Chapter 2- Wolves and a deal.

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-Pt 2 of the last chapter

"Stay calm Y/n.. Don't move.." Alastor says, his voice shaky.


You can see them drinking water from the stream ahead, the water you two were trying to find where came from.

You back away slowly and as you take the second step back, you step on a leaf. A crunchy leaf. It cracks ever so softly, but enough to get the attention of the wolves.

The snarling starts and instead of running to you, they walk slowly. The pressure is immense and you shake as Alastor gives you his hand. You hold his hand as the wolves continue to walk to you.

One of the wolves is a pup, a very small wolf pup. You see it and it's hair is spiked up from the water. It's kinda cute. You think but still scared. Alastor holds your hands a little tighter as the bigger wolf goes to him and sniffs him. "It.. It is not snarling anymore Y/n.. Why is it not snarling.." He asks and you shrug.

The wolf pup walks up to you and rests on your shoes, catching the attention of the other one you assume is it's mother. The mother sniffs you and then goes back to Alastor and smells him again. The mother backs away from you both and examines you closely.

It gives you a small headbutt of trust, since the pup hasn't been harmed by it resting on your feet. You smile and look at Alastor who is looking between the mother and the pup to see any signs of danger. "Al.. I think they don't see us as threats.. I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing." You say as you give the other hand to the wolf to sniff you closer.

It walks over to your hand and sniffs it before putting her head in your hand, a petting position.. You pet it's head softly, making sure not to startle it in any way. You take your hand off and sit down, keeping your feet in the same place so the pup doesn't wake up.

"It seems they have taken fond liking of us.. this is odd." Alastor says while the mother wolf goes to Alastor and licks his hand. You chuckle at Alastors reaction. "Pet it, it likes you!" You say as the wolf pup wakes up and crawls into your lap.

The pup snuggles in your lap and you pet it softly, making it make little sounds. Alastor pets the mother and she lays down as Alastor and you sit and pet the wolves.

"I'm gonna name it Spike." You blurt out suddenly as you keep stroking the wolf pup, it's hair coming back up each time you pet it down. "Don't name them!! You're going to get attached!" He says and you look at him with narrowed eyes and a raised brow.

"You're worried about me getting attached, while you and mum over there are playing like she's an average dog." You say as he looks at the wolf which he scratches behind its ear. "Well you named yours." He says and looks back at you with your hands in the air, holding Spike in the air.

He sighs and turns to the mother. "Hmm.. what should I name you?" He looks at the mother and thinks for a second then he gets it. "Lily. That's what I shall name you." He says, not noticing you looking at him. "Awww. Did you name her Lily because of the flower we saw today!" You say and he nods.

Lily and Spike. Two wolves who will be a bigger role in your lives that you anticipated.

Lily and Spike run away once they hear howls and you and Alastor look around, realizing how late it is. "Crap.. we need to head home Al." He nods and you walk back to the woods you both know like the back of your hand.

You end up in the usual spot, the sight of a small tree next to a big tree, and you know you're back to a safe spot. You place the Lily of the valley flower you and Alastor picked in the middle of the area, to show this is where you two will always know how to get home.

⚠︎ Tw: Self harm, blood. ⚠︎

You grab a small but sharp rock and cut the meaty part of your right palm, making Alastor widen his eyes at this. "Y/n what are you d-" "It's a blood oath. A promise that whatever we do, we stay friends forever, and nothing can separate us. We tell each other everything and never keep secrets to ourselves. You in?"

You give him the rock and he looks at it fhen cuts his right palm and you shake hands, a green glow illuminating the area and you look at your hands then each other's eyes which are both a crimson color.

The green light fades and you both blink a couple times, then look back at each other's eyes which his are his honey colored and yours are your normal e/c eyes. "Woah." You both say and look at your palms, the blood stopped oozing out and all that is left is a very noticeable scar.

⚠︎ End of trigger ⚠︎

Little do you both know, you two just made a deal to be the biggest serial killers New Orleans had ever seen.
And two powerful overlords in hell.
The Radio demon and the *fav hobby* demon.

⭐️Oh em goodness this is probably the longest chapter in any story that I have written. Erm what the sigma

927 words😽

Till death do we part. Human and hell Alastor x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now