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We drove for four hours. Damien was quiet—thank God. Usually, he had chronic vocal diarrhea. I tried to wrench myself away, full of energy and ready to escape. We drove behind an extensive building. Now I tried to think about why he had to deliver me here. Was he working with them or was he in some sort of debt to them?

Damien watched me through the mirror and said, "Well I do work for Sark and this is my chance to prove my worth by delivering to you, don't worry, I will be there too, to work on you, what comes to my nano molecules, well, you see, those shells react to stress, so this might just stress those triple shells enough to cause them to start to leak and give you various medical issues, not infection at first but there can be a lot of different problems for you and since Damon is out of your life, well you have Adam and Charles when they are not fucking with Mariella I mean."

How the hell did he know that, too? Was there some surveillance in our houses or what? Too many questions and my future didn't look too bright at all.

He stopped the car by the gate. There was some sort of comm device where to speak. Damien opened the window, pressed the button, and said, "Cargo on board. I'm coming to loading bay one."

The gate slid aside, and Damien drove the car through it and along the service road behind the building. He pulled in front of loading dock one and turned the car off. He then exited the car and headed towards the men in the doorway.

Mr fucking Sark. And that damn Indian man who was uncomfortably familiar. Damien chatted with the men for a moment, and all three came to the car.

Damien opened the doors and jumped in. "You're refreshed. Excellent. Just the way you need to be. This will be so much fun that you have no idea at all. We begin to test you right away. But first, you see, Sark and others have no idea about my little experiment with you, so I need to take this off, and even if you would try to explain something to them, I guess they would think you are crazy or something"

He opened the bubble wrap, pulled it out from under me, and just put a sheet over me. Every last drop of jelly had been absorbed, and Damien felt my body over carefully and was pleased. He removed the stretcher and rolled it down the ramp again.

Mr. Sark came to watch, " Well, well, well, we meet again, long time no see."

He touched my liver, and I gasped. "Are you sore? Good thing, to have once again gotten some enzymes from you. That was the purest platinum that we came up with, so it will be very efficient for our purposes. Damien here knows so much about your anatomy and physiology. He will be my number two in no time at all. "

I said nothing as I continued to writhe in the shackles. The men carried me inside the facility and strapped me to a stretcher in the middle of one room.

Twenty people came in. Damien paralyzed my vocal cords so I couldn't speak and, took off his jacket and shoes, habitually put on his Crocs, and pulled on his lab jacket. D. Salvatore was embroidered on his chest.

People started taking blood, blood sugar, and blood pressure. I was auscultated, and a portable X-ray machine was brought into the room, and lots of scans were taken of me—even my teeth. I tried to get free, but these had springs in them and long spikes so no go to pull my wrists free.

I did not yet use my new power as I knew I had only a limited supply and I would save it a little better time to work. Now there were too many people, and too many drugs, and not a good time to reveal all my abilities at once.

Damien seemed to be showing Sark something, and I realized that the jelly machine was there. Great. I was getting sick and tired of jelly and jelling. Damien seemed to be explaining the different types of jelly and their bases. He had perfected jellying to the next level, and I saw other victims in another room when one scientist opened the door across the hall. There were several of them in beds and not moving.

The Salvatore Saga, Part Two: My life in Salvatore PackWhere stories live. Discover now