Chapter 1- Lily of the valley

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10 and 11, 5th grade.

You come home from school and groan as you set down your backpack and run outside.

"Urgh.. today was awful." You say as you run into the woods in the spot you an Alastor always meet. "Hey Y/n how was!- Oh. Uhm. What happened at school today?" Alastor said, slightly concerned by your groggy attitude.

You groan and plop on the grass below a tree. "Aly and Destiny aren't friends anymore but I'm friends with both of them.. I don't know who to still be friends with." You say groggily and sit up against the tree. "Well who do you like better? Who have you known longer?" He asked, giving you a chance to think about it.

"Hm.. I've known Aly for 2 years and I've known Destiny only this year." You say, wondering how it'll help. "Then that's your answer, my dear. If you've known Aly longer, she's more likely to be your friend." He says reassuringly.

You zone out thinking about it and eventually come to the fact Alastor is right and you should leave Destiny since she's the one always starting the arguments. "That helped a lot Al. Thank you." You give him a hug and he hugs you back before standing up. "Hey, I was wandering around while you were gone, and I would like to show you something." He said, lending his hand to you to help you stand up.

You take his hand and he pulls you over to a small meadow full of flowers."Woah.." You mumble and go to pick a flower. You grab one and sniff it before seeing some other ones not knowing they're poisonous.

Unknowingly, you run over to them and examine them, realizing you learned about them, and backing away. "Oh crap. I could've been poisoned." You say falling onto the soft grass and kneeling next to them admiring them.

Alastor walks over to you and tilts his head in confusion as he kneels next to you. "So why aren't you picking these ones?" He says, startling you because of his unknown presence being next to you out of nowhere.

You swing your leg considering you're already in a drop-kick position and swipe under him as he jumps over it and kneels back down. "AHH- Al what the?!" You exclaim and he chuckles softly from your reaction.

"Oh, I'm sorry y/n. But how do you get so startled so easily?" He asks between small laughs and you hit him on his shoulder as you blow a raspberry at him. "That wasn't fair. If I had jumped I could've been poisoned." You said dramatically as you pointed to the pretty, delicate looking flowers. "What about them is so bad? They don't look poisonous?" You sigh and blow them to make them dangle and move slightly. "They are called 'Lily of the Valleys', they look harmless but they indeed aren't." You say glancing at Alastor to make sure you had his attention.

He was already looking at you.

"Show off." He teased and you nudged him in the side playfully. You grab the stem and pick it up carefully. Alastor tries to touch the flower and you smack his hand softly making him retract his hand away.

He looks at you with a slightly furrowed brow. "Owh." He says looking at you. "You touched it why can't I!" He exclaimed dissapointedly. "Well You can touch the stem but not the flowers!" You say and give him the stem.

He holds it gently in his hand and sways it to make the flowers move in the air, seeing all the light pastel colors. "It's beautiful.." He murmured and you both sit and look at the flower.

You hear the sound of water and stand up curiously. "Hm? Where are you going?" Alastor says and he sets down the lily. "I hear water.. I'm not sure from where though." You mumble the last part.

Alastor listens to his surroundings and hears the water too, standing up and standing next to you. "Race ya to it." You say and run off to the sound. "Hey that's not fair N/n!!" He exclaimed running after you.

You both run as you're in the lead and hear the water getting closer to it. "Wait up Y/n!" He kept saying as he realizes you stopped and he slows down, walking to you. "N/n? Hey what seems to trouble y-" He stops in his tracks and freezes.

"Whatever you do. Don't. Move." You say as you freeze and don't move yourself. "N/n. Stay calm.." He says, his voice shaky.


Till death do we part. Human and hell Alastor x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now