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Damon was happy. He had Mariella, and that was right now the only sure thing in his mind, his feelings for her, how she taught him to love, to let go. Damon had thought once he had felt Mimi stopping loving him, he would want to die. It had been so a nasty feeling but then again, Mariella had given him her love, her unconditional love, and that was all that he needed right now. Everything inside him was in a mess. What had been him and what had been Damien? How stupid he had been not to believe Mimi.

The part of him that had been awake and around, the part that had felt most for Mimi, had gone to sleep. It had been somehow tired, exhausted, and now he would be whole. Not just one part of him struggling to keep onto the surface, but he was. Just him, not Damien.

And he had felt so much, love for Mariella. everything felt so new, so fresh and this was his second birth, he had now gotten his memories from his early childhood; he remembered Damien, the dog, and some things, and he remembered the ritual, too. The struggle was as his parents tried to get Damien onto the surface and he had fought so hard to keep himself awake.

So he had himself taken one part of him, the part that felt most, and let it be on the surface while he had tried to fight against Damien. And Damien had imprisoned most of him in a cage, for so long time that he had felt so powerless, and once he had gotten free, not sure how, and once he asked that about Mariella, she had said nothing. So it had been something then.

Now every day felt new and every day he learned something new about himself too, some memory or something that came out and he talked about a lot of things to Mariella. She helped him. She could make terrible memories fade away, just like he could fade away with his telepathy, too. Mariella was not a telepath, it was her being the savior. She was supposed to save whoever needed to be saved, and she had her radar for that too.

Mariella was often confused about what it came to everyday life and Damon explained patiently many things to her. They were each other's halves, much more than he had ever been with Mimi. Thought of Mimi made him feel something but then again, he wanted to focus on Mariella and their love. It was so wonderful to be in love, and feel everything.

Damon saw that Mariella was a little restless and curious about Charles and Adam, too. He thought to let her get to know those two a little better in everyday life. They had fucked, but Damon had seen it as well. Adam and Charles weren't all in. They used their lust but not their feelings, and Mariella could sense it. When one uses feelings for sex, it creates energy, and Mariella used hers and Damon's sex energy, their lust, to make an energy web around them. Much stronger and wider than Damon's little energy umbrella had been.

Damon said to Mariella."Darling, would you like to go shopping with Adam and Charles?"

He was lying on the bed. Mariella was sitting. She had just had a bath and enjoyed it very much.

Mariella looked at him for a moment and said, "Aren't you coming? And how do you know that they are going shopping?"

Her voice was a little unsure, and she furrowed her brows ever so slightly, and that made a warm feeling in Damon's chest even stronger. She was totally his, so perfect being.

Damon smiled and said, "Telepath darling, strong one. Besides, I'm a lazy creature. If you want to see the shop, then go along. They're not going to any enormous store. They're just going to pick up a few things that were missing. There is a little corner shop about a ten-minute drive so it is a chance for you, to get to see so many new things and maybe get to know boys a little better too. "

Mariella thought for a moment. Did she dare stay away from Damon? She'd fucked Adam and Charles, and they'd held back. It had been okay, but Mariella felt like they were somehow just bundled up, not relaxed with her. They did not use their feelings when they had fucked with her. She didn't get any boost to her energy web from them.

The Salvatore Saga, Part Two: My life in Salvatore PackWhere stories live. Discover now