Chapter 6- The truth

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⭐️Art from Pintrest idk who made it srryy😞🫶🏼
Pt 2 of last chapter:3⭐️


You lower the knife in your hand, seeing him frozen but not.. scared?

"Y/n? What are you doing..?" He says, lowering his own knife. "Nothing, just.. uh. Digging a hole." You say rushed and knowing he won't fall for that, lowering your own knife.

"Y/n you.. kill people too?" He says coming closer to you and you back away a little from him guiltily nodding. "You do too?" You question and he puts on a face like 'no shit-' considering he's covered in blood and has a knife in his hand.

"Okay... so uh.. what now?" You ask and he shrugs. "Who are you burying?" He asks. "Ian, he was cheating on Katelyn and holding her at gunpoint so.. yeah." He smiles proudly and looks at how you buried him. "Not bad." He says and goes back to dragging his victim somewhere.

You raise your eyebrow and watch him drag the man's body, wondering who it is.

"Hey who's that? They look familiar." You blurt out and he frowns slightly. "It's Emanuel, he was uhm. Trying to have intercourse with someone and they didn't want to, he wasn't being very gentleman-like, so I helped the poor lady." He admits.

"Eh, I don't really care, he was a bitch anyways." You say and shrug. "But I do wanna know, where are ya taking him?" You question and he hesitates a little before saying it.

"Uh.. I'm taking him to a shed. And uhm.. I don't just murder people, I... eat them." He admits and doesn't dare to look at you, thinking you'll think differently of him.

"Oh. Uh. Do you eat like.. everything, or.. like what?" You say, more interested than disgusted, yes, you think it's gross; But he's your best friend, and you both made that promise to tell each other all your secrets.

He raises a brow at your reaction, taken aback by how you didn't say how disgusting that is.

"Well, Uhh.. I don't particularly.. I'm not sure how to answer that question dear." He says kinda embarrassed. "Oh that's fine, I don't really wanna know now that I uh.. asked." You say and dust off your dress.

"Y/n how did you manage to get no blood on your dress?" He says noticing your dress completely spotless.

"Hm? Oh I don't kill in a brutal way, so it's easier to clean up and leave no evidence." You say proudly, putting on the innocent smile you have naturally.

He smiles and then looks at himself realizing you were teasing him because of how messily he kills.

"Oh come on it's fun to see them in pain, especially if they deserve it." He says and you laugh when he realized you were talking out his messy job.


"Ok ok, sorry; I had to say it though, you do look very much different from usual." You say pointing to his outfit and the blood all over his face, especially noticing the red hue in his honey colored eyes.

"Yeah.. I'm afraid of ever letting mother know about this.. I'd rather she never see me differently.. I want things to stay the way they are." He admits, wiping blood off of his face.

"Me too, I wouldn't want mum to find out about me either." You say.

"Don't you have somewhere to be, let alone your sneaky murder?" He questions, pointing to the school, prom still going on until 10, and it's only 8:30.

"Oh, yeah, you're right. Well uh. See ya tomorrow?" You ask and he nods.

You walk back towards the school, seeing people outside of prom behind the school, doing drugs, smoking, drinking, vaping, all types of shit people at your age shouldn't be doing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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