Chapter 5- Prom

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⭐️The picture is from Pintrest, thats my version of your dress, but change it to your liking!!
From now on, the authors' notes can be violin emojis or the normal stars. Either one means it is me speaking.:3
Summer is here chat‼️🗣 I hopefully will be posting a lot more for you guys. Serenity, you better not actually be reading this cuz this gonna make me regret writing this story bro😭

17 and 18, 12th grade, senior year!

You were just sitting in the woods, petting Spike like normal when you hear rustling nearby and reach into your pocket that has a sword-shaped knife.

You turn around and see it's just Alastor.

"Fuck- Al you scared me." You say, letting go of the knife and not letting him see it. What would he think of you if he ever saw that? That would definitely ruin your friendship.

He chuckles and sits down next to you, Lily walking over to him. "So.. don't you have something important today?" He questions and you think about it for a little before standing up quickly. "Oh shit I gotta get ready!" You exclaim and pat Lily and Spike then run back to your house.

It's fucking prom night! How could I forget something like that?! You keep questioning yourself and scurry inside your house and putting on your dress.

"Y/n hun do you want me to do your hair?" Your mum Mira questions as you nod and run over to her. "Here, sit down and stay still." She says as you do what she asked, still trying to catch your breath. "You know we have time to do some drastic changes that you've wanted for a while." Mira says which leaves you questioning what it could be.

"May i ask what you mean, mum?" You question and she points to the time. "It starts at 7 no? It's only 2:30, they let you guys out early for prom. We can dye your hair f/c like you've always wanted." Mira says and stands up to go unlock the door bc Aly, Serenity, Clarisa, and Katelyn had arrived.

Her words make you leap up from your chair and you run over to Mira hugging her tightly. "You really mean it?!" You exclaim excitedly and she nods hugging you back. "Yes, now go sit in the chair so we can start. You don't want your whole head right? Just some highlights?" She asks and you nod, sitting back down while your friends watch and talk amongst themselves.

4 hours later, 6:30!

You look in the mirror in awe and disbelief as you see your new f/c highlights in your hair. Aly, Clarisa, Serenity, and Katelyn all compliment it and how it matches your (2nd) f/c dress perfectly.


You and all your friends are talking and stuff when you hear a knock on the door and you go to open it.

It's Alastor.

He looks at you and blushes very softly, but not enough for you to notice. "Y/n you look stunning.. You dyed your hair?" He says twirling you around and you smile at him.

"Yeah, I dyed it! Do you like it?" You ask and he nods before pulling something out of his pocket.

"Y/n, my mother said she wanted to give this to you since it was something she wore when she was your age. She wanted you to have it because you're like a daughter to her." He says and hands you a little hair clip that has a few stars on it.

"It's beautiful.. Thank you Al." You say and hug him as he hugs you back. "Tell Ms Tara thank you, I love it." You say and he smiles.

"Y/n do you have your shoes o- Alastor! Come in, come in!" Mira says and Katelyn smirks at you. "What?" You ask, walking over to her. "You see the way you guys look at each other? Are you two fucking blind? You both obviously like each other." She says and Aly and Clarisa nod, Serenity just sitting on her phone not knowing what's going on.

Till death do we part. Human and hell Alastor x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now