𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Jan 18

Remus and Sirius took a deep breath and touched the portkey letting it sweep them from England to the mysterious home of their goddaughter to meet with her and the Dark Lord.

They appeared in an empty living room staring out a wall of windows at a peaceful forest scene. Deep snow lay over the ground.

They turned around in a circle taking in the cozy room – a large fireplace where a fire burned merrily; a large screen television with a game system sprouting multiple controllers attached. The furniture was comfy looking.

The room flowed into a kitchen with a counter to eat at. Colorful, quirky knickknacks were spread throughout the rooms.

A small blonde and white dog jumped up from the dog bed by the fireplace and barked at them fiercely. Tiny claws making scrabbling sounds on the tiled floor.

They both blinked at the fierce little animal. Tiny, fierce, protective just like their goddaughter.

This was definitely Hari's home.

Where was she though?

"Pup!" Sirius called out loudly as he and Remus moved to the doorway and peered down the hall in each direction.

"One moment," a male voice called down the stairs in front of them.

They tensed. Before worry could overwhelm them there was the sound of footsteps on the stairs and then Hari appeared looking pale and anxious. The wizard they had seen at Gringotts behind her looking protective and concerned about her. His dark eyes trained on her as she made her way slowly down the stairs.

Sirius gaze swept over him. Voldemort. A wizard whose name was the stuff of nightmares. He shivered. Voldemort had been in Gringotts with none the wiser. How many times had he been out in Diagon or Hogsmeade even and no one had known the danger that was in their midst? He shook off his wayward thoughts and stepped toward his goddaughter. ""Hari, You okay?"

"Yeah. Nerves." She murmured.

She reached the bottom and hesitated. Sirius forced himself to ignore the Dark Lord standing on the stairs and tugged Hari into his embrace. "I will always love you, Pup. No matter what."

Hari collapsed against him with a sob. Her arms tightened around his waist holding on to him tightly and shaking as if she was coming apart at the seams.

Sirius held her and stroked her hair. He looked up at the silent wizard in confusion. This reaction was a bit extreme even for this situation. Hari was usually very confident and sure of herself.

Tom just looked even more concerned. After a minute when it became obvious that Hari wasn't going to stop the hysterical sobbing he closed the distance and with a look at Sirius pulled Hari from his embrace and turned her into his. "You need to calm down, love." He murmured. "This much upset isn't good for..." He cut the sentence off. "Do you need a calming potion?"

Hari drew in a shuddering breath and tried to stop the heart wrenching tears. She wasn't even really sure why she was crying. Her emotions had been all over the spectrum lately. She drew in another breath and the sobs slowed. She trembled against Tom's chest while he held her and let his love flow over her. She drew in a breath and raised a hand to swipe at her cheeks. "I'm okay," she muttered. "Sorry."

Tom petted her hair and rubbed her back. "No need. You've been extremely stressed lately."

Sirius and Remus watched the interaction intently. The very real care and concern the Dark Lord was showing was a surprise. Nothing they had ever heard about the man would have led them to believe he was capable of this gentleness.

Hari gave Tom a watery smile of gratitude and turned back to her worried godfathers. Her face heated with embarrassment. "Let's start that over again." She huffed. "Hi, Sirius, Remus. Like my home?"

"What we've seen." Sirius murmured. He looked at Riddle pointedly.

"Lord Sirius Black meet Thomas Marvolo Riddle, Lord of Slytherin, Earl of Westmoor."

Tom held his hand out. "Lord Black."

Sirius stared a moment then slowly reached out to shake his hand. It felt surreal – greeting the Dark Lord as if he were an ordinary wizard not as an enemy. This man didn't appear to be the fearsome Dark wizard that people were afraid to even mention by name. No red eyes. No glint of madness. "Lord Slytherin."

"Tom, Remus Lupin."

They shook hands.

Hari gathered herself and led them out to the living room. She moved to the kitchen. "Would you like something to drink?" She scooped up the dog that raced over to her. She rubbed her face in its hair affectionately.

She handed out beverages and led them into the living room where she drew in a determined breath and settled against Tom on the sofa settling Mia in her lap.

Sirius and Remus sat in chairs and stared at them. "How did this happen?" Sirius finally asked in a befuddled voice.

"She sent me a letter verifying that she was bowing out of the war and pleading for me not to send hit wizards after her. I wrote back through Gringotts agreeing that if she stayed out of England except the occasional visit to Gringotts I would leave her alone. I asked for a bit more information. She responded. Before I knew it we had a set of protean charmed journals and were trading views on various subjects."

"Once he confirmed that he was more Tom Riddle than Voldemort, I urged him toward a more political war than one of bloodshed and brute force. I didn't realize that he actually had regained Riddle's form until that day in Gringotts."

"The attraction wasn't acknowledged by either of us until after the vampire attack. I felt them attacking her through the link." Tom's hand trembled on her shoulder. "I felt her dying."

"Dying!" Remus and Sirius glared at her.

Hari flushed and ducked her head.

"Downplayed it, did she?"

"Yes." They growled in tandem.

"He demanded to see me the next day to be sure I was healed. I thought I was going to Gringotts. I ended up in his study. Spent the day researching stuff in his library and getting to know each other even better."

Sirius sighed and rubbed his face. He let his hand drop to his lap as he stared at her helplessly. "Damn it, Pup! Nothing is simple around you."

Hari flinched and curled into Tom's side, pale and unhappy.

"Black," Tom growled warningly as his arms encircled her protectively.

"My entire life I've rejected the Dark beliefs of my family. I'm starting to believe that Hari is right and that they were more Black Magic than Dark, but I've a lifetime of ingrained opinions to overcome. It's not easy. You," he pointed a finger at Tom, "have been the enemy since before I started school."

Tom nodded grimly. He gaze flicked to the mostly silent werewolf.

"Voldemort killed James and Lily." Remus snarled. "Tried to kill Hari." He took in said witch huddled against the Dark Lord soaking in the comfort he was giving her. "We understand you aren't him any more than I am Moony. Moony would...has...killed just as mercilessly as Voldemort. Perhaps even more so." Remus sighed and slumped back. "We aren't turning away from you, Hari."

"It's going to take more than a couple of meetings though to get passed the past." Sirius added honestly. "It took you a couple of months of talking to get past it. Give us time as well."

Hari nodded and swiped her cheeks. She stayed curled against Tom enjoying his steady presence at her side. Suddenly she grinned. "I'll have the Cullens and Seth and the gang come over. You all know them now. We'll grill."

At their nods, she plopped Mia into the Dark Lord's lap and dashed to the kitchen and called them. Tom sighed and scratched behind the dog's silky ears. Mia moaned in pleasure. Sirius and Remus gaped at the sight.

Hari hung up and moved to hover at the edge of the living room. "Want to see the rest of the house while we wait?"

Sirius and Remus stood. "Sure. Show us your home."

She looked at Tom.

He shook his head. "I'll get the steaks out." He put Mia on the floor.

Hari smiled thankfully at him and led Sirius and Remus to the library. The dog pattered faithfully at Hari's side. A slithering sound made Sirius and Remus stop suddenly.

Hari bent and let the red and black snake coil up her arm. "His name is Isthus." She murmured to her pale godfathers. "I am a parselmouth." She huffed. "A magical snake actually helps me perform parselmagic easier."

Sirius' gaze darted to her scar. "The...ho...your scar is why you can talk to snakes, isn't it?"

She met his gaze. "Yes. It's an amazing branch of magic. I really don't want to give it up."

"Just promise me you won't make one yourself." Sirius pleaded.

"I won't. I have no interest in living forever. Not at the cost of an innocent life. I may eventually give it back to him, I haven't decided yet. It doesn't hurt me and there are several advantages to keeping it."

They exited the library at the far end and went out to the bar area. Sirius fiddled with the stereo system and soon music was filling the air.

Hari showed them the pool then up the outside stairs to the deck where the grill was. Entering the house they went up to the bedrooms.

"Seth's room? Riddle is okay with Seth living here?"

Hari grimaced. "Not entirely. He's dealing with it."

Sirius frowned. He wasn't sure he was happy with a teenaged boy living with his goddaughter. "I'll deal with it too, then."

Hari huffed and led them to her room.

They stood on her balcony eyeing the forest.

"Fifty acres?"

"Yep. Fifty acres of highly warded, 'no hunting' forest."

"No hunting?"

"The Cullens. Just to be on the safe side. They have downed cougars before and don't want to mistakenly attack me during a hunt."

Sirius shifted and looked at her intently. "Are you in love with him?"

"Yes." She glowed. She knew she did and couldn't hide it. Didn't want to.

"And he loves you?"


"He's said so?" Remus asked bemused.


"We will ask a lot more questions about his goals and beliefs."

"We know."

"Our guests are arriving," Tom called up the stairs.

Our. Remus and Sirius exchanged glances as they followed Hari down the stairs. They greeted everyone and eyed Esme's contributions in astonishment.

"Alice told me this morning to start cooking." Esme smiled happily as they all helped carry the food up to the patio with the grill.

Hari slid an arm around Tom's waist as he concentrated on starting the gas grill. He had done it all of twice now and was still careful with the muggle device and the open flames. Seth started the second grill. Hari had bought it when more of the pack had started spending time at her house. They could eat. A lot. It was a good thing she was rich.

She levitated the two platters of steaks between Seth and Tom and contentedly leaned her head on his shoulder as the two men started grilling. She listened to Sirius and Remus conversing with Carlisle, Jasper and Embry and sighed with contentment.

"Reese, help me bring up drinks." Alice called out after a few minutes.

Hari slid from Tom's embrace and followed Alice downstairs to the kitchen where they got out the tub and filled it with ice then buried soda cans and a few wine bottles along with the discreetly bottled animal blood.

"So....congratulations?" Alice asked softly.

Hari grinned at her. She hugged her tightly. "Yeah. Thanks for not saying anything. I don't think we'd have handled it well in front of everyone. Pride would have got in our way."

Alice scowled slightly. "Misunderstandings would have happened. Wait to tell your godfathers."

"Wait...how long? Alice?"

"Until after the confrontation with a white haired man."

"Dumbledore," Hari murmured feeling fear skate along her spine.

"You won't fight alone." Alice hugged her back.


"I can't see. It feels soon."

"Okay. We'd best get back up." Hari forced her fear down deep and lightened the tub so she could help carry it.

Alice just laughed at her and grabbed it, carting it up the stairs as if it were empty.

"Show off!"

Tom gave her a penetrating look when they stepped out on the patio, but didn't push the issue.

"Sirius, I hope you don't mind, but we invited Seth and his sister, Leah to join us on our trip to England." Carlisle said as he poured a glass of chilled red wine.

Sirius shook his head. "More the merrier. I've plenty of room. I'm not sure what would be more amusing – the looks from seeing you all in Diagon Alley or the looks if Seth went as a wolf." Sirius gave a bark of laughter just imagining the different responses.

Seth snorted as he flipped the steaks off the grill onto the waiting platters. "I am not wandering around in public as a wolf. Jacob and Leah would have my head."

Embry laughed. "Yeah, they would." He grabbed a plate and began loading it up with food. Quill and Seth made plates as well.

Sirius and Remus sniffed then quickly stood and began piling steak, potato salad, macaroni salad, green bean casserole and corn pudding on plates.

Jasper settled gingerly onto a seat as the emotions began to mellow out and sipped the warmed blood Alice had handed him. "Will we get to see much of this magical world while we are there?"

Remus nodded. "We'll take you to Diagon Alley to shop and to Hogsmeade although I'm not sure you'll be able to see Hogwarts. You aren't exactly muggles, but you aren't magical either. Perhaps the Dylan marketplace."

"I'll have Pfeiffer send you charms for them just in case."

"Take them on the Knight Bus." Hari chuckled. "Everyone should experience it at least once."

"The night bus?" Edward asked. "Why do I see beds?"

Hari, Sirius and Remus all broke up laughing. Even Tom chuckled.

"The Knight Bus picks up stranded witches and wizards and takes them where they need to go. During the day it has overstuffed chairs and sofas. At night it has beds so you can nap if it's a long journey. The wizarding world is quirky."

"That's..." Edward broke off unwilling to offend.

"Brilliant," Nessie spoke up. "I definitely want to try it once during the day and once at night. Will you be able to go with us, Reese?"

"Maybe. I will be able to visit Gr..." Hari huffed when she choked. "Sirius, read them in so I quit choking."

Sirius hesitated. Did he really want the Dark Lord to have access to his home? He studied Riddle. Riddle gazed calmly back, his arm around Hari's waist as she nibbled at some corn pudding and steak. "Give it to him, Remus," he sighed. "Might as well tell them all."

Remus lowered his fork. "Are you sure?"

Sirius held Hari's gaze. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Hari smiled happily.

Remus looked around the group. "The home of Sirius Black is at 12 Grimmauld Place."

Tom was a little surprised that Black agreed to tell him. He felt the knowledge become part of him. He still wouldn't be able to tell others, but he could attack himself if he wished not that he wanted to. "Thank you," he murmured. "I do understand the trust involved."

Finished eating, Seth, Quill and Embry went downstairs to play Halo. Their shouts drew Sirius down and soon they had him playing as well to everyone else's amusement.

Jan 20

Suzanne Miller greeted the nervous parents and the sleepy children as they arrived for the first day of school. She let the ones that wanted to walk their children to the dining room where a breakfast of hot cereal along with toast and jam was being served with pumpkin juice and apple juice. Milk was also an option for those that wanted it.

Thirty-five children showed up for the breakfast program. She had a feeling that not all of them were due to early shifts but due to not having money for a healthy breakfast at home. That was fine. They wanted the children taken care of.

At seven twenty they began prodding the children to the different classrooms. Today would be a day of getting acquainted with the teachers, the other students and the routine.

Books were passed out along with parchment, ink and quills. Each child received a backpack to put their things in. An assignment planner was included. It would update magically as the teachers gave the assignments out so the children didn't have to worry about writing the homework down.

When Ms. Narston picked up Mystic at the end of the day her daughter was bubbling over with excitement.

"I had hot cereal with apple bits in it and toast and juice then we went to class and started learning our letters. I learned A and B and C today. They gave us all these backpacks with our names on them! I got my own little inkwell and quill and parchment and I have to practice tonight writing my letters. Ms. Miller read us a story while we rested then we learned some about Merlin before lunch."

"Did you like lunch?"

Mystic nodded her head. "We had soup with chunks of beef and loads of vegetables and bread to dip in it and pumpkin juice and a piece of chocolate cake. Then we learned..."

Ms. Narston listened as her daughter happily rambled on about everything she learned at school. She would look over her lessons tonight. Maybe on her days off she would read her daughter's books and learn something herself.

Jan 22


"Mrs. Cullens, this is Sue Clearwater."

"Mrs. Clearwater, we were hoping to hear from you. Have you made a decision?" Esme had to remember not to crush the phone in her nervous anticipation.

"Yes. I...I spoke with Billy Black. He says he's talked to Carlisle several times and trusts him. Since Jacob is going I'll allow Leah and Seth to go. I would appreciate having a phone number where I can reach them."

"Of course. We'll write down our flight information as well. We'll have them call you when we land and touch base with you a couple times a week if you want."

"I would appreciate it."

"We'll have the information to you by end of the week."

"Thank you. Bye."

Esme stared at the phone. The abrupt end of the call indicating Sue Clearwater still wasn't completely happy with the trip. She smiled. Happy or not, she was letting them go.

Jan 24 6am England/ 10pm Jan 23 Forks

"Do they have to report at dawn?" Hari snapped as once again her sleep had been interrupted by Death Eaters appearing while it was still dark outside to tell Tom something that she was certain could have waited another hour or two.

"I have a war to run."

"And you have to run it at six in the morning!"

"Sorry if the war doesn't fit into your schedule! My followers do have jobs they have to be at."

"I don't feel well, Tom. I ache. I don't sleep well and I wake up every morning queasy even with the potions. Is it too much to ask that your followers don't interrupt what sleep I do get at six in the morning?!"

"You are being a cranky..." pregnant arse.

An icy silence fell then...

"Well...how about you fight your war as early in the morning as you wish and I'll take my cranky, pregnant arse home where I can sleep without being woke up every morning by groveling sycophants?!"

The door to the study slammed open and Hari stalked out. Her magic whipping around her furiously. She could have just portkeyed from the study, but she perversely wanted to walk out on him and take her anger out on the wizards she knew was waiting to see him.

She glared at the Death Eaters gathered in the Entrance Hall. They glared back shock and anger at her words warring on their faces. Potter was pregnant?

She wasn't in the mood. She was sick and tired and fed up with the male species. She let her magic loose. It slammed into them Dark, Powerful and Angry.

They staggered as it hit them, wrapped around them and Pushed. Their knees buckled taking them to the floor as she swept past them.

"Hari!" Tom shouted as he followed her out into the hall. He glanced in momentary surprise at his followers on their knees looking a bit stunned themselves. "We are not finished. Do not walk away from me!"

Hari whirled and glared at him. "I love you, Tom. I really do, but right now I need you to leave me the hell alone."

And with that she was gone. She arrived in the middle of Forks night. Tired and angry, she took a sleep potion and went to bed.

Jan 25 930am Forks/ 530pm England

Hari had ignored the glowing journal yesterday and firmed up her mental barriers against Tom. She had curled up on the couch playing video games for hours with Seth, walked in her forest soaking up the peace and quiet and missing Tom although she wouldn't admit it loud enough for him to hear then went swimming in her heated pool before sulking off to bed.

She curled up alone and miserable and cried herself to sleep. Mia curled up by her belly and Isthus curled around her arm offering her as much comfort as they could. Hedwig even came in from her beloved forest and preened her hair while making comforting sounds. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to be with Tom, but she refused to slink back the same day she stormed out.

Now she woke up alone if well rested. She stretched and murmured, "Tempus." It was nine thirty am. She was just starting her day. Tom's was ending.

She was curled up on her balcony feeling miserable and lonely when her wards tingled indicating someone allowed had crossed them. She was too wrapped up in unhappiness to tap into them to find out who. She assumed Seth and the guys were over to play Halo.

"Are you still angry with me?"

She jumped to her feet whirling at Tom's unexpected voice. She swallowed and shook her head, tears flooding her eyes. She ran to him with a sob. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

Tom enfolded her in his embrace. "I put out an edict that no one was to come over before eight unless it was an emergency. I also told those that overheard us that they were not to spread the news. We will tell people when we are ready for them to know. Come home, Hari."

Hari nodded against his chest. "I hate being away from you."

"I thought you wanted me to leave you the hell alone for a while." Tom murmured.

"That lasted about three hours then it was pure ornery pride keeping me here." Hari admitted softly.

Tom grinned.

"I can feel your amusement." She huffed.

Tom kissed her, scooped Mia off the floor, hissed for Isthus and when he curled around Hari's leg Tom portkeyed them back to Westmoor.

"Hungry?" He asked solicitously handing her the squirming dog.

"Yes, but my stomach's confused. "I haven't had breakfast and now I'm in England again and its supper time." She reached down and let Isthus coil around her wrist.

Tom shook his head and grinned at her. "I will have the house elves fix whatever your stomach wants breakfast, lunch or supper."

"It wants grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup."

Then that is what it will have." Tom murmured. He called an elf and related the request before prodding her into a sitting room and drawing her down to sit on his lap.

Hari snuggled close with a sigh. She pet Mia absently. "Is Voldemort going to just fade away or is he going to 'die' somehow?"

"Pardon?" Tom shifted so he could see her face.

"I assumed you were going to run for Minister as Tom Riddle with the political maneuvering you're doing. Or are you going to take over as Voldemort in this form? I guess I should have asked."

Tom stared a moment more. "I hadn't actually decided yet. To kill off Voldemort I have to remove the Dark Mark from my followers. I am leaning toward a combination. I now have the majority in the Wizengamot. I have strategically placed personnel in the Ministry. Dumbledore is ruined and my man is in charge at Hogwarts. I planned to run for Minister and not admit to who I am until I have won and am firmly entrenched."


Bellatrix stared down at the unsigned letter that she received this morning. She was uncertain as to the sincerity of the sender and she was hesitant to respond in case it was a trap. Besides, if her lord ever found out, she would die painfully. She sighed and re-read the letter.

Have you ever heard the saying: the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

Harika Potter is my enemy. I believe that she is yours as well. If my supposition is correct then Lady Potter has figuratively neutered the Dark Lord.

No more raids. No more pureblood conviction. Saving muggleborn instead of destroying them. That doesn't sound like the Dark Lord.

I want Harika Potter to die.

The question is do you want to help me fulfill that desire. And if you do, do others?

She stared at the owl patiently waiting her reply. The mysterious writer was right. It was Potter's fault her powerful lord had turned from the goal of a pureblood society cleansed of dirty blood. If it was a trap, she would say she was attempting to draw out the enemy before he could make a move against Potter.

You are correct in your assumptions. Potter needs to die. I know of several who believe the same and want a return to the days of purifying our society. I will help you with your desire.

She sealed the short note and gave it to the owl who flew off immediately.

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