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I arrived the next day in Vancouver, where the gala was to be held. I had recently bought a large mansion here and took my things there. I ate well and prepared for the evening of the celebration. At least this time, I wouldn't be the main character. It must be a refreshing party where nothing happens. At 3 p.m., I drove to the party venue in my dress and heels.

My passion is buying shoes, and I have a lot of them. And nothing is enough. Even now, I have the lovely velvet ones that just matched my dress. My hair was shoulder length, very blonde, and spiky. Of course, Mariella had the defiant long red hair that Damon loved to touch.

No, no, no, I wasn't supposed to think about fucking Salvatore. I shook off such thoughts, got out of the car, and started walking towards the gala. I knew I would meet my old friend Jarod here. Jarod was shocked and then amazed when I told him about Damon. We talked on the phone for hours, and he helped me very much throughout the years. Somehow, I was dryly amused, as I didn't want to share Jarod with Mariella. Jarod was by far my best friend, nowadays my confidant even.

He said, "You were right. You knew that Damien was his person, but damn Salvatore. But then again, he was the victim of Damien's manipulations there as you, too. Now I understand why neither of us ever got a reading on him. I understand completely. Are you okay? You must be in shock. And not to worry, I will not meet up with Mariella, not yet anyway."

I assured him I was and had told him I was coming to the gala. I was here as a prestigious surgeon, not as Damon's wife. I was here all by my merits, and I knew Damon had been irritated in time, too. When I was actually good at surgery and got awards.

I arrived in a hall full of people, took a glass of champagne, sipped a little—quite good—and started to walk around. I hadn't seen Jarod anywhere yet. Maybe he could not make it in here. He hadn't promised anything as Miss Parker decided everything besides; he had his enemies as well. The centre, they were still after him and his possible children, as they wanted to test whether his pretender ability was heritable or not.

I wasn't thinking when a hand took hold of my elbow and a voice in my ear whispered, "Hello, baby."

I looked up, and this was not a Jarod.

This was Damien. He might have been going to Damon as a cousin or brother. His eyes were dark, almost black, his nose was narrower than Damon's, and he had a much broader face. He was also red-cheeked, as if he'd been out in the cold. I realized Damien had a human body so that I could kill him.

An injection pushed into my back from below the ribs, and I felt the substance hit my aorta. My head started to fog up. Damn. It's easy to kill a man, even when I am sedated. The drug was powerful, though, and I could barely stand on my feet. Damien took me under his arm and firmly guided me to the bathroom. He dragged me to his grip.

There, he locked the door and pushed me into a seat on the toilet. I clenched my fist. One punch, one punch in the throat, and that would kill him. Damien gave me a sharp look and took a small spray bottle from his pocket.

He blew two sprays close to my face, and everything went black. As I came to, Damien was in another cubicle on the toilet. He had moved a panel from the ceiling and pulled out a sports bag, a familiar aluminum briefcase, and yet another bag. Then he put the panel back down and jumped off.

I was feeling really fuzzy. Whatever was in that spray was going to my head badly. I felt slightly nauseous; my muscles would not work at all. Damien opened the bag, and there were bags of, great, jelly again. Orange, quite dark. Several shades of silver and many sizes of colorless.

He hung them on nails on the wall and let the jelly run out again, almost to the end. I tried to look for my phone, but saw that Damien had my bag. He finally came and picked me up.

The Salvatore Saga, Part Two: My life in Salvatore PackWhere stories live. Discover now