Chapter 4- First kiss.. with my bestfriend?

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⭐️One thing i wanna say, this chapter and the last are and were mildly inspired by the author of Criminal love by LunaHaz (so sorry for ping.) But if you like this story, PLEAASE go visit theirs. It's the best one I have read I love it ssm.🫶🏼⭐️

14 and 15, summer of 9th grade.

You walk into the woods and see Alastor where you both normally sit. "I've been cooking all day. Finally get to spend time with my best friend." You say sitting down next to Alastor.

"Hm? How did today go? What'd you cook?" He asks and you stand up grabbing his hand and lifting him off the ground. "If ya come to the house I can show you, we had left overs?" You say and he nods, the both of you going to your house as he tries some of the food you made.

By the look on his face you can tell that you're getting better at cooking.

"Hey when you're done meet me upstairs so I can tell you more about what we did at Alys house." He nods and finishes the portion you gave him before going up the stairs towards your room.

"So what else happened? You seemed kind of bummed saying that." He says plopping down on your bed. "Serenity  joked about me not having my first kiss yet when she can't be talking she hasn't had hers either."

He scoffs and thinks for a little. "If they're making fun of you for it, do you even want it?" He asks and you look at him then think about it. "I mean now that I think about it.. I've wanted too, just haven't liked anyone like that." You admit and flush a little.

He hesitates to try and say something and then takes a deep breath and asks, "Do you wanna try it..?" He asks nervously, and you can see him obviously a little flushed by the idea of it. "Try what? My first kiss?" You ask, flushing slightly at the thought.

He nods his head. "If it'll make them stop teasing you about it I don't mind?" You nod and sit there nervously not knowing what to do next. He moves over to you a little more and cups your cheek with one hand and kisses you.

Your lips connect and you start to lean into the kiss, deepening it. You wrap your arms around his neck and his other hand moves to your waist, pulling you a little closer as the first kiss you shared turns into a deep makeout..

You keep kissing him and you both get a little carried away, your tongues starting to be used and you pull away for air then go back in, his hands not moving from your waist. Your tongues intertwine and you put your hands on his shoulders as you keep kissing him, his mouth shifting to your neck and hesitates to leave marks. He starts off just kissing your neck and gets a little more carried away.

You bite your bottom lip to stop any sounds from coming out of your mouth and then hear your mother's foot steps. "A-Al." He listens and hears Miras footsteps too. "Shit." You curse under your breath as you gently push him off of you and pretend to be on your phone and Alastor grabs a book off your bed side table and he tries to stop blushing and he keeps a straight face.

"Y/n have y- oh hello Alastor!" She says then looks back to you. "Have you practiced your instrument? The chair test is tomorrow, Ms. Hsieh called me to let you know." She says and you nod, trying to hide the annoyance in your voice. "Yes mum I was just getting to it.." You grumble softly and grab your instrument to start practicing.

She smiles and walks out of the room, leaving it just you and Alastor again.

You glance at him a few times and take out your [instrument if you have one, I have a violin] violin and start practicing the excerpt you need to play tomorrow. Alastor doesn't know what to do, considering he liked the feeling of your lips against his; And he stands back up and walks over to you, his cheeks slightly flushed.

"Y/n.. uhm. What does this make us now?.." He asks hesitantly, the blush still remaining on both of your cheeks. "I-.. I dunno.." You mumble and look up at him standing next to you and you set down your instrument. He leans down and nervously asks; "Can we do it uh. Again.. maybe?" Considering you both have now had some experience, you smile a little and nod, his lips automatically going onto yours.

His lips shift back down to your neck, starting to get carried away before he pulls away. "Wait, are you sure you want this darling?" He asks and you nod. He goes back to kissing your neck softly, as much as he wants to nip at it and leave marks. He starts to get really carried away, not realizing his mouth is now at your collarbones, about to nip at them without second thought.

"Al." You say softly catching his attention. "Hm? Oh- I'm sorry dear." He says pulling away looking into your e/c eyes.

You give him a small kiss on the lips then pull away. "I'm not sure if I want to date.." You admit, thinking it'll ruin the friendship you both have had for the past 9 years. He nods understanding why you don't want to, he's slightly scared too.

"I understand, but.. maybe sometime in the future? If we are both ready?" He asks hopefully. You nod and smile.

"Yeah that seems better, definitely sometime in the future." You say and then he goes home for dinner, leaving you to contemplate about if you have a crush on him now, or if you still have your normal crush.


⭐️Oh my goody goodness 1001 fucking words is insane I got a little carried away (like Alastor) ahem. Either way I hope you guys love this chapter as much as I loved writing it!! Srry if it was kinda cringe, but at least I didn't make either of yall stutter-😭BYE POOKS!>:]⭐️

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