part 1

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It all started when I moved to Pune. I was new to the city. I felt alone and scared until I met Riya, who had opted for the course as I did. Our friendship took off. We had fun at college and graduated. I went from being lost to having made a small version of my own home here in the city with my best friend. I miss home, Mom and dad. But I decided to stay here in the city and get a job. At least for a few years and gain some experience. To my luck, me and riya got placed in the top companies, and we decided to rent an apartment. So you have me here, a girl far from her home town, trying to make a living in another city and make some connections. Me and Riya host parties on most weekends. Life has been good. It definitely has ups and downs. But I am able to navigate it through them and just live.

I am in my room, it's a Sunday afternoon. Riya walks in and says, "hey, my brother is coming. An Impromptu plan he says. Let's cancel that party tonight". "Sure, let me text in the group chat". "Oh, also. We might go out for dinner, join us ok". "Haan.ok". She leaves closing the door on her way out. I have met her brother Mayank a few times. He is tall, dark and handsome. But he is also dating someone. I used to have this huge crush on him. Until he crushed my heart by showing up on one of his visits, with a girl and told us they were dating. I might have acted aloof during the dinner. But when Riya noticed something was wrong, she asked me about it. And I confessed, and told her about my "crush", she understood and we went to get junk food to binge on. And that was that. Besides I have gotten over him and moved on. But I still need to look my best. Not for him.

The door bell rings. I open the door, and find Mayank, standing alone. "Hi, Divya. Won't let me in?". "Sorry, come in". I open the door wider and close it once he is inside. "Where is Riya?". "She is in the bathroom". He looks handsome. With his dark jeans, and white polo shirt, and gorgeous hair. Smelling all nice. "How have you been" I ask him. Before he could answer Riya walks in all dressed up to go. "Hi bhaiya, how are you?". He walks to the kitchen to the fridge, he grabs the water bottle and drinks some. "I am fine. You guys ready to go out now?". He asks in his calm voice. "Ya , but where is sonali? DIDNT she come with you?". "I broke up with her" he says as if it doesn't affect him at all. "What? Why?". Riya asks. "Long story. I will tell you at the restaurant".

We are sitting at the restaurant. It's one of those roof top restaurants. We find a table in the middle, It's breezy tonight. It's amazing outside. "So spill the tea bhaiya". "Ya, I broke up with her because we want different things. Also, It was not going anyways, might as well end things now". " So, it was a mutual breakup? "I ask "yes" he replies. I don't know if it's the booze or the chilly hair, that loosens some knots in my stomach. "Enough about me. How have you girls been? I hear you have parties at the flat. Is that true Riya?". Mayank is 7 years older than us. He has always treated Riya with love and a lot of protectiveness. I like that about him. He can get intense at times though. This one time when I had taken a trip with their family, and the three of us decided to hit the club there, while their parents stayed back, he beat the living crap of 2 guys who came onto us. "Umm" she looks at me to save her from his line of questioning. " Yes" I say " she is not in college anymore. And you need to stop micro managing her so much. I get it she is your little sister,But she is not little anymore. You need to start trusting the decisions she takes more often. She is a grown woman who doesn't need her bossy brother to tell her what to do, whether you like it or not". Yup, I drank a little too much. "Wow, div. You feeling ok, girl?". Riya asks with an amused look on her face. "I am.... Fine" I say feeling tipsy. I look at him, who is grinning at me. "You are drunk, let's get you girls home". He says. I try to stand up, but I fall right back on my seat. I try again, only this time I fall on the ground. How many drinks did I have. Jeez. I sense somebody picking me. His scent assaults my senses. His fresh minty cologne. I want to cling to it. In no time, I am put softly on my bed. "Ok, thanks bhaiya, I will go to bed now. Goodnight. Sleep well you two". She leaves the room. He turns and starts to walk. "Stay" I say. Over the years I have known him. him and I have always been this way, we may seem 'normal' around others. But it's at times like this, where no one can hear or see us, we show that part of ourselves, that we don't even recognise. To want to say more, to want to be more. He turns around and comes closer to me and leans "sleep it off,okay? You will be fine". "I said stay" I say. He sits on my bed, on the edge, right next to me. "Ok" he breaths out. We look at each other even in my drunken state I can feel the electricity crackling around us. drowning us. I lick my lower lips due to dehydration, his gaze dips to my lips. There is something lurking behind his dark eyes, I know this because I have witnessed this very gaze so many times in the past. I want to kiss- the thought is interrupted, I push myself up and grab his T shirt's collor and kiss him. Deeply kiss him, he tastes like whiskey, and mint. He gently pushes me off of him.He let's out his laugh, "how much did you drink,div?". "I...I ...what-" I stammer. He kisses my forehead and says "we'll talk tommorow, ok? Go to bed". And he leaves the room, closing the door on his way. Leaving me alone, in the dark.

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