𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Sept 15 thru Oct 9

Reese finally ventured into Forks. She wandered around the local craft stores, the library and finally the diner. Whispers and curious glances followed her, but she ignored them with practiced ease. She had bought some whimsical wind chimes, some cute garden decorations and got a library card.

She settled at a table and ordered a hamburger and fries with a thick chocolate shake. She flipped open the library book she had checked out. She read until her order came. She thanked the waitress and took a cautious bite of her burger. Flavors exploded in her mouth. The burger was...the best burger she'd ever had. She moaned around another bite.

The next thing she knew there was an angry woman standing by her table. "May I help you?"

"You can stay away from my son." The woman demanded hotly.

Reese put her burger down and shifted in her seat to a better defensive position. She raised one eyebrow. "Pardon?"

"You're that Reese Sirion, right?"

"Yes. And you are?"

"Sue Clearwater. My boy is sixteen. Stay away from him."

By this time they had collected an audience. "You have issues with me being friends with Seth."

"I think there's something wrong with a grown woman letting a teenager hang out at her house alone so much."

"Is your mind always in the gutter or is it me in particular that you don't like?" Reese asked casually biting into a french fry.


"Funny. You don't know a thing about me." Reese was getting mad now. Adults were all the same. Making judgments about you like they were omnipotent. Acting like they knew things when they knew nothing.

"I know you're hiding out in the woods for some reason. I know you've been here for over a month and this is your first trip into town. I know you are a stranger and you've lured my teenage son into spending more time with you than his friends."

Reese stood up and tossed some bills on the table. She looked at the woman with glacier eyes. "That's a lot of assumptions. You don't know shit about me and I don't appreciate your innuendos. It pains me that you care so little about your son that you would air such disgusting suspicions in a public place ensuring that these people gossip about him. Now, luckily for me I could care less what you think or what you want. Seth can visit whenever he wishes. He's a friend and I shan't cast him off because of your small minded attitude or your lack of faith in his character. For your information his friends are over quite often. They play Halo online on my big screen tellie."

While Sue Clearwater was trying to recover from the shock of being told off so soundly Reese stalked out of the diner. She slid into her Hummer and drove off angrily.

A very dejected Seth showed up at her house around supper time. She frowned when he knocked instead of just coming in as he usually did. "Get your butt in here, Seth." She called out loudly.

He opened the door and slunk in. "I'm really sorry about my mom."

Reese waved a mixing spoon at him. "Pfft, whatever. She doesn't bother me." She shoved a covered plate at him. "Carry that up to the second floor patio. We're grilling – steak and corn."

Seth perked up a bit at that. He grabbed the plate and loped up the stairs. Reese followed levitating the bowls of potato salad, corn on the cob, and a chocolate cheesecake behind her.

When she reached the patio Seth had the steaks on the grill. He left room for the cobs. He grabbed the bowl from the air and situated the corn.

Reese settled the rest on the table and went over to the cooler. She pulled out a couple of sodas and tossed him one.

"Reese, really...she said some ugly..."

"Seth. I. Don't. Care. She can think what she wants. I told an entire country to shove it up their arses. I think I can handle one irate mother." She leaned against the railing and met his upset gaze. "You are my friend. You are welcome here anytime you want to come. I've keyed you into my wards. I don't even have to be here for them to let you in."

"Really?" He looked shocked at that.

She chuckled. "Really." She turned to look out over the forest admiring the setting sun. "I don't trust easily. With you it feels natural...like family. I know about rough family life. I know your mother doesn't hurt you physically, but if it gets too bad at home and you just want to crash somewhere awhile, you're welcome to stay here. I have plenty of room. Just stay out of the lab unless I'm with you."

"I can really stay here if she doesn't cool off soon?"

"Yes. I know what it feels like when no one believes you when you say things aren't great at home and you don't want to return."

"Thanks, Reese."

"Flip the steaks, Seth."

Seth grinned and flipped the steaks.

Sept 21 - Mabon

Hari had told Seth he was welcome to stay, but this was a sacred night for magicals and she would be isolating herself in her room, meditating and participating in a very private ritual.

She settled on the floor of her bedroom with her back against her footboard. She leaned forward and lit the white tallow candles that ringed her.

She leaned back and got comfortable. She thought of death. Death...an end to this existence. An end to pain, lies, betrayals, loneliness.

She never understood why people feared Death. Did they not realize that all the horribleness of this life ended with death? That you would move on to where your family and friends had gone before you and welcome you with open arms?

The Dark Goddess Hecate. Mother Night who wrapped you in safe darkness. Whose hug you felt in the blackness of night. Whose caring you felt when she hid you from your enemies and gave the opportunity to end them before they saw and ended you.

How many nights had Hari lay in the darkness weak and weeping only to have comfort whispered to her. Warmth washing over her healing her injuries and reminding her that she would not always be small and helpless. How often had Hecate's voice whispered soothingly of the day when she would be big enough, skilled enough to get revenge.

How often had Death whispered to her, held her close and reassured her that she would not make the journey alone, but that one would be there to hold her hand and guide her to the next phase of existence. Would lead her to where Mum and Dad waited for her?

No she did not fear death. Perhaps that was why she never feared Voldemort. She feared living imprisoned. She feared being helpless.

She was free now. Her captors dead. Her magic freed. She was no longer helpless. She had gotten revenge on the Dursleys. What had she to fear now except loneliness? She would keep faith with the Dark Goddess and trust her to guide her on the path to conquering this fear as well.


Several months had passed and Reese was loving living in Forks. She had become friends with Renesmee and Alice and to a lesser degree the other Cullens. Seth came over almost daily and some of the younger shifters came with him at least once a week. He would at times crash for several days in what had become 'his' bedroom.

The issues with his mother had prompted a visit from Sheriff Swan. He talked to her and Seth. He checked out Seth's room. He was convinced nothing was wrong. Seth finally exploded and told his mom to ask Jake if he had caught anything inappropriate in Seth's mind while running with the pack.

Reese's studies were coming along. Her defensive reflexes were improving with practice. Her knowledge of the Healing Arts was expanding rapidly. She had spent several furious weeks learning the tangled, political web of the Wizengamot and how Dumbledore would cast his vote one way and his proxies a different way.

All the time talking with Tom through the journal getting to know him. He was brilliant, complicated, driven. He was sarcastic and witty. He saw so much. Wanted so much for the magical world.

He patiently explained ideas and traditions and magical theory and political stances when she became confused about what she was reading.

Often he just directed her to other texts insisting she work it out herself without any prejudicial input from him.

Oct 7

Monday evening Reese opened the journal and wrote.

Tomorrow I will be at Gringotts at 9 am to settle certain matters concerning my proxy votes and to see my godfathers.

Tuesday morning the journal was glowing.

Thank you for informing me.

Reese took a deep breath, settled her robes about her form so they fell fluidly and activated the goblin portkey.

She appeared in one of the alcoves set aside for portkey arrivals. Taking a moment to settle her stomach since international portkeys were unsettling, she stepped out and headed for the nearest teller.

Voldemort watched the arrival area waiting for Hari Potter to appear. When she did it took a moment to recognize her. The last time he had actually seen Potter she was a small, scrawny fifteen year old with horrid black glasses; this woman was grown. Still somewhat small he guessed her to be 5'4"; delicate with a small waist and curvy hips. Breasts just the right size for her build were barely visible beneath her open robe. Her dark hair was now streaked with shades of honey and cut to frame her heart shaped face. Her gorgeous emerald eyes were now free from glasses. He frowned. Potter should be sixteen not this mature young woman. What had she done? When did Hari Potter go from the brat he meant to kill to a stunning young woman that made his groin tighten with desire?

Hello, my Hari.

Hari froze mid step. She swiveled her head looking for the tall, pale snake-like man. Could he really be at Gringotts...in the lobby and not be causing a riot? Perhaps under a disillusionment spell? Her eyes swept over a handsome, composed man sitting patiently in one of the few seats lining the lobby wall. She had seen him once, years ago...in the Chamber of Secrets. Her gaze jerked back to the mahogany eyes watching her intently. "Tom?" she breathed softly.

Voldemort watched as surprise, shocked recognition, warmth, desire (?) then fear flashed through mesmerizing emerald eyes. A moment later her eyes shuttered and taking a deep breath she headed toward him. Gracefully, he rose to meet her impressed at her courage and composure.

Hari was shaking as she forced herself to confront the man who had tried to kill her many times. Appearing to be in his late twenties, he was a little over 6 feet tall, pale with dark brown-black hair that waved over his forehead. Mahogany eyes were now a dark blue. They studied her over high cheekbones. A square jaw portrayed confidence. She stopped a few feet from him. "Tom? What are you doing here? Are you revoking our agreement? Is this a glamour?" She hissed quietly.

He inclined his head toward her. "No, I have regained more than just my sanity." He smirked as her eyes widened and traveled over him again. When their gazes clashed a second time he ignored the flush on her cheeks and answered her previous question. "I would have a few minutes of your time if you are agreeable."

"You're actually giving me a choice?"

His gaze flicked past her and hardened. The warmth Hari hadn't consciously noticed until then disappeared. His attention still on whoever was behind her, he answered. "Yes. The goblins would not appreciate a show of force on my part within their territory and my wealth lies within their vaults. Only Dumbledore would recognize me as I am now. I behave and the goblins do not out me."


Hari whirled at the familiar voice. "Sirius!" She hugged him hard.

Sirius hugged his goddaughter fiercely while eyeing the stranger behind her. "I've missed you, pup." He whispered in her hair. "I do have questions."

"Yes, but not in the lobby." Hari's arms tightened then she stepped back and turned back to Tom. "I arrived early for my appointment. I have twenty minutes. Is that enough or..."

"It is."

"Hari, who is this?" Sirius asked protectively.

Hari laid a hand on his arm. "I'll explain later. I want you two in the meeting with my proxy. Twenty minutes." She said when he looked like he was going to argue.

"We'll see you then." Remus murmured noticing they were garnering attention from the other customers.

Hari nodded then followed Voldemort through a door into an interior hall. Her nerves were stretched tight as they walked silently to a room.

He opened the door and strode in.

Hari entered and stopped just inside the door eyeing him suspiciously.

"Really, Hari, I thought we were beyond this apparent suspicion. Have I not promised to leave you alive and well as long as you don't stray outside these walls?"

Hari exhaled and nodded. She ran a hand through her hair. "Meetings with you just generally don't end well for me."

Voldemort chuckled. "You leave them alive, Potter. That's better than most of those I count as an enemy."

"Not for lack of trying," Hari muttered.

He huffed. "No, not for lack of trying as embarrassing as that is." He let his gaze drift over her. "You've aged yourself."

"Yes. It works better to appear as an adult than a teen living alone."


Hari grinned and made her way over to sit down. She sat quietly waiting for him to broach whatever it was that brought him here.

Finally, he started. "Your statement about moving toward the political front had merit. I have drafted several bills to begin reaching certain goals. The trouble is that anything that my suspected followers put forward has automatically been voted against by the Light. I have fought the urge to crucio the entire Wizengamot."

"Play nice."

He glared at her as he pulled a sheaf of parchment from his inner pocket and slid them over to her. "I would...appreciate..." he grimaced then took a breath. "I would appreciate you looking these over and if it is something you could agree with perhaps have your proxy introduce them."

Hari blinked at him. She glanced down at the proposals then back up at him. "You want me to promote your bills."

He nodded. "Only if you agree with them and considering our prior conversations I feel that you will."

Hari stared at him for several minutes before dipping her head and scanning the documents. She flipped several pages. Pre-schools for magical children; earlier detection and indoctrination of muggleborn; magical orphanages and an expanded adoption department to ensure magical children weren't left to muggle abuse.

She lifted stunned eyes to his. "I...I need to look them over in greater detail, but from what I can see so far I'd have no problem backing them."

Voldemort smiled. His eyes lit with pleasure and Hari found herself caught in his beauty. You like...like him. She flushed and jerked her gaze away.

Voldemort caught her reaction. "That's twice you've flushed in my presence, my Hari."

"I'm not yours." Hari muttered automatically.

His gaze narrowed and swept over her scar. His eyes flashed red. "Aren't you?" He purred.

Anger flared within her. "I might consider being your partner in improving the wizarding world. I might even one day consider you a friend as odd as that thought may be, but do not ever think that I'm a possession. My muggle relatives considered me property as does Dumbledore. That is one of the few things that will make me fight to the death."

The Dark Lord studied the witch panting harshly across from him. Fury rolled off of her. "I do not count you as property. Nonetheless, we are connected and a part of me resides in you. It makes me...possessive." He held a hand up to forestall her retort. "I have no plans to cage you. Considering where we started I would think you could indulge me a little in the matter."

Hari glared at him. "Fine...whatever Tom. Just don't ever think to cage me. Besides, your soul is in me perhaps that means that you are mine."

He stood and strode over to her as she hastily gained her feet knocking the chair backwards in her haste. He cupped her face smirking when her breath caught. She trembled beneath his touch, but not from fear. He knew what people in fear of him looked like and this wasn't that. Surprisingly, it was desire he felt thrumming through their link and saw shimmering in her eyes. His thumb stroked her cheek gently. "Perhaps we belong to each other."

Hari stared up into eyes that were no longer dark blue, but a dark red. Her heart pounded in her chest; she couldn't breathe. She was mesmerized by the warmth, the intensity within his eyes. Voldemort bent his head until his lips were barely above hers. "You grew up beautiful, my Hari. Beautiful, intelligent, powerful." His lips brushed hers before she could even think to pull back. Twice they brushed over hers while whispering to her. She moaned softly. His tongue flicked out and traced the seam of her lips.

Hari gasped and jerked back, stumbling over the chair. She flickered out of sight and reappeared across the room, eyes wide with shock.

In a flash of black smoke he was in front of her crowding her against the wall.

"You kissed me!" She exclaimed pressing a hand to his chest to keep space between them.

He stared back a little shocked himself at his actions. He had had no intention of kissing her when he came here today, but she appeared not a sixteen year old girl, but in her twenties, willowy and tanned. Her emerald eyes glowing and her courage and power flowing around her until he was intoxicated with her.

He pressed his palms to the wall on each side of her, bracketing her. "You liked it." He hissed noting that she was stunned, but still not fearful. Her lack of fear around him was intoxicating as well.

"I...I...that's beside the point!" She spluttered. "Why would you kiss me?"

He stared at her. "You are my beautiful equal," he murmured softly before swooping in and capturing her sweet mouth again. He kissed her forcefully this time, claiming her mouth with his until her lips parted. His tongue darted in, sweeping her honeyed interior. He groaned in unexpected pleasure at the taste of her.

Hari stared at him, eyes dazed, when he finally broke the kiss; fingers trembling on her lips. Eventually, she took a deep breath and dropped her hand to her side. "I'm going to be late to my meeting. I'll...I'll look over your proposals."

Voldemort gathered his dignity around him like a cloak. He stroked a gentle finger down her cheek before turning and striding to the door. He paused in the opening. "Do not keep me waiting on a decision."

"I won't and Tom..." She waited until he looked at her. "Don't kiss me again without asking first."

He stared a moment, eyes flaring at her audacity. How long had it been since someone called him to task? Decades. He found it amused him that his Hari had the nerve to do so. He also noted that she didn't say don't kiss me again just ask first. He nodded succinctly and left.

Hari slumped against the wall her hand rose to her mouth again. Tom Riddle had just kissed her! Merlin help her...she like it! She groaned as heat coiled in her belly. When she thought he still looked like Voldemort she had found herself somewhat attracted to his brilliance and wit, but now...now he was handsome on top of it all not to mention his mouth tasted like exquisite chocolate and smooth, expensive liquor.

Why? She wondered as she left the room five minutes later, still shaking slightly and headed for her meeting with her proxy and her godfathers. She wasn't really looking forward to it because as much as she loved her godfather he had his prejudices and blind spots and this was really, really not going to go over well.

She entered the room and nodded to Barton Tessron, her chosen proxy for her Wizengamot seats. "Sorry for the delay."

"What's wrong Hari? Who was that?" Sirius asked tensely. "And how are you suddenly older?"

"Nothing's wrong. I used an aging potion. I needed to look grown to live alone. I need to deal with other issues before I talk about what just happened."

Sirius looked ready to argue then sighed and slumped back. "Okay. I'm not going to make the same mistakes as everyone else and demand things from you."

Hari hugged him from behind. "Thank you." She hugged Remus. "It's good to see you, Moony."

"You too, cub." Remus murmured sadly, petting her arm.

"Okay," she took a deep breath as she took her seat. "You most likely aren't going to be happy with what I'm going to say, but I've thought it out so...Mr. Tessron, we've talked about you being my proxy if I decided to activate my seats and I think that I need to do that."

"Of course, Lady Potter. I shall be honored to be your proxy."

Sirius frowned. "I'm your godfather. I should be your proxy, pup."

Hari shifted uneasily in her chair. "I know, Sirius, but...my votes won't always go with the Light side."

"What! You can't possibly side with Dark Wizards, Hari. What are you thinking? They're evil and..."

"Sirius, listen to her first." Remus growled seeing Hari's face close off.

"This is why I chose someone else as proxy. I refuse to fight with you every time my opinion differs from yours. I am determined to do what's right for the wizarding world regardless of popular opinion. The Light side is just as blind as the Dark. There are evil Light wizards and good Dark wizards. They both have good ideas and it isn't going to help the general population to shoot down an idea just because of where it comes from. Dark wizards aren't all Evil and you need to get over that opinion and truly look at the cause because they want what's best for their children just like Light wizards do. They just don't want all our old traditions cast aside. Mr. Tessron already knows my stance and since I'm paying him he'll vote as I wish regardless."

"What is your stance, cub?" Remus asked softly.

"Grey." She said tensely. "Light or Dark Wizard I don't care as long as what you propose improves our world. I want more protection for children especially muggleborn. I want a representative in Hogwarts so that when a child says they are being abused at home real action will take place and that child will be rescued. I want earlier introduction of muggleborn to the magical world. Some of the Dark Arts should be judiciously taught. Not all old traditions are bad even some that use blood are worth keeping."

"Dark arts, blood rituals, old traditions where did these ideas come from Hari? Who have you been talking to?" Sirius snapped.

"I've been reading, Sirius." Hari hissed sharply. "I've been reading and studying and using my brain to think for myself instead of following a manipulative old man like a good little lamb. How blind can you be to think that just because someone uses Light magic they're automatically good?"

"Light magic doesn't stain your soul!"

"Neither does all so-called Dark magic." Hari shouted back. "Merlin! Do some research! Anything the Ministry doesn't like; anything they feel threatened by is labeled as Dark. Sweet Circes, Remus here is labeled as Dark! Does that make him Evil? Should we turn our backs on him? Hunt him down and slaughter him?"

Remus and Sirius paled at her vehement declarations.

"How could you...Remus isn't...that's...that's absurd!" Sirius spluttered.

"So are your statements. I love you both, but..."

"Blood rituals, Hari. Those are evil." Remus cut her off sharply.

"So my mother was an evil dark wizard because she used a blood ritual to save my life? A healer would be evil if they used a blood related spell to save their patient?"

"There aren't any blood related healing spells." Remus countered.

"Yes. There are. I've the books at home. They just aren't allowed in Britain."

They stared at her then looked at each other while Mr. Tessron sat quietly waiting for the tiff between his client and her family to be settled.

Finally, after several half sentences and gestures Sirius sighed. "Perhaps not all blood rituals are evil. A lot of the Dark Arts are though."

"True, but then again Dumbledore used Light spells to bind my magic and manipulate me into being willing to sacrifice myself for the Greater Good."

Remus growled at the reminder and Sirius flinched at the bitter hatred in his goddaughter's voice.

"We understand Hari. We won't protest your choice of proxy." Remus replied with a sharp look at Sirius when he opened his mouth to protest.

Hari slumped slightly. "Mr. Tessron will have a messenger pouch. If any issues arise that he is uncertain of he will use that pouch to send a copy of the proposal to me. Now, I want you all to look over these proposals and tell me what you think before I have Mr. Tessron introduce them for me."

Hari made three copies of the proposals and handed them out. She read hers more closely while they studied their copies.

Remus looked up at Hari. "Did you write these?"

Hari shook her head. "I traded ideas with the author, but no I didn't write them."

"These are well-written and thought out. Pre-schools for magical children are a grand idea. Too many arrive at Hogwarts without a thorough background or even being able to read and write very well. I would start with this one. It will be the easiest to pass."

Sirius nodded. "I'd follow that one up a month or so later with the muggleborn detection. You could tie it into the pre-schools. Bring the muggleborn in for partial days to learn the basics of their new world before attending school."

"Exactly," Hari exclaimed with a grin. "I was totally clueless when I entered Hogwarts and kept stumbling over rules and traditions that I didn't know or understand. A huge part of the feud between Light and Dark; Pureblood and Muggleborn are the way traditions are ignored. They don't understand that we don't know about them."

Sirius frowned. "If they begin teaching Old Traditions, they'll be shut down."

"Believe me; the author of these bills is very cunning. He'll start with innocuous traditions."

"The orphanages though..." Remus sighed.

"What about them?"

"They're a good idea I just don't know what kind of support you'll get."

Hari smiled grimly. "Oh, I'll get support. I'm more devoted to them than any other issue. I'll get support if I have to stand before the entire Wizengamot and reveal every ugly aspect of my childhood. I'll get support if I have to post a detailed accounting of that ugly childhood on the doors of Gringotts."

"We just have to approach it right." Mr. Tessron interjected. "Children are our future. Children are vital to the continuance of our society. The sooner we get them away from the muggle world and enamored with wizarding society the more likely they are to remain."

"So you agree these are good bills? You'd support them if Mr. Tessron introduces them?"

"Yeah sure, pup."

"Yes," Remus agreed giving her a sharp look. "Now who wrote them?"

Hari grinned at Remus. "You are a suspicious one, aren't you?"

"You have a look about you like James when he was in the midst of a very tricky prank."

Hari brightened. "Really?"

Remus laughed in spite of the situation. "Yes. I take it that young man gave these to you. He was a dark wizard I take it."


"What were you thinking going off alone with a Dark Wizard?"

"How do you know he doesn't have a hidden agenda?"

"How can you trust him?"

"When did you become familiar with Dark wizards?"

"How did he know you'd be here today?"

"Enough!" Hari shouted over them, pushing a little with her magic.

A stunned look swept over them at her immense power. Suddenly, it wasn't their goddaughter glaring at them, but Lady Potter, Head of the Ancient and Noble House. They stared a moment longer before collapsing in their chairs.

"He brought them to me because no matter how good the idea is, no matter how much it would benefit us if it is introduced by a Dark wizard the Light wizards vote against it."

Sirius glared at her then at the proposals. A Dark Wizard had drafted these proposals? He read through them again looking for hidden agenda, but couldn't find any. "Who wrote these, pup?" He asked softly feeling like the ground was shifting under his feet too fast to keep his balance.

"I'd rather not say at the moment." Hari stated. "Your reaction to him not being Light is bad enough.

They both glared at Hari.

"You're helping Dark Wizards?" Sirius whispered looking betrayed. "They killed James and Lily. How could you?"

Hari held onto her temper. In the months she'd been at Forks she'd gotten used to being treated like an adult instead of a recalcitrant child. "Because they are beneficial. You just said they were very well-written, good proposals." Hari replied quietly.

"Have you looked at the bills Dumbledore has voted on? Have you taken the time to learn anything about the man you follow? He talks of supporting muggleborn and magical creature rights, but if you actually look at his voting history especially his proxies you'll find something very different. You asked how I could support Dark Wizards after Voldemort killed my parents while insane. I ask you how you could continue to support Dumbledore after he set my parents up to die; after he framed you and left you to rot for twelve years; after he refused to stay the Kiss on sight order; after he didn't even try to get help for the Longbottoms?"

"He didn't set James and Lily up!" Sirius growled.

Mr. Tessron cleared his throat. "Lady Potter if we're finished perhaps I should go."

Hari nodded. "I apologize, Mr. Tessron." She signed the forms and handed them to him to activate her seats. "Activate my seats in the next meeting and introduce the pre-school idea."

He stood after accepting the forms and filing them in his briefcase. He nodded to them all and left.

Hari looked at Sirius incredulously. "Thuas Sa Speir is unplottable and has generations of wards. It even has goblin wards layered on it. It has never been breached. Yet instead of hiding there Dumbledore talked them into Godric's Hollow with wards he set. So I ask again...how could you support him?"

"He's the only one Voldemort is afraid of." Remus replied

"Did you ever wonder why?"

"He's more powerful."

Hari laughed mirthlessly. "No he isn't at least not if he sticks to Light spells like a good little Light wizard." Hari leaned forward. "Voldemort is afraid of Dumbledore because he knows the truth about him."

"And what's that truth, Hari?"

"That he is a ruthless, power-hungry, vain master manipulator who will not hesitate to destroy anyone who threatens his power. He isn't good even if his aura is still Light. He hasn't many morals. That fear is what drove Tom Riddle to create the first Horcrux. At seventeen he'd figured out that Dumbledore would kill him without hesitation if Tom got in his way."

There was stunned silence for a long while then Sirius cleared his throat. "You said you traded ideas with this Dark wizard. Is he one of Voldemort's followers?"

"No." Hari huffed forcing the guilt of the partial lie back. They would never side with her on these very important proposals if they knew who had written them.

Sirius ran his fingers through his hair. "I want to believe you, pup. I want to support you, but I'm not sure I know you anymore. You left England without consulting us. You refuse to say where you are now. You're bitter and angry and have every right to be, but I'm afraid that you are letting it influence your decisions. You're consorting with Dark wizards. Have you gone Dark, Hari? Is Voldemort leaving you alone because you're his now?"

Hari flinched like Sirius had slapped her then anger flared in her eyes. "You are so closed minded! You're blind and bigoted. You went to the extreme opposite of your family and stayed there without bothering to find out facts about anything! Merlin! It's no wonder Slytherins sneer in disgust at Gryffindors! Dumbledore leads you around by the nose, does evil things that are just ignored and you just lap up his crap then you dare accuse me of being influenced by Dark wizards when you've been following one of the evilest wizards alive your entire adult life!"

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, pup!" Sirius raged.

"I'll tell you and anyone else the truth as I see it." Hari yelled back. "Grow up and think for yourself!" She took a deep breath. "Dumbledore plotted with Grindelwald to slaughter muggles to reduce their numbers to the point that they would be controllable. They intended to rule over muggles and wizards together. After the falling out that killed his sister, Dumbledore betrayed Grindelwald to get the glory of being a hero. Years later as Deputy Headmaster, he kept pushing a young orphan into an abusive place so he could set him up and manipulated him into becoming the next Dark Lord so he could renew his glory except Tom exceeded Dumbledore's expectations because Tom is a genius and a powerhouse."

"You alluded to all this in your farewell letter. Where did you get this information, Hari?"

Hari took a deep, steadying breath. She hadn't imagined the meeting would go this horribly wrong, but then again she didn't know Tom was going to be waiting there for her to upend her plans. "Several places...Dumbledore gave me some tidbits; Aberforth, his brother told me some and some...some I got from Tom Riddle himself."

"Tom...Voldemort?" Remus' eyes widened. "You've had conversations with Voldemort!"

Hari nodded. "Surprisingly enough he's one of the few that I've never been able to catch lying to me. Sad isn't it?"

"Did you talk to him before you left England?" Sirius asked harshly. He couldn't believe this was James' daughter sitting here telling him these things.

"Yes. We've spoke several times over the years. We do keep running into each other. Even when he was crucio-ing the hell out of me he usually had something informative to say."

"What did you agree to pup?" Sirius demanded harshly as connections snapped into place. "I know there's more you aren't telling us."

"I don't have to tell you everything!" Hari hissed. "It pisses you off, doesn't it...having vital information withheld...trying to make important decisions in the dark. I know it did me over the years."

"Hari...cub...we're just worried."

"And afraid I've turned all dark and evil." Hari looked at her godfathers. Her eyes were full of hurt. "Do you think I'm such a coward that I've abandoned all my morals just to save my life? Do you hate me because I won't bow to your demands and beliefs?"

"No! We could never hate you. I'm sorry I yelled at you like that, but he killed Lily and James though. How can you...?" Sirius broke off with a strangled sound.

She ran a hand through her hair. She hated fighting with Sirius. He was the closest thing to a father she had ever had. She took a deep breath and exhaled. She took a second to organize her thoughts. "I miss the idea of parents, but I've never known them or even parental figures. Voldemort I could hate for taking away that possibility from me. Tom Riddle is an entirely different person. If he hadn't been insane, he wouldn't have done the things he did and if Dumbledore had helped him when he was a child instead of terrorizing him, he wouldn't have been bitter enough or desperate enough to do the things he did.

To be honest if it weren't for you, Padfoot I'd have turned into him myself after everything Dumbledore has done to me. You proved that you loved me by escaping Azkaban and rescuing me. You gave me a sense of belonging and showed me what love was. I didn't know that before you. My relatives hated me, Dumbledore manipulated me and my so-called best friends are really spies. You have no idea the plans I was forming before you showed up and taught me about love. The Sorting Hat pushed to put me in Slytherin. The Sorting Hat said I'd be an even Greater Dark Lady that the Dark Lord. I was already plotting how to kill the Dursleys and get away with it before I started Hogwarts. You stopped that. You taught me about love and laughter. I wanted your love and acceptance more than I wanted their death or revenge."

"Sweet Circe," Remus huffed in shock while Sirius stared in silent shock at the vengeful look on Hari's face.

Having Ollivander talk about her dual nature – Dark and Light mingled was one thing. Seeing it, listening to her now made it shockingly real.

Hari huffed. "Hate and betrayal that was all I knew except for you and Remus. If I want anyone dead in revenge for James and Lily, it's Dumbledore. Dumbledore I could kill and then I'd dance on his grave."

She took a deep breath and shoved the hate down. "Tom has his sanity back. He's reining in his Death Eaters. He freed you." Hari said softly meeting Sirius' eyes.

"He..." Sirius' eyes hardened. "What did it cost?"

"Nothing. You're freedom was a gift from him to me."

"You really are in communication with Voldemort." Remus whispered.

Hari rubbed her hands over her face. "We all have a lot to think about. I have to go."

"Where are you living now, pup?"

"I can't say."

"You mean you won't say. Does Voldemort know where you are?"

"No," Hari huffed. "Tom doesn't know." She rubbed her temples. "I hate this," she whispered. "I hate being away from you. I hate fighting with you." She stood abruptly. "I'm not a Death Eater. I'm not Dumbledore's sacrificial lamb either." She met Sirius' gaze. "I don't want to lose you, but I won't back down from my beliefs. I'll...I'll write soon." She fled the room.

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