𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Dec 2 (1am Forks / 9am England)

Hari appeared in her bedroom staring out the wide glass doors. It was still dark outside. Fog hid the shadowy trees and combined with the moonlight to create an eerie landscape.

Potter, get back here!

Too angry and upset to respond she just flung hurt and anger and defiance back at him. A sob broke from her. She turned and ran out of the room and down the hall. She pushed out the back door while his anger and frustration burned down their link then her bare feet hit the cool, damp grass and she shifted to a cougar and screamed her hurt into the early morning air as she raced through the woods.

Tom snapped, "Take care of McLaggen and Kirke," and stalked from the room. He slammed into his bedroom and stopped staring at the tangle of sheets. The girl infuriated him! She also made him happier than anyone ever had. She treated him like he was an ordinary wizard. She defied him to his face in front of a follower. How was he supposed to react?!

With a snarl he stormed from his bedroom and the images of them laughing and loving and made his way to his dueling room. Once there he activated the dueling dummies and began working his way through his anger and frustration.

One moment Hari was running alone in the silent forest, a tawny shape slipping through the fog, dodging the shadowy trees and the next Alice and Nessie were racing by her side, weaving around her at inhuman speed.

The sun was coming up when she finally stopped, dropping to the ground as she shifted back to human.

Alice was there instantly wrapping her arms around her as she cried. "It'll be okay, Hari. It will."

"He threatened me. He...was...so...worried...so fun to...to be with...and then...then..."

"Oh, we know what happened." Nessie huffed. Alice had squealed and danced around as little Hari became all 'grown up'.

"It was amazing," Hari whispered raggedly. "I like him...a lot...and then... then... he... threatened me..." she sobbed against the older vampire's shoulder.

"From what you've told us this caring is as foreign to him as it is to you, Hari. He has glowered and intimidated his entire life. Neither of you apparently have had a chance to have loving relationships in the past. He's going to make mistakes. You are going to make mistakes. Just don't stop listening to your heart."

Tom stopped flinging anger fueled spells and hung his head as her heartbreaking sobs filled his mind. She must truly be upset to let so much be leaking through to him. He unrepentantly listened in to the conversation. The vampire was right. Both of them had a lot to learn about sharing their hearts and power.

He trudged up to his bedroom to shower and change. By the time he was dressed and in his study catching up on paperwork the anger was gone replaced by guilt at making her cry.

Dec 6

It was after supper four days later before he gave in and wrote her.

Trust is hard, my Hari. I have never trusted anyone implicitly.

I trusted you enough to come to you before I fully recovered from the attack and I believe that I already made the choice about my godfather that day in Gringotts. I trusted you enough to give you something very precious to me.

Tom sighed. Her innocence. She had trusted him not to hurt her. She had slept beside the man who had tried many times to kill her trusting that he would keep his word. I will choose to believe that you will not turn on me just because your godfather hates me.

Thank you. You never did answer my question about the headmaster.

You must prove he is a threat to the students under his care or completely incompetent at running the school.

So an expose on the past five years at Hogwarts would possibly do the trick?


First year: Quirrell, Philosopher's Stone, three- headed dog, troll

Second year: Gilderoy Lockhart, Basilisk, possessed Diary

Third year: Escaped mass murderer, dementors, werewolf

Fourth year: polyjuiced Death Eater, Tri-Wizard Cup a portkey

Fifth year: Umbridge using a Blood Quill for detention

That...that would probably do it.

Hari could feel the regret he felt.

I am sorry for threatening you. My pride was...pricked.

Because Malfoy witnessed me defying you?

Yes. I should have expected it though. You never did respond well to demands.

Alice says we are both going to react badly at times since neither of us have experience at being in a relat...

Relationship. Are we, my Hari? In a relationship?

He could feel her emotions running wild - fear of revealing too much; fear of not revealing enough. Desire, caution, excitement, worry and others he couldn't decipher whipped around her in a frenzy that made his breath catch. Finally...

I have no clue what we are doing. You infuriate me and make me happy at the same time.

Yes. I want to hex you and bed you.

Hari dropped her head to the desk with a slightly hysterical laugh. A relationship...with Riddle. Merlin! He was what....eighty?

Seventy...end of the month. Twenty-seven in this body.

Out of my head!

Tom's warm laughter slid through her making her shiver with pleasure.

You did not mind me being either seventy or in you the other night.

Hari sucked in a sharp breath at the bold statement. She flushed as the sentence brought back in vivid detail the sensations of him pressing her to the mattress as he filled her so exquisitely.


Come back to my bed, Hari. It is cold and uninviting at the moment.

I already promised my friend I'd see a movie tonight.

The short-lived shifter?

Stop it. Seth is just a friend.

A friend much closer in age and way too handsy.

I am not having this conversation with you. I will not be isolated. I will not be told who I can be friends with. Either trust me or don't.

Anger burned through the link for a moment then...


Yes. Like I will have to trust that when I'm not there you will not be shagging Bellatrix or Barty or Alison Norstrum or Angelina Johnson or Zacharias...

Enough. I get your point. How many of my followers have you seen me shagging?

Plenty. You have quite thoroughly educated me on things I never wanted to know about and I've seen way too many of your followers' bodies especially during Beltane.

He chuckled softly in her head.

Hari felt him lurking in the back of her mind later when she went to the Cullens to pick up Nessie. She felt the burn of aggravation then relief as he realized she was going with Nessie not Seth.

He disappeared ten minutes into She's The One.

Forks Dec 6 9:30pm/ England Dec7 5:30am

She got home around nine-thirty. Five-thirty a.m. in England. She showered and changed into pajamas. She stared at her bed. Cold and uninviting. With a grin she packed a change of clothes, shoes, toiletries. She grabbed her jeans from yesterday off the floor and shook the portkey from the pocket. Would it work again?

She held her breath for the count of five and a hook snagged her belly and she was gone. She appeared in his study just like the other day only this time it was empty.

Realizing it was extremely early in the morning and she had just breached his wards, she hopped up on his desk and drummed her feet lightly on the solid wood desk while she waited for him to appear.

Appear he did. Or rather Nagini did. Hari was glad she was on the desk as the enormous snake slid into the room softly hissing about biting intruders in her master's home.

:I am not intruding. I was invited:

:Who speaks: The snake rose from the floor, tongue darting out to test the air.

:Hari Potter. Tom asked me to come earlier:

:You will stay here: The snake slithered out.

The door opened shortly and Tom stared at her. "You told me no."

Hari shrugged. "My bed was looking cold and uninviting as well."

Tom stared at her a moment then held out his hand.

Hari studied him back. "Do you really want me to bow and grovel like the others?" She asked softly.

Tom sighed. "No. I am surprised to find I want you at my side not at my feet."

Hari glanced at Nagini then jumped off his desk and crossed the room to put her hand in his.

Tom turned and led her upstairs to his bedroom. Inside the room, he took the duffle bag from her and dropped it to the floor by the wall. Only then did he draw her in and kiss her.

Hari moaned softly as she lost herself in his whiskey flavored kiss. Her hands slid up his chest and around his neck to tangle in his hair.

She squeaked when he swept her up smacking his chest lightly when he chuckled.

Tom laid her on his bed and stared down at her. His gaze traveled over her pajama clad form before raising to meet hers. "What do you want, Hari? Sex? A relationship? Not to be lonely?"

Hari rubbed her face. "I want..." she paused and huffed. "I feel really young and out of my league. Am I being idealistic to say I want a relationship with you?"

He sat on the bed and stroked her thigh. "Two months ago I would have mocked you and told you that I do not have relationships. Now...I was terrified when I felt you dying and not because of the horcrux, but because I suddenly saw my world without your laughter and irreverence. I do not know when I began to care about you. It is not something I have felt before." He glanced at her. "A relationship...that means more than just appearing in time for bed."

"I don't want to fight in this war."

"I won't ask you to. I like that you are Dark without being cruel and overly bloodthirsty. I like that you are studying the Healing Arts. If you are in my home you will hear plans and be around my Death Eaters. A relationship with me means that you will be at my side when I take over. It will put you at odds with all your old friends and your godfathers. Can you be happy with me if it costs you Black and Lupin and your friends?"

"The only time I am happy is when I'm with you." Hari huffed.

Hari snuggled against his solid warmth with a disgruntled sigh. "Do they always show up so early?"

"It's not early. You didn't show up until five thirty. It's nearly noon." Tom mumbled in her ear.

"Which is four in the morning to me."

Tom kissed her softly. "Sleep then, my Hari." He slid out of the bed to shower quickly before going to meet with his followers.

He walked into the audience chamber and nodded at the gathered wizards. He looked at Lucius. "McLaggen and Kirke."


"And how goes the teacher selection?"

"We've only three more positions to fill. We also need four more medi-witches and five more librarians but the schools can open without the librarians."

"And the curriculum?"

"Neutral for the most part. The sacred days won't be taught until they are eight or nine. They've allowed Yule and talk of blessing the fields at Mabon. There is nothing intrinsically 'dark' about either. It's been agreed that nothing negative about the Light or Dark will be propagated by any of the staff."

Tom nodded.

"Who do we have that would make a good Headmaster if I can manage to get Dumbledore ousted?" He asked after several more minutes of conversation of the schools' progress.

Severus stared at him a moment then turned his attention to what the others were saying. "Delaine Pfeiffer," he said after nearly thirty minutes of debate. "He would be a good choice, my lord. His daughter Mandy is in Ravenclaw. I believe he was as well. He is a Dark Traditionalist, but not cruel or extreme. He won't abuse the children under his care. There has been no rumor as to his association with you that I have heard."

Rookwood nodded. "I'll double check but I believe that his record is clear at the Ministry and he is known to be fair minded."

Tom nodded. "We will need someone besides Lucius to nominate him on the Board."

"Sidney Alexander. He is fair minded. He knows the prejudice some have against all things Dark. He has, in fact, spoke with me a few times about what we really want to accomplish. If I present him with Pfeiffer's credentials, he'll nominate him for me." Lucius murmured.

"May we inquire on the plan to oust Dumbledore, my lord?" Walden MacNair inquired.

"Someone with information and a grudge has decided to air some dirty laundry. If we can make sure that those that are in the position to cast him out are not under any compulsions to the contrary, I believe the information this person is about to reveal will see him fired from the position. To this end Lucius, you, Heffner and Goodwin will acquire charms to protect the Board of Governors from mental compulsions and free them from any they are currently under."

"Yes, my lord." The three men bowed.

"Make sure that as soon as...."

Death Eaters suddenly began jerking out of something's path with soft murmurs drawing attention to the right side of the room. A path opened and a patronus padded into view.

Tom stared at the cougar patronus in bewilderment. Who had a cougar patronus? And why would they be sending it to him?

The shining animal reached him and stropped against his legs. He arched an eyebrow at it. Who dared such familiarity? A sleep-roughed voice murmured, "When you are finished with nefarious plotting, I was not done with you."

Tom just blinked at the creature as it faded away. He transferred his glare to Lucius who was bent over choking.

"Free the Board of Governors of Dumbledore's compulsions."

His followers watched in stunned silence as the Dark Lord strode from the room obviously responding to the raspy, seductive summons. They all turned toward Malfoy once the door had shut behind the Dark Lord.

"You have something to share, Lucius?" Severus drawled. Who the bloody hell did the Dark Lord have in his bed? Who dared to summon him? And he responded by going!

Lucius shook his head. There was no way he was going to be the one that said Potter and the Dark Lord are having an affair. "I have been sworn to secrecy."

They encircled him.

"That was a female."

"The Dark Lord has a witch in his bed?"

"He left someone alone in his rooms?"

"Someone who dared to summon him!"

"Surely you can tell us something?"

"I am certain that I am not going to gossip at all about the Dark Lord's personal life." Lucius stated firmly and pushed his way out of the throng and strode off to do his lord's bidding.

Tom entered his bedroom shedding clothes. "A cougar? Your patronus is a cougar? I thought it was a stag?"

"It was when I thought my father was someone to look up to."

"And who inspired the cougar?" Tom asked as he slid atop the naked witch sprawled shamelessly across his bed.

Hari wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him down for a heated kiss. "My animagus form is a cougar."

Tom stared at her. "You are showing me later," he murmured.

He stroked a hand down her silky skin. "You should have seen fierce Death Eaters jumping out of the way as it padded across the room to me." He snorted. "Of course that paled next to their stunned expressions when a sexy female voice practically ordered me back to bed and I ended the meeting."

"You think my voice is sexy?" Hari murmured running her hand down his chest.

"I think half the wizards in my audience chamber got erections listening to you summon me. Lucius nearly asphyxiated himself he choked so hard."

Hari laughed and shoved at his shoulders.

Tom allowed her to push him to his back wondering what she had in mind. He groaned when she began exploring his body with her hands and mouth. His Hari was not extremely bashful. She did hesitate at his groin. She darted a look up at him then got a determined look on her face.

Hari had been witness to many nights of coupling by the Dark Lord before she had learned to control the link. He would get caught up in the pleasure of what he was doing to someone or they were doing to him and WHAM front row seat to live porn.

So she knew what he liked. She ran gentle fingers over his curving erection then bent to run her tongue up the velvet shaft hoping it didn't taste too awfully bad. It was okay until she got to that broad, rounded head. The bead of liquid at the slit was bitter and salty. She wrinkled her nose.

Tom's moan of pleasure became a soft chuckle. His fingers carded through her hair. "You get used to it," he murmured.

She frowned slightly. "You really enjoy..."

"Yes, but if you don't want to then don't. There are many other things I enjoy just as much." He purred.

She shook her head. "You're willing to...ah...please me." She flushed and ducked her head.

"Hmmm, but I enjoy the way you taste."

Her face flamed.

He waited for her to decide. He moaned when she moved and slipped her mouth hesitantly over him. She sucked lightly and he shuddered. "Hari."

She sucked on his cock for several minutes before he tugged her off.

"I am certain you would not enjoy me cumming in your mouth." He groaned. "Come here."

Hari slid up his body. He kissed her very thoroughly before shifting to flip her over and kneel behind her. Pulling her to her knees and elbows he slipped into her hot, wet tunnel.

She keened in pleasure and pushed back on him taking him deep. He grasped her hips and began thrusting in and out of her. His hips slapping lightly against her buttocks.

"Yes..." she moaned. "Yes...Tom...fuck..." She shuddered and came on him. Her pussy milking his cock bringing him to his own release.

........𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐠𝐥 𝐈 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐲𝐨

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