'm rlly bored rn

881 words😽

Till death do we part. Human and hell Alastor x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now