part -5

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We sit on the couch. She looks at me to say something. I just feel numb. I feel so naive for falling for her brother like this. Like why didn't I see the signs, there weren't any though. I can only blame myself. "I told him I love him, he said he can't, and I couldn't stay there any longer. I know we have only been going out for a few months now. But I couldn't help but fall for him. I really thought we had something, when I confessed to him, he said 'I Can't'. I only have myself to blame here, for being so stupid". I say with my eyes on the floor.

"I see. I am so sorry on his behalf. I am going to talk to him". She tries to console me.

"No, please don't. Whatever it was, it's done. I don't want you to get in this mess". I say

She looks at me in pity and leans back on the couch sitting in silence with me, not asking too many questions, and letting me be. And I process everything silently in my head, while she sits next to me.

After few minutes of silence, "ok let me get a shower, we can order something". With that I walk to my room.

I take my phone and see missed calls and messages from him

Mayank:I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.

Mayank: I like you very much. But it's complicated for me to give you more than this right now. I never meant to hurt you. I was not playing around with you, but I can't love you.

Mayank: please call me.

And I call him for closure.

He picks in one ring.
"Hey, div. Are you at the flat?".


"The reason why we can't be more because, I don't have much time".

My heart starts beating.

"What do you mean?" I ask worried

"Can we do this in person? I am on my way to the flat". He says and hangs up.

I run to Riya's room, who is cleaning her cupboard. "What happened to Mayank?" I almost shout.

"What? What do you mean?". She asks confused.

"He said, he doesn't have much time?" I ask her looking for some answers.

"What? What the hell. I don't..". She picks her phone hurriedly and calls her brother.

We hear the door bell ring. I rush to open it. It's him. Mayank.

He looks sad in his eyes. And sits on the couch. "I have something to say to you both. I I have this rare genetic disorder, and the chances of survival are pretty low. I found out last week. And ya". Tears stream down his face. It hurts me to see him like this. Riya runs to her brother's side and sits next to him, with her hugging his arm and crying

"Mom-dad knows?". She asks.

"No. I will tell them soon". He says.

His eyes find mine. I feel too much. He can't leave me like this. Riya releases him. "What is this disease?" She asks

"Doctors say it's 'wilson', I have some build up in my liver, which my body can't seem to get rid of. On the bright side, I should be lucky I found out this early, but there is no guarantee yet...."

Blood roars in my ears, of all the things he could have said, I was not expecting that. Why should it be him?
Why him,god? Tears roll down my cheeks.

I walk and sit next to him, "whatever, it is Mayank, you are not pushing me away. I want to be there for every step of the way. I want to be there for you".

I wipe my tears. And I don't know where to go from here. What to do? I can only hope for the best. Be there for him in every way possible. I am not ready to let him go. We just started.

"I want to move in with you, Mayank. Riya, let's get you a roomate, and after she moves in. I will move out". I say

"Ok" she says

The next day, I let the landlord know of my moving out. He said he has some candidates, he will have them come around to check the place and discuss the downpayment.

I go outside my room, to find Riya in the hall, sitting in the dinning area.

"Hey" I say

"Hey" she looks up from her laptop.

"You feeling okay". I ask her.

She stops tapping on her laptop. Her eyes beginning to tear up. " He is my big brother. He is supposed to be... I don't know." Tears roll out of her eyes.
"He always had a solution to all my problems. Why cant he just be ok". I hug her. And we stay like that for a moment.

"I know" I say.

I hear my cab honking downstairs.
"I have to go now, Ri. See you soon".
And then I leave.

Last night I did some research on this disease, it can be fatal. But like Mayank said, we should be glad we found out this early on. But still no guarantee, that's what the doctors told him.

I reach the office and begin my day, to get my mind off it a little bit. I greet few of my colleagues. Attend a meeting. Eat lunch alone in the pantry. And catch on the rest of the work.

After I get off my shift I go to his place.
He looks healthy and strong. No one would think he is suffering from a rare fatal disease. But here we are.

We are sitting on his couch."when is your next appointment?"

"Next month. They put me on med. To see how my body is reacting". 

"We are not sure if anything yet, right?" I ask with hope.

"Yeah. Div" he pulls me on his lap.
"Can we just be a normal couple. When are you moving in ith me?any update on the roommate?".


"Let's go to bed, it's late". He says.

2 weeks go by, and still no update on the roomate.

I come the flat I share with riya. And find her all dressed up. She looks pretty."going somewhere?". I ask.

"I want to tell you something". She says and points to the seat next to her.

I sit. "You know sourav, right?". She has mentioned they were dating. But not that serious and that was 3 months ago. "Him and I are going to be living here. It's official now". She says. I hug her "good for you. You should bring him and introduce us".

She nods and smiles. Oh, don't I know that look. "How come we have never met him?".
"You know, It was nothing in the beginning and now it's so much more. I needed time to understand where exactly we stood. And now it's time we took a step further".

I smile at her."ok, girl. I will start packing then. I will move out this Saturday then". I say

"I will miss you div. We made some good memories here. And now look at us, going different ways". She says .

"Lets make something nice and chill here today, ok?". I say.

And we do just that. Two girls hanging out, cooking in the kitchen, eating food. We have no idea what the future holds for us. But I am grateful for her. This. I will hold on to each second of this moment because what future has in store for me breaks my heart and also fills me up with hope. Hope, that he gets better and we have a life together.

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