𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Jan 29 Cullens arrive in England / meeting Brianne

The Cullens stepped off the plane in England not bothering to hide their amusement at the young ones. It had been a very long trip especially for those that didn't sleep. There was profound relief from Jacob and Seth to finally be off the cramped plane and the enforced stillness. Nessie looked around excitedly. She hadn't been many places and being in a totally different country had her bouncing with excitement. She couldn't wait to see Reese and Diagon and Hogwarts and the Knight Bus and all the wonderful things she had glimpsed in Reese's head.

Emmett and Rosalie were eager to go sightsee by themselves for a few days. They liked Reese and Sirius more than Edward and Bella did but not as much as the others did. Edward and Bella found them too immature to become close friends. Reese and Sirius thought they were too stuck up and rigid to care what they thought about them. Rosalie just preferred not to get attached to short lived mortals.

Carlisle sighed at the sullen Leah. Edward said she was grateful to be away from Forks but she didn't see any hope of a solution. Hopefully after a few days she would let go of the angst and enjoy her vacation.

The customs agent was a bit bemused by the nine beautiful, mesmerizing people in one overwhelming dose. It wasn't long before they were cleared and headed out.

"There," Edward murmured pointing out a very uncomfortable Remus and Sirius.

Jasper was thankful when the two wizards led them out of the throng of warm blooded humans.

"A portkey," Nessie squealed excitedly when Sirius and Remus pulled out two Frisbees.

Remus chuckled. "You won't be so excited afterwards. It isn't a pleasant sensation the first couple of times."

"Great," Leah mumbled. "A long boring plane ride now this."

"Come on, Sis, lighten up." Seth reprimanded reaching for the Frisbee eagerly.

Intrigued, especially the older vampires that had become blasé about things, they touched the Frisbees.

The portkey jerked their belly buttons and squeezed them hard. London spun and twirled around them until they landed in a heap in a hallway of an old Victorian aged home.

Sirius and Remus laughed as their guests untangled themselves and gained their feet. Only Carlisle and Esme remained on their feet.

"Get off me," Leah shoved at her brother and the stinking vampire on top of her.

Seth scrambled to his feet as Rosalie bared her teeth at Leah and hissed.

"Rosalie," Carlisle called her down quietly.

"Shame on you for laughing," a female voice reprimanded them although her voice was laced with humor.

"Ah, come on, Bri." Sirius whined. "Elegant vampires in a pile on the floor...that's funny."

Brianne shook her head at him while her lips twitched. She reached down to help the young one's up. "It still isn't nice to laugh at your guests. Hi, I'm Brianne."

"Carlisle Cullen. My wife, Esme. Edward and Bella. Their daughter, Renesmee. Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice."

Brianne took a breath. They were mesmerizingly beautiful. She shook off the allure they emitted unconsciously.

Sirius clapped his hands together excitedly. "Let's introduce you to house elves. Nobody attack the excited little beings that are about to appear." He grinned at the confused looks. "Dobby, Winky."

Two loud pops and the oddest creatures they'd ever seen appeared. "Master Sirius calls! What cans Dobby and Winky does for Master Sirius?" Dobby bounced up and down excitedly while Winky looked thrilled and expectant.

Remus guffawed at their guests' bemused looks.

"We have guests." Sirius exclaimed. He explained the sleeping arrangements. "Take the luggage upstairs."

The elves began popping in and out with the multiple suitcases that littered the entrance hall.

"Tour!" Sirius exclaimed almost as excitedly as Dobby. He led them through the renovated house – sitting rooms, dens, studies, libraries, conservatories, rooftop garden, dining room, ballroom and kitchen.

Nessie was vibrating with excitement. "Will Reese be here soon? When do we get to ride on the Knight Bus? Are we going to Diagon Alley first or Dylan Marketplace? Is Tom coming with us?"

"Breath." Esme ordered gently with a soft laugh.

Nessie flushed and ducked her head.


"Hari." Sirius explained.

Brianne chuckled. "I'm wondering when I get to meet her myself."

"Luckily the public doesn't know about the deal she made with Riddle about staying out of England or we'd have a hard time explaining her being here and him not attacking. As far as when," Sirius shrugged. "Tentatively tomorrow unless something comes up on their end."

Jan 30

Hari breezed in the front door of Grimmauld with Tom in tow. She stopped and gapped at the brightly lit hall. "Wow."

"Improvement?" Tom asked glancing about curiously. The horror the Order and Dumbledore would feel seeing him here. He mentally snickered.

Hari grinned and then sent him images of the hall before renovations were made. Tom shuddered.

"Miss Hari has come visit!" Dobby exclaimed popping up in front of them.

"Hi, Dobby. Everyone in the kitchen?"

"Most is in kitchen. Miss wolf is in room still. Mister Edward and Miss Bella too."

Hari sighed. Leah was going to be an issue. "Thanks."

She tugged Tom into motion and clattered down the stairs. "Morning everyone," she called out gaily as she popped out of the stairwell into the kitchen.



Sirius hugged her close pressing a kiss to her hair. He focused on the silent man behind her. "Good morning, Lord Slytherin."

"Good morning, Lord Black."

"How long are you two going to keep that up?" Hari huffed.

Sirius looked unhappy. With a put upon sigh, he relented. "Call me Sirius."

The Dark Lord inclined his head graciously. "You may call me Tom."

Sirius nodded before turning to introduce her to his girlfriend. "Pup, the only woman capable of putting up with me, Brianne Luftlin. Brianne, my brilliant and adorable goddaughter, Hari Potter."

Hari eyed the dark brunette warily. What would happen if she didn't like her? It could happen. Hari found that lots of people loved her or hated her on sight. Blue eyes sparkled good-naturedly as Brianne stepped forward and hugged her.

"I've wondered when I was going to meet you. He only manages to work you into about half our conversations." She said laughingly.

"You were in quite a few of ours as well." Hari murmured relaxing at the warm greeting. "Sorry you didn't get to come to St. Johns."

Brianne stepped back and wrapped an arm around Sirius'. "Siri explained." She waved at the Cullens.

Hari nodded and reached for Tom. "This is Tom Riddle."

"Ms. Luftlin."

"Lord Slytherin."

"Tom is fine."

"Brianne then."

Nessie couldn't contain herself any longer and jumped up to hug Reese carefully then began babbling about the flight over and how antsy the guys were on the plane and how everyone stared at them in the airport and the portkey.

Hari laughed as her friend dragged her over to sit at the table with her. She looked over at Tom helplessly.

"Come sit with me, your lordship." Hari ordered in an amused tone at his regal manner.

Tom glared at her but moved to settle between her and Alice.

"What are we doing today? Please tell me we get to ride that bus!"

Hari laughed. "Sure we can ride the bus."

Rosalie grimaced.

"For those too dignified for the Knight Bus there is always apparition, portkeys and the floo network." Hari huffed. "Nessie, Seth, Alice, Jasper and I are taking the Bus to Diagon."

Leah and Jacob had the same sour looks that Edward, Bella and Rosalie did.

"I'll show whoever wants how to floo to the Leaky Caldron." Remus murmured.

"Well, I for one want to experience it all." Esme murmured with a gentle smile at Hari.

"Then we will take this Knight Bus." Carlisle smiled. He looked over at his way too serious offspring. "Eternity is a long time to be serious and worried about your dignity."

Tom sighed and stood. "Come along then. We'll catch the Knight Bus at the kerb."

"You're coming with us?" Hari asked grinning delightedly.

Tom eyed Jacob's glowering face. He would be going with Nessie no matter how he felt about it and he didn't care much for Hari. "Yes."

In the end Tom, Hari, Nessie, Jacob, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Seth, Carlisle, Esme, Sirius and Brianne traipsed out for the Bus. Edward, Bella, Rosalie and Leah were shown how to floo by Remus although the vampires eyed the green flames very, very warily.

Out on the stoop, Tom gathered his composure and flung up his wand. Within two minutes, a large purple triple-decker bus appeared with a BANG! It slewed around the parked cars and came to a stop in front of them. The door crashed open and a young witch in gaudy robes and lots of jewelry muttered, "Welcome to the Day Bus, emergency transportation for stranded witches and wizards. Eleven sickles. Hot cocoa for two sickles."

"This is so cool!" Nessie squealed, clapping her hands.

"Oh just wait," Hari snickered and once Tom handed over seven galleons and 13 sickles for the lot of them she dragged Nessie onto the bus.

With an excited giggle, Alice dragged the long-suffering Jasper after them. Everyone entered with a bit more decorum. Tom brought up the rear silently. He would never hear the end of this if his Death Eaters found out.

He found Hari, Nessie and Seth on the second level gleefully scrunched in armchairs of different styles. No sooner had he sat than the bus took off. It careened around the corner and shot off down the next street weaving between vehicles and ignoring traffic lights.

Hari and Nessie held hands and slid across the floor together laughing uproarishly as they went from one end to the other.

Jacob latched onto a pole and held on in silent disapproval.

Tom watched them in dignified silence. His eyes lit with affection as he watched Hari toss every bit of decorum out the window. He glanced about taking in the others reactions. Carlisle and Esme seemed to enjoy the ride quietly. Seth looked a bit green. Jacob had a scowl plastered across his face. Alice was squealing just like Hari and her friend. Jasper was silent and composed but his eyes were dancing with amusement, but he was an empathy so he could just be picking up the girls' infectious emotions.

The bus squeezed between two trucks making all the first timers cry out and flinch expecting to crash. They were astonished when they flattened out and came out the other side expanding back to normal. Tom chuckled at the looks on their faces. The bus came to an abrupt stop sending them all sliding to the front of the bus.

Hari and Nessie were supporting each other and laughing as they tottered off the bus in front of the Leaky Caldron.

"Never again," Jacob growled as he stalked past them.

"Merlin, how can your Imprint be such a stick in the mud I'll never know." Hari grumped.

Jacob growled at her threateningly.

"Jacob." Carlisle called him down sharply.

Tom was between them in a flash. His wand pressed against the shifter's chest. "If I decide you are a threat to her, I will end you." He hissed. "Understand that you are not the big bad around here. I am."

Jacob glared a moment at the furious wizard with red eyes then averted his gaze.

"Tom," Hari linked her arm with his and pulled him back. "Don't fight. Not here."

Tom stared at the shifter a moment longer before relaxing slightly with a sharp nod. He prodded Hari into the pub and led the group over to the table Remus and the rest were sitting at. None of them looked happy as they stared around the dingy pub.

Tom sighed internally. It was not going to be a pleasant day.

Nessie glared at Jacob. "I thought we settled this. Reese is my friend. I am going to hang out with her and have fun. If you are going to be a spoilsport all day long then you can go away Jacob Black!"


"No. I refuse to turn into a stuck-up prig who has no idea of how to have fun, Jacob. There is a time and place to be dignified and serious, but that is not 24/7. You are too prickly about your pride."

"I'm an Alpha. I have to be in charge. I have to lead."

"And you think that if you crack a smile, if you laugh or play a bit that Seth and Leah won't respect you?"

Jacob's jaw set mulishly.

Nessie sighed. "Whatever, Jacob." She turned to the wizards. "I'm ready to check out this shopping district."

Hari tugged Tom into motion grabbing Sirius' arm as she passed by him pulling him with them through the pub and out the back door. Sirius laughed at her eagerness to shop and tapped the wall.

The wall opened up brick by brick until the crooked, crazy madness that was Diagon Alley was revealed. "Welcome to Diagon Alley," Sirius called out theatrically then he bowed, arm flung out to beckon them into the magical district.

Hari, Nessie and Alice dashed through the opening laughing and giggling.

Tom watched them for a moment before his eyes swept over the crowd. He rarely saw Hari this carefree. His gaze cut to Jasper whose face was already beginning to line with pain. He moved to walk beside the vampire. "Do you trust me?"

Jasper eyed him a moment. "Reservedly. I trust Hari."

"Down Knockturn Alley is a shop that sells amulets, pendants, charms and whatnot. I believe they might have something to help being in crowds be a bit easier on you."

In front of them, Alice whirled. "Go with him Jasper."

Jasper stared a second then nodded abruptly. He followed the Dark Lord swiftly down the crowded street and then into the dark and brooding side street. Several twists and turns later they were in a dingy shop full of musty old things and so thick with dark magic that Jasper felt it on his skin making him twitch uneasily.

"I need something to help an empath mute the emotions around him and to help a vampire control their bloodlust." Tom addressed the man behind the counter.

"And what makes you think I'd have anything like that?" The man sneered at the two young men.

"Do not play games with me." Tom hissed letting his eyes flare ruby red.

The shop owner's eyes widened. "My apologies, my lord." He bowed low then hurried off to a room behind the counter.

Ten minutes later he was back. "It won't completely mute them, but it will make being around others bearable."

"How much?"

The man looked a bit shocked. Recovering quickly, he said, "Thirty galleons."


"Yes, my lord."

Jasper snorted. Apparently being a dark lord got you a lot of bowing and subservience.

Tom handed over twenty galleons then handed the brushed bronze medallion to Jasper who hesitantly put it on. The overwhelming buzz of emotions faded into the background.

Tom chuckled at the startled look on the vampire's face. "Better?"

"Much. Thank you." Jasper murmured.

Tom nodded. "Let's get back before the little alpha does something that makes me have to kill him."

Jasper sighed. "Jacob has always been prideful, opinionated and hot-tempered. Before he imprinted on Renesmee none of the shifters could stand to be near us. They stayed away from us and we stayed away from them. Every encounter was fraught with barely contained animosity. Now there is mingling. He loves Renesmee, tolerates Carlisle because he respects him and hates the rest of us just as passionately as ever. He especially hates Edward for changing Bella. He was barely managing to repress the hate and resentment then Reese appeared. It is more than he can suppress."

"He sees her delicate size and thinks he intimidate her."

"He is used to being vulnerable only to us."

"Perhaps it is time to learn there are other deadly beings around."

They had reached Flourish and Botts so let the topic drop as they entered to find the rest of the group happily browsing the shelves.

Alice grinned when she saw them and danced over to wrap herself around Jasper. "Better?"

"Yes. Lots."

"I found some history books I thought you'd like."

Tom moved off and searched the rows for Hari. Finding her in the section of Healing with Carlisle, he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He smiled contentedly when she leaned back against him while continuing to explain potions to the vampire.

Feb 1 1997


Hari leaned against Tom and watched the mass of witches and wizards chat and laugh together at the long trestle tables loaded with food. Adults watched the children as they ran and played around the large bonfires. Occasionally, someone would approach the roaring fire with blood smeared parchment – wishes and hopes for the new year tossed into the fire to be wafted up to the watching gods and goddesses.

She sighed in contentment and leaned back against Tom's solid presence. His hand had slid under her shirt hem a bit ago and now he was absently stroking the small swell of her belly where their child grew.

Leah was a bit less sullen after several days black moods and rude conversations. Everyone was glad that she seemed to be slowly losing the bitter, angry attitude.

Nessie and Alice had joined the witches and wizards in the long line dance that was winding its way between hay bales, corn stalk sheaves, and the bonfires.

The vampires glittered in the weak February sunshine. It had taken a few hours before her people had relaxed around them, but their profound faith in the Potter family finally won out over the distrust against vampires. The Lady Potter would not have brought danger into their midst.

"Evaline." Tom murmured in her ear.







She chuckled. "No."

He leaned back against the tree and snugged her tight against his chest. He rested his chin on her shoulder. "Jonathan."




"Hmmm. Ester."

"No. Patrick."

"Possibly. Why are boy names easier?"

"Girls are difficult from the very beginning. Katlin."

"Katlin Marie."

Hari tilted her head to the side. "I like it."

Tom pressed light kisses to her neck. "When are we telling Black?"

"Alice says not until after the battle with Dumbledore. She seemed really serious about it."

"Their gifts are still a bit unnerving."

"You know they are moving to England. Carlisle posed it as a possibility but Nessie says Alice sees them living over here."

"And you? Are you moving back over here?"

"As long as I can stay out of the fighting."

Tom turned her in his arms. Bracketing her face with his hands he met her eyes. "Trust me. I do not want you anywhere near the fighting. And as far as my less than desirable followers, I have managed to lose several of them in several different skirmishes."

"You know Bella is going to have a huge issue with me especially when it becomes known I'm pregnant."

"If I have to, I'll kill her. You and our child are the most important things to me."

Hari slid her arms around his neck and leaned into him. She never would have imagined her life turning out this way. In love with Tom Riddle; helping him win the war even if it was in the Wizengamot. Carrying his child.


Delaine Pfeiffer stood up and with a bang of purple sparks gained the attention of all the children in the hall for breakfast. "I have something to tell you and I will not sugarcoat it for you. In going over the wards, I have discovered that there were light compulsions that swept over the inhabitants of the school nightly. These compulsions made you trust Albus Dumbledore, made you hesitant to tell anyone of what went on here, made you distrust those not in your own House especially Slytherins."

He paused as the shocked silence deepened. He let them have a moment to absorb what he'd said. "I have arranged to have mind healers come after exams and remove all these compulsions from each and every one of you. Letters will be sent to your parents. The staff has decided not to wait to have the compulsions removed from them. Healers are arriving this morning to take care of this task. I am telling you this because you will notice strange behavior from the staff over the next week or so. They will act oddly, emotional, irrational at times as their minds adjust to being free from control after decades of enforced behavior. The mind healers will be here for a week to oversee their recovery. Any punishments given will be review by me before it stands. Any questions?"

Hands went up around the hall. The headmaster looked around, then decided to choose a fairly neutral choice for first question.

"Ms. Abbott."

"Do you know how long those compulsions have been in the wards?"

"Not exactly. They were very entrenched so I would say at least thirty years or more. Possibly from the moment he became headmaster." He looked around and saw anger, disgust and disbelief on their faces. "I know that the majority of you are thinking that there is no way that Dumbledore would do something like this – that would be the compulsions at work. Only the very strong minded or Slytherin House would be able to resist them at all. Slytherin House because their Founder was a clever and paranoid wizard who knew that not every headmaster or mistress would be an altruistic person. Salazar Slytherin wove impenetrable wards around the Slytherin dorms that even a thousand years later nearly completely neutralized the compulsions. Mr. Corner."

"What will this cost us? Mind healers aren't cheap and not everyone has galleons to spare."

"It will cost you nothing. The Board of Governors is covering the cost since this travesty happened under their watch. Ms. Granger." He sighed mentally as he called on the bristling Gryffindor.

"I don't believe you. I believe this is all part of the plot to make us lose faith in Professor Dumbledore. I won't submit to your healers."

Many of the Gryffindors muttered assent, nodding their heads and looking mulish.

Pfeiffer gave them a stern look. "I'm afraid you aren't being given a choice in the matter. You are under mental coercion and we will not allow it to continue."

"You can't force us to let someone in our minds! That's immoral and...and...most likely illegal!"

"What was illegal, Ms. Granger was Albus Dumbledore placing the compulsions. I, on the other hand, am legally and morally mandated to free you from his control."

Into the chaotic shouts of disbelief and anger walked the six mind healing team.

Headmaster Pfeiffer sent out a burst of magic that shocked the hall into silence. "Enough of this improper behavior. Enjoy your weekend."

The hall emptied quickly leaving Pfeiffer alone with the healers and the staff. "Healer Stone where and how do you want to do this?"

Healer Stone, a dignified older wizard sighed. "It would be best to do this in the infirmary. I have no doubt that the tenured staff will be occupying beds most of the weekend."

"The weekend?! Who will look after the students?"

"Professor Moss will look after Hufflepuff, Professor Portune – Gryffindor, Professor Kettlestop – Ravenclaw and Professor Keslar – Slytherin." Pfieffer replied. "Once the Head of Houses are on their feet again those four will be checked out."

Worriedly, the staff lead the mind healers to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey met them looking stern and determined. She had a large supply of headache potions and calming draughts at hand. She had screened off one entire side of the infirmary to give the staff privacy from any students that might show up.

"Who's first?" Healer Stone asked.

McGonagall drew herself. "I will go first."

The others quickly paired off with the remaining five healers and entered the partitioned off areas. Snape hung back. He didn't dare let just anyone into his mind. He met Pfeiffer's gaze.

"Wait for Healer Lindston."

Snape nodded. His attention snapped to the screened off areas as choked cries emanated from them.

"Stop! Stop! Please....please..."

Snape winced at hearing the stern deputy headmistress pleading for them to stop. Not that they could or would. She had been here since the beginning. Fifty years of compulsions had to be removed from her mind. Snape wondered if she would come through it unscathed.

Somehow he doubted it.

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