𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Dec 9

Seth watched his friend with narrowed eyes. Something was going on. She...glowed. She had this dreamy look and she kept drifting off with this little smile and....oh...oh! He knew girls on the rez that got that look mooning over a boy. Who...



"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready to tweak my wards so vampires don't tingle near them and to add intent based wards so those that mean harm to me can't cross them."

"Ah...and this involves dreamy looks and soft sighs?" He grinned at her flush. "Are you going to tell me who you're mooning over?"

Reese flushed and ducked her head. "I...ah...Tom."

Seth grinned at her discomfort. "Tom...the jealous not boyfriend."

Reese bit her lip. She sighed and leaned back from the work she was half attempting to do. "Tom...Voldemort.... Think Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde. There for a while Mr. Hyde was in control – vicious, amoral, deadly. Now he's gone and no I don't want to go into the whole story. Now Tom is back in control, but it's a bit weird being friendly with him much less being...more," she flushed, "cause Voldemort had tried to kill me four times before that insanity induced persona got destroyed and Tom got back in control."

Seth just stared at her. "So you're having a relationship with a man who's alter ego has tried to kill you four times?!"

Reese shifted in her chair. "Yes."

Seth ran a hand over his face. "Don't you wonder which one he is? You just trust that its Tom not this Voldemort guy?"

Reese laughed and drew her wand, conjuring an image of Tom. "That's Tom." Another intricate wave and, "that's Voldemort."

"Ewww," Seth shuddered.

"Yeah." She drew in a breath. "So want to see ward work?"

"I always want to see you work magic."

Seth followed her outside and watched as she pointed her wand at a decorative yard statue set close to the house. She began chanting in Latin. The statue began to glow then a wall of color appeared around them snaking off in the distance as it edged her property line.

Waves of color wrapped around her then moved to bath the ward stone. The boundary wards shifted color in tandem. The dark blue streaks lightened to a periwinkle. Foam green appeared and twined with the periwinkle.

"That should take care of the tingling." Reese murmured after catching her breath. That had taken a bit more of her magic than she had expected.

She took a deep breath and her chanting changed flavors. Magic formed a spiked chain coiling around her before slithering across the ground to disappear into the ward stone.

"What is this for?" Seth asked in awe as the chain wove into the wards.

"Intent," Reese murmured distractedly. Sweat poured from her as she concentrated on the ward she was weaving into the existing net. Magic rushed from her core and poured into the ward stone and from there into the wards themselves flowing away around her border like a rushing stream of water.

After several more minutes, she slumped exhausted on the ground. She rolled to her back with a groan. She was exhausted, depleted. It would be days before she could do more than light a candle with magic.

You know adding to the wards is supposed to be a three person minimum team effort. Tom murmured in her head, a little stunned at her being able to do so alone.

Don't have three. Hari whispered.

The power to vanquish the Dark Lord indeed.

Hari chuckled softly. I have better things to do to the Dark Lord than vanquish him.

Tom's soft chuckle washed over her making her shiver in anticipation.

Dec 12 9am Washington/5pm England

Are you busy or can I come spend the day?

They had been apart for five days. Her recovering from astonishing ward work. Him attending several different political functions; working his way into the cliques, gaining political supporters, letting them become familiar with his character and views. Thankfully Dumbledore was too busy with Hogwarts and searching for Potter to attend this functions even when invited.

Tom could hear the slight hesitation, the doubt that she would be welcome. I am busy. Come spend the week anyway. Become part of my life, my Hari.

I take it I'll be seen by minions? Snape?

Minions – yes. Snape – uncertain. I haven't called him that doesn't mean he won't appear.

If they get rude with me may I hex them?


I can bring my new puppy? She's housebroken.


Hari's hands trembled as she packed for several days. She was really doing this. Really starting an actual relationship with Riddle. Openly. Well, openly to his minions.

She wrote a message to Seth and Nessie so they wouldn't worry about her. Seth's she tagged to the big screen television. The message to Nessie she sent by Hedwig.

She returned to her study and wrote: Are you alone in your study or am I about to give some minion a heart attack?

Amusement filtered over their link.

Gaffe, Rostler and Greengrass are here discussing the upcoming session. I will alert them to someone incoming so they don't hex you.

Good idea cause me being hexed might ruin my mood.

She picked up the young Shih-tzu she had bought three days ago. The last of a litter advertised in the paper. She had drove to Port Angeles to get her. She was blonde and white and the most affectionate thing she'd ever seen. The excitable puppy licked her chin, yipping and squirming in her grasp.

Tom chuckled. He turned his attention from the glowing journal to the three Wizengamot Death Eaters who were watching him with guarded curiosity. "Someone is about to port into the room. Do not hex her."

"Yes, my lord." They murmured then stared in shock at the young woman who appeared a moment later with a fluffy puppy.

Tom had tweaked the portkey last time so she appeared to his right so she wouldn't accidentally portkey in on top of someone.

"Hullo," she murmured happily as if she hadn't seen him in months instead of a few days.

He stood and reached out to gently touch her arm affectionately before reaching out to take the duffle from her. "Tipper," he called for his house elf. He handed over the duffle. "My room."

The elf nodded and disappeared.

The Death Eater's stared even harder. Was this the witch rumored to have summoned the Dark Lord back to bed the other day? She was young and very pretty.

Tom drew his wand and conjured another chair beside his. "Recovered from adding to your wards?" He gave her a disapproving look.

Hari grinned as she sat down with a nod of greeting at the three Death Eaters. "Mostly. I think next time I'll contact my solicitor and have him send over the team that erected them."

"Hmmm, good idea." Tom huffed as regained his seat after eyeing the wiggling puppy askance.

"This is Mia. Nagini is not allowed to eat her." Hari said sternly as she settled back in the chair and crossed her legs. She stroked the puppy in her lap gently.

Tom snorted. "I'll make it very clear to her." He turned back to his stunned followers. "Lady Potter, this is Ian Gaffe, Alida Rostler, and William Greengrass."

"P...p...potter," Gaffe spluttered, his eyes jerked to her forehead. The scar could barely be seen beneath her feathery bangs.

Hari grinned at his shock. "I've been introducing his legislation. You shouldn't be so surprised."

Tom smirked. "When are you going to be ready to oust Dumbledore because I have someone that I can probably get voted in as Headmaster."

Hari narrowed her eyes at him. "I have it mostly up here," she tapped her forehead. "I could write it in a day or two. May I ask who you're thinking of as headmaster?"

"His name is Delaine Pfeiffer, Ravenclaw. I believe his daughter, Mandy is in Ravenclaw as well."

"Mandy Pfeiffer," Hari murmured thoughtfully. She nodded. "She was a year behind me. Well-liked by members of all the Houses. I'll get started on the expose, Tom."

"Tom," Rostler hissed indignantly.

Tom cut her a sharp look that shut her up quickly. He turned back to Hari. Tom's thumb stroked over the back of her hand. "It can wait a few days. I have plans for us," he murmured letting his gaze trail over her hungrily.

Hari arched an eyebrow at him. Was he really flirting with her in front of minions?


"You think you can oust Dumbledore?" Rostler sneered at her.

Hari speared her with a sharp look. "Do you have issue with me, Rostler?"

"You're a child playing at being grown." She glared at their joined hands.

"I was never a child and I never got to play. Are you just unable to let go of the fact that I used to be the enemy or are you jealous that I'm obviously not any longer?"

Even Tom drew in breath at the bold innuendo in her question.

"I am not jealous of a little girl." Rostler hissed, her anger making her lose control of her tongue. "I do wonder where the Dark Mark was burned in." She continued snidely as her gaze raked Hari's bare arms.

Pissed, Hari jerked to her feet and Rostler was on the floor screaming before anyone saw her wand being drawn.



"Hari!" Tom jerked her wand arm up breaking the curse. He refused to show the surprise he felt at how fast she moved. Her arm had blurred as she flicked her wand out and up. "You'll kill her and I need her on the Wizengamot."

"I am not a follower." She hissed furiously.

Mia whimpered and huddled against Hari's chest.

"No, you aren't. You will never be at my feet. Your place will always be at my side standing tall and proud."

Tom glanced over at the panting, weeping woman on his carpet. "Learn to watch your tongue, Alida. Hari is not a new follower. She is my partner. You'll do well to remember that since next time I might not be around to stop her."

He looked at the two very shocked men. "Get her out of here."

Tom and Hari remained silent until they were alone in the office. Tom's wand flicked out toward the door locking and warding it.

He looked at Hari. "Salazar, you are beautiful – Dark, powerful, vicious when you need to be." He stroked her cheeks softly. "Do you know you have red flecks in your eyes?"

Hari blinked in astonishment. "I do?"

"Yes," Tom growled and dragged her up against him to kiss her fiercely.

Hari moaned. Anger forgotten as Tom lit her on fire with his kisses. His impressive erection pressed against her belly and she shifted, whimpering with need.

Tom slid his hands to her hips and turned her so her bum was against his desk. He waved a hand behind her clearing the desktop.

Mia whimpered and wiggled between them. Tom carefully pried the puppy from Hari's hand and placed it on the floor. He drew Hari close again. He tugged her shirt off and bent to suckle her through her lacy purple bra. The rich purple lace against her pale skin setting his blood on fire. In moments, the bra was unclasped and tossed aside as he licked and nipped at her plump breasts.

Hari moaned and arched back to give him more access. She felt his hands at her waist and then her pants were pushed down and he was lifting her to sit on his desk.

The wood was cool under her bum. She was burning with need. She watched with glazed eyes as he drew her shoes and pants off then quickly divested himself of his clothes.

Tom stepped between her slim thighs and shuddered at the skin on skin contact. Hari moaned and melted against him stroking his arms, his shoulders and down his back as he pressed kisses to her neck and shoulders before moving to claim her mouth.

Gently, he laid her back and slid his throbbing cock into her wet pussy. He groaned as her intimate flesh clung to him not wanting to let him go as he drew back before thrusting in.

Hari gasped as pleasure began ricocheting through her system. Every touch, every thrust took her closer to that white hot ecstasy Tom brought her. She wrapped her legs around his waist linking her ankles against his bum and pulling him deeper into her. "Tom."

Tom thrust in and out feeling their shared pleasure coil higher, hotter. He leaned over her bending to kiss her as he pounded into her. The kiss was hot, sloppy...passionate. His position had him rubbing over her sensitive nub with each thrust.

"Tom...Tom...yes...gods you feel amazing...fuck...yes!" She shrieked and came hard taking him over the edge with her.

Dec 14

Tom finished with his reports and rubbed the back of his neck. He reached for Hari through their link and frowned at the simple hum of lazy contentment where usually her bright, vivacious mind bubbled.

He was a bit surprised at how much he was enjoying having her staying in his home, in his bed. She didn't act sixteen...usually. She was bright and focused. Mature...when she wanted to be. Amused at the reactions various Death Eaters had when they saw her.

She brought muggle music with her on a muggle device and sang, swaying to the music, as she searched his library and studied wizarding history, culture, rituals and spells. She rarely wore shoes but padded about in socked or bare feet with that tiny fluff ball scrabbling beside her. She cared not one whit what anyone thought of her behavior and refused to modify it in order to be proper. He had caught several of his followers watching the swiveling hips lustfully.

The one that dared to touch those hips thinking she would be frightened and submissive to a Death Eater would walk and sit gingerly for a while after the vicious Dark spell she hit him with.

The contentment he felt waking up with her in his arms stunned and frightened him just a little. He didn't even mind the walking dustmop called Mia.

The introduction of Mia to Nagini had been amusing. The puppy had tumbled over her with happy little yips while Nagini had hissed in annoyance but had promised her master that she would not harm the creature. Tom and Hari both found it hilarious that Mia could almost always be found scampering around the enormous snake when she wasn't at Hari's side.

He prodded at the connection between him and Hari a bit and felt something swipe at him. Rising from his desk, he followed the faint connection through the manor to the back lawn.

He swept the open expanse and frowned harder when he didn't see her. Perhaps she was in the garden. She did enjoy being outdoors amongst growing things. The pure enjoyment she got from the simple things of life floored and humbled him at times.

He strolled along the meandering paths searching for her raven locks. He stepped out into a small clearing with a small pond in the center. He almost moved to another path when he froze.

There beside the pond lazing in the weak November sun was a beautiful tawny cougar. The large feline sprawled on the soft grass; body twisted so the lower part of her belly showed. Mia curled up sleeping next to the large predator.

Tom cautiously moved closer. The mind he had touched had felt simpler than usual and if the animal was in control he didn't want to startle her into attacking.

He had only taken a few steps when the eyelids slit open and a hint of rich emerald green peeked through. "Heavens above, you are gorgeous," he murmured admirably.

With a soft chuffing sound the cougar rolled to her feet avoiding the small dog adroitly. She stretched languidly, yawning widely sharp canines flashing in the sun. She gave him a long, steady look then padded slowly his way.

Tom fought the urge to drop his wand to his hand. This was Hari. Reaching him she stropped against his legs gently purring so deeply that he felt the vibration in his bones.

With a soft laugh, he dared to reach down and pet her back as she moved around him. He smirked when the large cat arched her back up against his hand. "You like me petting you, huh?"

She wound around him once more before stopping in front of him. A blink of the eye and Hari was standing there. "Do you like her?"

"Yes," he murmured heatedly. "Proud, strong, lethal...beautiful." He laid a hand on her waist and hauled her up against him, kissing her soundly.

He drew back and stared down at her, drinking her in. "I want to see you duel."

Hari grinned up at him saucily. "Do you now?"


"Against dueling dummies?"

"No. I'm trying to decide if you would be more vicious against me, Lucius, or Severus."

Hari glared at him. "I would be the most vicious against Bellatrix."

Tom frowned a little. "Bella gets swept up. She forgets boundaries."

"You think she'd seriously hurt me."

"I think she'd end up trying and I'd have to kill her if she succeeded."

She blinked up at him. "I'll duel Malfoy."

"I thought you'd jump at the chance to hex Severus."

Hari ran a hand through her hair and turned to stare out over the pond. "We would both take it too personally. It wouldn't be just a duel to see my skill levels and any spells that I landed that actually injured him or heavens forbid I win, his pride would be stung and his animosity would be that much worse."

"It bothers you that he hates you."

"Yes. I understand it though."

Tom slid his arms around her and drew her flush against him. "Explain."

"He tells everyone he hates me because I'm just like James Potter – spoiled, arrogant, self-centered...blah, blah, blah...except I'm not any of those things. I never swaggered down the halls or pulled pranks or bullied anyone. None of his accusations made any sense. I couldn't understand why he hated me. I thought he and my dad were like me and Draco Malfoy. School age rivals that messed with each other, but I'm not going to berate Draco's children when he has them. Then I found out about my mum."

"Ah, yes. Lily. Severus loved your mother. He begged Voldemort quite eloquently and passionately to spare her life."

"Which surprises me actually."

"Really? Lily was his childhood friend. His best friend for years at Hogwarts despite the Houses they sorted to. He loved her."

"And she betrayed him. Betrayed that friendship because of one ill-tempered comment when he was humiliated and furious. She turned her back on seven years of friendship because he lashed out in wounded pride. She married the man who had made his life hell for seven years in retaliation; the man who bullied and tortured and humiliated him over and over again. Snape doesn't hate me because I remind him of my father although I am sure that is part of it. He hates me because I remind him of the shallow, spiteful bitch that was my mother."

Tom was stunned. He had never thought to look below the vitriol that Severus spewed about Potter. He thought about it now. How would he feel if the one he counted as best friend, the one he loved turned to the person he hated the most because of one temper fueled comment. That depth of betrayal would fuel a bitter rage that wouldn't burn out. "You may be right."

He turned her around to face him. "So why not duel me?"

Hari snorted. "I do want a modicum of a chance at winning."

Tom laughed. "You held your own at fourteen when I was trying to kill you. Believe me you have a chance at winning."

"And how would that go over with the minions?"

Tom huffed. "You and I will duel in private then."

Hari leaned into him and kissed him lightly.

Tom's arms tightened bringing her against his burgeoning erection. Hari made him randy as a teenage boy. It didn't help that the girl had no sense of propriety.

In minutes, he had her stretched out on a quickly summoned blanket. They were both naked and covered in a sheen of sweat as they twisted and arched, touching and stroking as they strove to reach the pinnacle of bliss.

Tom knelt and brought her up with him so she straddled him, rocking on his cock as she clutched at his shoulders. Their mouths fused passionately as they moaned and murmured filthy things to each other, driving their shared passion higher and higher.

Hari arched back trusting his arm at her back to keep her from falling backwards. "Merlin, Tom! Fuck!" She shouted as an orgasm raced through her.

With a growl, he latched onto her nipple suckling her as he thrust into her slick, swollen channel. His own orgasm hit like lightning. "Hari!" He jerked deep into her as his body arched. His cock pumped his seed into her as pure ecstasy washed over him.

Dec 15

Lucius wasn't about to admit that he was nervous, but...he was nervous. He was about to cross wands with the Dark Lord's lover. Granted that lover was Hari Potter and most Death Eaters would be thrilled to get the chance to hex the girl and it would gall to let her win, but what would be the consequence of defeating or injuring her during the duel?

"Lord Malfoy," Hari gained his attention discreetly.

He shifted his attention to her as they walked into the dueling range.

"He truly wants to see a real test of my skill level. We discussed it and you are not going to be punished in any way if you wipe the floor with me."

"Should you be telling me this, Lady Potter."

Hari grinned. "Perhaps not, but I want this to be a real reflection of what I can do. I train alone against dueling dummies. I need someone to see where my weak points are and help me correct them. I have no doubt the day will come when Dumbledore is tossing spells at me." She started to stroll over to her side. "Besides, I intend to do my best at wiping the floor with you," she flung over her shoulder.

Lucius glared at her. She thought she had a chance of defeating him if he didn't have to hold back? Impertinent. Arrogant. Self-deluded..."

"Lucius," Tom called from the side. He voice carrying easily without shouting. "As I am sure Hari told you, you are not to hold back for she will not be. Neither of you will cast anything that will permanently maim or disfigure. Begin."

Spells began flying. Yellow, blue, purple, red, white... the color show was varied and interesting. Many of the silent spells identified by their color, but not all.

Lucius was surprised that she was able to cast so many silently. And fast too. Her wand arm practically blurred as she cast. A Deprimo, reducto and diffindo hit his shields in swift succession buckling it. He flung a spell reflexively as he stared, shocked at the power behind the spell.

Hari laughed and dodged flinging more spells down the room at him.

They danced around each other. Sweat beaded up and dripped down their faces. Blood trickled from a dozen small cuts. Bruises bloomed from items flung at them that wasn't avoided.

Lucius gasped as a pastel spell hit him and instead of being a meek Light spell that it appeared to be invisible coils wrapped around his torso and began to squeeze the air out of him. He felt his ribs crack and desperately flung a Flagrate at Potter.

He gasped in air when she flung herself away from the fiery whips as he cast a Finite on the spell squeezing him to death. He winced at the pained reminder that the chit had cracked if not broken a few ribs.

Hari cried out in pain as fire streaked across her side and arm. "Furnunculus," she hissed under her breath.

Lucius barely managed to shield in time to stop the virulent looking spell. It splashed across his shield making it waver under the impact.

He hit her with a Flipendo sending her backwards into the wall. She hit it hard and slumped to the floor.

Tom stepped forward then froze and stepped back. He would treat her as an equal. He wouldn't treat her as fragile no matter how much he wished to.

Dazed, Hari sent the first curse that entered her head.

Lucius had been about to stupefy her and end the duel when his legs went out from under him dumping him unceremoniously to the floor.

Tom snorted. Jelly legs? Really?

Shut it, Tom. It worked. Hari huffed. Embarrassment mixing with pain in their link as she scrambled to her feet leaning briefing against the wall until the room stopped spinning.

By this time, Lucius had sent another curse her way and countered hers, climbing to his feet.

Hari's quick shield shattered although it absorbed the spell. She sent a quick flurry of cutting curses as she stepped away from the wall. She wiped sweat from her brow.

Lucius grunted as deep gashes appeared along his chest and leg. He sent several dark painful curses her way.

Hari's eyes widened as light reflected on the flurry of needles flying at her. She dashed across the room. The edges of the swarm caught her. She cried out as the needles buried themselves in her thigh.

She flung a particularly vicious spell at full power toward the blonde.

Lucius didn't have time to dodge the unexpected spell that hurtled toward him. It hit and lit his nervous system on fire. He fell to the floor screaming.

"Enough. I call a tie." Tom called out.

Hari's spell cut off immediately.

Lucius went limp on the floor panting from exertion and from the lingering pain that felt extremely similar to the cruciatus. How the bloody hell had Potter managed to cast a spell that Dark and powerfully as well?

Hari slumped to the floor gasping for air and biting back the sobs that wanted to erupt. The needles buried in her thigh hurt...a lot. The burn was still painful and brought back too many horrible memories that she was trying her hardest not to let Tom see.

"Matilda, see to Lucius. Emily, with me." He strode toward Hari. He dropped to one knee glaring at the tiny silver needles. He held out a pain potion which Hari took gratefully.

She leaned her head back against the wall with a pained sound.

Emily knelt across from the Dark Lord and cast a quick diagnostic. She gave it a quick once over and began healing the worst of the cuts while the pain potion worked its way through Hari's system.

"Get rid of the burn," Hari snapped.

"You have more serious..."

"Get rid of it!"

Emily frowned, but dug burn cream out of her bag and slathered it on the red trail of burnt skin.

Hari shut her eyes and refused to let the tears fall or the shaking to grow noticeable.

"Hari," Tom murmured after a moment passed and the cream worked its magic. "It's gone. The burn is gone."

Hari swallowed. "Thank you. Sorry I snapped."

"It's alright, Lady Potter," Emily murmured as she swished her wand over the tiny needles and they slid out of her thigh.

Hari hissed as the sharp needles pulled free. "Malfoy is a vicious bastard," she ground out. "I want to learn that spell."

Tom snorted. "I am sure he is saying the same. I believe you broke ribs and hit him with the Exardesco. And I will teach you the spell as well as stronger shield spells and how to deflect incoming spells. You are excellent at offensive spells but weak on defending against advanced spells."

Emily handed her something for the concussion then began healing the deeper cuts. "Everything else can be healed with a healing potion and a good sleep."

Hari took the potion she was handed and swallowed it quickly, screwing her face up in disgust at the taste.

Tom chuckled. He tenderly helped her to her feet before turning to check on his right hand man. "Matilda, how is Lucius?"

"He will be fine, my lord. Cuts and bruises mostly. Three cracked ribs and nerves on fire. Nothing a numbing potion and a dose of skele-grow won't fix."

"Very good." Tom saw Lucius eyeing Hari speculatively. "Lucius?"

"Hmmm," The girl was a powerhouse. Her spells had shook his shields over and over again. At times they had shattered like fragile glass. The last spell hadn't been the cruciatus, but it had been just as agonizing. There was no way the Light's Savior could have cast it so powerfully. A rising Dark Lady though... He had years of experience over her yet he was certain that if this had been a real battle, she would have killed him with ease.

Hari snorted softly at the distracted response. Tom's little huff amused her greatly.

"You wish to have something clarified?"

Lucius blinked. "Sorry, my lord," he murmured realizing belatedly how he'd responded to the Dark Lord. He flushed as the two continued to look at him expectantly. "My curiosity is not entirely appropriate to actually voice, my lord." He murmured.

"Hari is not appropriate," Tom drawled. "Emily, Matilda if you are finished, you may leave us."

The two healers left leaving Tom, Hari and Lucius alone in the dueling chamber. Lucius drew himself upright. He looked at Hari who was looking decidedly worn as she leaned on the Dark Lord. "You aged yourself six years. Did you experience your maturity or is that yet to happen this summer?"

Tom inhaled. Not appropriate, indeed. Tom jerked his gaze from his impudent lieutenant to his lover.

Hari grimaced. "I experienced it. It was not enjoyable."

Tom winced in commiseration. "At our levels it never is."

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