𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Oct 16 thru Oct 18

Dumbledore watched silently as the members of the Wizengamot filed into the chamber. He had kept his seat as Chief Warlock by the skin of his teeth. He had spent the past few months shoring up rocky alliances and casting a few memory modifications and light loyalty compulsions. The brat cost him his seat on the ICW and when he found her she'd find out just why Voldemort was afraid of him.

He kept his face neutral while inwardly snarling as Sirius Black strolled in speaking to someone Dumbledore didn't recognize. Black being cleared had taken those proxy votes from him and although Black had been voting with him so far there was no guarantee he would always do so. Shock filtered over his face when the stranger settled in the Potter seat.

Once everyone settled, Dumbledore banged the gavel and began the session. The minutes of the last session was read then he called for new business. The stranger stood up.

"Mr. Tessron of Calper, Neffie, Moss and Tessron. I have documents authorizing me to act as proxy for Lady Harika Jamiel Potter."

He sent the document to the recorder seated to the left of Dumbledore.

The recorder scanned them before handing them to Dumbledore. Dumbledore grit his teeth and forced his face neutral although the twinkle disappeared from his eyes. "This appears to be in order. You have then been in contact with Miss Potter?"

"Lady Potter and yes. We met at Gringotts a week ago."

Murmurs broke out around the room.

"And you must know where she is in order to communicate with her."

"Not necessarily. Gringotts is her intermediary for communications. They have, of course, given us communication pouches keyed to her and I only." Mr. Tessron indicated the dragonhide pouch slung over his shoulder.

"We will need her here to verify the proxy authorization."

Sirius stood up. "The very definition of a proxy means the owner is not available to be here. No one else has ever had to appear to verify authenticity for their proxies. The document, however, has been verified by Gringotts in my presence so the authenticity should not be doubted," he looked at Dumbledore with a look of anticipation, "unless you are questioning my integrity... again."

The room went silent as the two powerful wizards glared at each other.

Dumbledore broke first. He averted his gaze to the document. "Of course not, Lord Black." He handed the document to the recorder to be filed.

Sirius regained his seat.

Mr. Tessron nodded. "Let it be known that I shall be voting all of Lady Potter's seats."

"All," someone called out questioningly. "How many does Potter carry?"

Mr. Tessron gave a predatory smile. "Thirteen."

"THIRTEEN?" Shocked gasps and questions of who and how rocked the room until Dumbledore sent a BANG out of his wand.

How could he not have known about them? All he had been able to proxy vote was the one for Potter. He scowled as he totaled the voting balance. Sixty-four seats – thirteen now under Potter's control. Black held seven. Lady Longbottom would more often than not vote with the Potters. Bones would as long as the initiatives didn't interfere with the woman's blasted morals. That gave Potter a bloc of 22 possibly.

Dumbledore held a mere six. Of course Weasley, Albertson, Kirke, Preece, Vane, McLaggen, Filsmer, Brody and March voted with him giving him a bloc of 20. Five others could generally be swayed to his way of thinking given time, but not always. Bones and Longbottom used to be his since they voted against Malfoy, Parkinson and the rest of the Dark block totaling 14.

Nothing would be for certain any longer since the remaining ten had to be swayed on a case by case basis even though he suspected that five of those were in Voldemort's pockets even if they didn't always vote with Malfoy.

Voldemort was another issue that was leaving him worried and confused as the man had practically disappeared from sight. There hadn't been any raids recently or any dead wizards with the Mark hanging in the sky and there was the matter of Peter Pettigrew. Why Voldemort had given him up was a mystery. All he knew was that a silent Voldemort was a plotting Voldemort. Potter disappearing no doubt had the Dark Lord revising many different plans and strategies. Dumbledore shook his head to clear it for now. He would worry about Tom after the session was over.

Mr. Tessron inclined his head clearly amused with the reaction. "Yes, she inherited several through the Potter line and many family lines have ended since the war and several left everything even their family titles to the House of Potter."

Mr. Tessron sat down and listened quietly as the normal business was sorted through. Finally, Dumbledore called for any new proposals and Mr. Tessron stood.

Dumbledore glared at the man for several moments before muttering, "You have the floor, Mr. Tessron."

"Lady Potter proposes the institution of elementary schools to standardize the education our children receive before attending Hogwarts or one of the other wizarding schools. These schools would be available to any child with a hint of magic, even squibs."

He waved his wand and copies of the proposal appeared in front of every member present. The members began reading – some suspiciously, some curiously.

"These schools would teach all children a generalized history of our world, reading, arithmetic, how to study, research and write essays. In general, a standardized schooling to prepare them for the seven years of intensive study for those who make it into the prestigious schools and more than rudimentary skills to make a living for those that don't."

"Is she saying that we do not educate our children now?" Lord Albertson queried.

"No, Lord Albertson. She is saying that there are many families that aren't wealthy and do not have the time, the means or the education themselves to teach their children in a consistent and thorough manner."

"And how many of these elementary schools is she requesting?"

"Seven to begin with, Lord March. One in each district with the option to build more when population growth calls for it."

"Seven! And who is to fund these schools for the half-bloods?" Lord Nebbs sneered.

"Lady Potter is funding the buildings."

Sirius stood up. He had thought long and hard about what Hari had said to him the other day and he had scoured the proposal to find a hidden agenda and found none. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps blind bigotry needed to be put aside on both sides. This proposal came from a Dark wizard, but how many Light children would he punish with illiteracy and poor wages due to being uneducated if he shot it down? "House Black will pay the first two years' salaries for teachers."

Mr. Tessron looked at him sharply. He had wondered if the heated words would entrench Lord Black or sway him.

Surprising everyone Lucius Malfoy rose to his feet after a moment. "House Malfoy will absorb the cost of books and supplies for the first two years."

Surprised murmurs raced around the room.

"And why would House Malfoy join in a House Potter endeavor?" Lady Longbottom asked sharply.

Lucius turned to face her. "Madam Longbottom, Lady Potter and I may have our... disagreements," He sneered. "But on the matter of our children's future we agree. The time wasted in the first term of Hogwarts getting those less fortunate up to par hinders the progress of those already prepared. Besides, if the masses were slightly more educated perhaps service would improve."

Mr. Tessron stared at Lord Malfoy a moment before clearing his throat. "Lady Potter asks for the peerage to set up a trust for the future education of our children. A mere tenth of a percent annually from each family."

"A very worthwhile objective." Dumbledore endorsed the proposal. How could he not being the Headmaster of Hogwarts?

Debate waged on for another half an hour on the age of the child to start attending, the subjects to be covered, to how many teachers would be needed.

The age was set at 5 years old. Those that did not get into Hogwarts would be able to attend until seventeen if they wished. They would be taught reading, writing, math, history, social customs, who the Ancient and Noble Houses were. Magical beings would be touched on. The children over eleven would get wands and be taught simple magic needed in shops and households to help them get jobs.

There would be one teacher for fifteen children up to age eleven per subject. If a teacher was knowledgeable enough they would be asked to teach two subjects. After that one teacher per twenty children.

Finally a vote was called for and passed 38 – 12.

As the session ended and everyone began to leave Sirius headed for Mr. Tessron.

"Lord Black," Mr. Tessron bowed his head slightly.

"Mr. Tessron," Sirius shifted slightly. "Could you give..."

"Mr. Tessron," Dumbledore strode up to them making both men tense at the intrusion.

"Mr. Dumbledore."

"Please pass a message on to Miss Potter that I desire to speak with her."

Mr. Tessron met his gaze head on which few dared to do. "Lady Potter has made it quite clear that she has no desire to speak with you, sir."

"A misunderstanding..."

"You mistakenly left her to be abused? Mistakenly bound her magic? Mistakenly paid two children to befriend and spy on her? Mistakenly..."

"Enough," Dumbledore snapped eyes blazing with fury. "Tell Miss Potter..."

"I am her solicitor and her voting proxy not a messenger service." Mr. Tessron interrupted him coldly. "Good day, Sir."


Thirteen seats! You hold thirteen seats. Was there a reason I was not aware of this beforehand? You nearly gave Lucius a heart attack.

Tom felt the amusement through their link.

You need someone that doesn't grovel and gush for your approval. Besides, it would have been odd if he hadn't reacted honestly. I believe everyone was shocked at the bi-partisan cooperation. I believe Malfoy's support nearly made Madam Longbottom faint.

I was informed that your proxy was slightly surprised at your godfather's backing.

Yes, a certain Dark Wizard accosting me at Gringotts caused issues.

He knows it was MY proposal?!

Merlin no! Just the fact that you were a Dark Wizard set him off. I had to assure him that you were not one of Voldemort's followers.

Tom snorted at the subterfuge even as he felt the hurt and worry rolling over their link. What had her godfathers said to her to cause such anguish?

Tell me, my Hari.

Right, you're interested in my angst.

Yes. I admit I have become ...fond as we've become more familiar with each other.

Fond? He was fond of her? Her mind brought forth the memory of the heated kiss and she flushed. The memory had been popping up all week causing her problems in concentration and confusion raged within her.

I am not Voldemort and I truly regret the things he did to you. Am I wrong, my Hari to think we are putting aside the animosity and becoming ...perhaps not friends for I doubt I ever had a friend, but perhaps friendlier?

He equates Dark with Evil and is full of the same blind prejudice that Pureblood snobs are.

So you are suddenly Dark and corrupted because you were willing to listen to a good idea from a Dark wizard.

Apparently, I've become a Dark follower of Voldemort. I've lost my way and my parents would be horrified that I'm consorting with those responsible for their deaths.

I am sorry, my Hari. – I am saying that a lot to you lately. I am not used to apologizing.

It doesn't matter. He raged at me for daring to stand up for what I believe in. My beliefs are all I have left. How can I desert them?

It does matter. He is your beloved godfather. He cares deeply for you, my Hari. Give him time to sort through things. You are challenging beliefs that he has held longer than you've been alive.

Oct 17

Reese strode into the living room and watched the five teens playing on her game system. "I want to go clubbing. Who wants to go with me?"

"We aren't of age."

Reese waved her hand negligently. "I can transfigure a rock into tree. Do you think fake IDs would be hard? And I can make you look older."

Five heads swiveled her way. Quill, Embry, Paul and Jared turned to look at Seth. Seth shrugged. "She's not your average adult."

"You'll really make us IDs and take us clubbing?" Jared asked with a grin.

Reese shrugged. "As long as you don't shift while we're there or kill anyone. I want to de-stress not stress out."

"Cool!" Quill shouted with a wide grin.

"Um...I don't really have the spare cash." Embry mumbled looking disappointed.

Reese held a hand out to the side of her chair. "Accio, money bag."

A moment later a soft, leather pouch flew into the room and slammed into her hand. "Seven hundred dollars in American Muggle twenty dollar bills," she murmured for their benefit before reaching into the pouch.

Their eyes widened as she began pulling out twenties and counted one hundred dollars in six piles.

"Reese, we can't..." Seth began only to have Reese cut him off.

"If I'm going to instigate illegal, delinquent behavior, the least I can do is fund it. Besides, I have more than we could all spend in a lifetime."

"Just how rich are you?" Paul huffed.

Reese shrugged. "In non-magical lingo you would consider me a multi-billionaire."

They stared in shock.

"And you hang out with us?"

Reese stood up and met Embry's shocked gaze. "Money isn't important and before you think it's easy to say when I have so much I didn't grow up with it. I didn't know I had money until last year before that I starved and wore hand-me-downs. Family and loyal friends are important."

She turned and headed toward the hallway. "Go get dressed while I call Alice and Nessie."


The club in Port Angeles was packed. The music was loud and thumping. The strobe lights pulsed in sync with the music. Alcohol pounded in her veins helping her forget about war and death and bigoted godfathers. She had lost track of how many drinks she had downed.

Reese danced with her friends until they were sweaty and parched then they stumbled back to their table laughing at each other's antics.

A couple of shots later, Seth was pulling her out on the dance floor again. Alcohol rushed dizzyingly through her veins. Her blood pumped in time with the music. Bass vibrated through her bones.

What are you doing, my Hari?

Tom! 'lo. I'm dancing.

Dancing? Your shields are fluctuating wildly and your thoughts nearly incoherent. Where are you?

Club. Dancing.


Hari could hear the thick disapproval in Tom's thoughts.

Yep. That too. Lots.

You will cease now.

Nope. All grown up.

Hari,he growled as her shields slipped further and he saw who she was dancing with. She was plastered against the older looking Seth, gyrating against him in accord with the sexy song that was playing.

Whoever that is he needs to get his hands off you.

He's a friend.

Friends don't feel each other up in such a manner. Tom hissed furiously.

It's called dancing. Hari huffed in drunken annoyance.

It's called foreplay. Tom snarled.

Jealous, Tom? Jealous his hands are on me instead of yours?

There was a long, long silence then Tom murmured in a soft, cold voice in her head.

If he does more than dance with you, I will kill him.

Hari stumbled to a standstill in shock at the icy threat of retribution. Why was Tom upset that Seth was dancing with her? Why the over the top threat? Unless...he was jealous!

"Reese, you okay?" Seth asked sliding his hands to her arms and holding her up as she swayed in shock.

She blinked at him as her fuzzy brain tried to process that Tom was jealous over her. "Ah... yeah... yeah fine...just got dizzy."

"We should go outside; get some fresh air."


Seth led her back to the table and noted Paul and Alice were not there. "Quill round up Paul and Alice. Reese is dizzy. I'm taking her out to the car. Get everyone and meet us out there."

"Sure thing."

""m good now." Reese mumbled. "No need to leave."

The guys all laughed at her as she leaned on Seth and slurred her words. Seth just swept her up in his arms and carried her outside while Quill cleared the path in front of them their shifter metabolism making it much harder for them to get drunk than her.

Tom's fury ratcheted up when Seth began carrying her.

"Put me down, Seth. Don't wanna leave. He's not the boss of me."

"Who isn't?"

"Tom...no right to order me around. I wanna dance more."

"No," Alice murmured coming up beside them with Nessie. "It's best if we leave now."

Reese's head lolled sideways and she glared blurrily up at Alice. "Watch ya see?"

Alice cut a quick glance at Seth then back at Reese. "That your Tom meant it."

"Meant what?" Nessie asked worriedly. "What aren't you two telling us?"

"It doesn't matter now. It won't happen if we go home." Alice replied firmly.

Reese paled and swallowed hard. "Fine," she whispered. "Home then."

They got to the car and Seth put her on her feet. "Give me the keys, Reese."

"Keys? Don' need keys."

"We need keys to start the car."

"Pfft," Reese huffed and leaned against the car. The car roared to life.

Embry got in the driver's side and everyone piled in. Seth made sure Hari was by the open window. He did not want her to puke on them.

They got her home and Seth carried her upstairs. Nessie followed and tugged back the covers. Seth laid her down and removed her shoes.

"Okay, Reese?"

"Peachy," Reese murmured waving her hand around before letting it flop against the mattress. She could feel Tom hovering in the back of her mind, watching to be sure Seth behaved.

"Call out if you need anything." Seth ordered as he and Nessie left the room.

See nothing but dancing. She huffed in her head.

Angry silence greeted her.

Don't be mad, Tom.She pleaded softly. I just get so...lonely. Surrounded by people and always alone. Just wanted to forget for a while...be normal. Tears slipped down her cheeks.

Normal is overrated.Tom murmured quietly. He was still seeing red at the thought of that boy's hands sliding over her waist, her buttocks as his hip ground against her groin. She was his.

So is living without anyone to love you.

You are not unloved, my Hari. Go to sleep.

Hari could have sworn she felt ghostly lips brush hers as she slipped into a deep slumber.

Oct 20


Lady Potter has stepped out of the war but she has not completely abandoned her country.

Lady Potter has activated her seats on the Wizengamot. Her proxy – Mr. Tessron of Calper, Neffie, Moss and Tessron activated an astounding thirteen seats. Many families destroyed by the previous war apparently left their seats to young Head of House.

The first act of Lady Potter is to think of the children. Realizing that many families have no way to educate their children since private tutors are expensive and wanting to help raise the level of education for everyone regardless of blood status or magical affinity, Lady Potter appealed to the Wizengamot to institute schools in each magical district.

These schools will be available to any child with a drop of magic including squibs. These schools will teach reading, writing, arithmetic, history, social customs, magical beings and life skills to children beginning at age 5.

Children age 11 who do not get into Hogwarts or one of the other boarding schools will be given wands and be taught simple magic needed for jobs in shops and household charms. They will be allowed to attend until age 17 if they wish.

Lady Potter is funding the building of seven schools. In a rare show of unity, Lord Black has offered to pay the first two years' salaries for teachers and Lord Malfoy has offered to absorb the cost of books and supplies. Several others agreed to donate different amounts to help with the equipping and staffing of the schools. The Peerage has agreed to set up a trust that will cover the cost of the schools in the future.

Construction is to begin within the week and teachers interviewed over the course of the next two months. Those interested in applying for a position should send resumes to the Department of Education in the Ministry.

A governing board is in the process of being set up. It will consist of Dark and Light; Pureblood, Half-blood and Muggleborn to ensure equality within the schools.

Notifications are being sent out to families with eligible children. Enrollment will begin in January 6th. Schools will open January 20th. The schools will follow the same holiday schedule as Hogwarts. January through June of this year will be a 'trial run' to help the students and teachers settle in and work out any issues that may arise in this new venture so that the first full term goes hopefully without any major problems. New terms will begin September 2 so that families with children in Hogwarts need not struggle to get children to two different locations the same morning.

October 24th.

Riddle stood amongst the group of Lords, Ladies, reporters and just plain interested witches and wizards as the construction of one of the seven schools began. Construction was beginning in all seven locations today.

Finally, after decades of frustrating setbacks, insanity and hopelessness his dreams were beginning to bear fruit.

Thanks to Potter. And her thirteen seats. Thirteen!

He felt desire stir at the thought of the kisses they had shared. Merlin her mouth was sweet. The memory of that young man dancing with her had hot jealousy flaring within. The dark emotion still shocked and unsettled him.

He forced his attention back to construction of the building he and his advisors had developed for the school. It had a central area that would be a greenhouse so the children could learn the rudimentary beginnings of herbology and potions as well as provide the resident brewer the ingredients for simple pain potions, pepper-up, bruise balms, etc. A section would be devoted to vegetable crops for school lunches. The overflow would go toward supplementing the diet of the families whose children attended. Magic took energy. The better fed the better people worked.

An inner corridor would skirt the greenhouse area. One side would house the administrative area, medi-witch office, storage, library and lunch room. Children five through seven would be in one area; eight through ten a second; and eleven through seventeen the last. There were ten classrooms in each section.

The area had been cleared and the framework was quickly being set in place. He stood by Malfoy and Greengrass watching silently knowing that no one that wasn't his except for Dumbledore would recognize him. They had discussed him emerging on the political scene as Thomas Riddle. He looked to be in his mid to late twenties. With everything else coming out about Dumbledore no one would believe that he was Voldemort who had to be in his late sixties or early seventies and was always seen in his serpentine form.

"Lord Malfoy, Lord Greengrass the beginning of a new era, yes?"

"Indeed, Lord Jones." Lord Greengrass murmured. "I look forward to seeing these buildings full of children eager to improve their lot in life."

"Britain has lagged behind the continent and the rest of the world long enough." Riddle stated. "We need to begin catching up or we will never surpass them again."

"I don't recognize you, sir."

"Apologies," Lucius interjected. "Lord Jones let me introduce you to Thomas Riddle, Earl of Westmoor. British born, he has been on the continent for most of his adult life. Upon returning to England, he visited Gringotts and discovered a distant connection to the Slytherin line. The goblins have confirmed he is Lord Slytherin in fact. He has been earnestly catching up on the political, economic and social climate before announcing himself to the public. Lord Slytherin, Lord Joshua Jones. Lord Jones as you will recall is a Neutral member of the Wizengamot."

"A pleasure, Lord Jones." Riddle greeted in a smooth, cultured voice.

"Lord Slytherin," Jones showed shock. "It's...a pleasure. The Slytherin seat has been empty for nearly a century."

"I was indeed shocked myself. I had no idea that my ancestry could be traced back to such an illustrious line."

Jones looked at Malfoy and Greengrass then back at Riddle. "I am hosting a dinner party this Tuesday at six. You are more than welcome to attend."

Riddle allowed surprise and pleasure to show briefly. "I appreciate the invitation, Lord Jones and accept."

Jones tipped his head in acknowledgement. "Tuesday then gentlemen." He strode off.

Riddle, Malfoy and Greengrass traded looks. The infiltration and rise through the political waters had begun. Through the neutral branch which could only be beneficial to him.

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