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"Is that you, Onyx? Onyx?" called out a gentle voice. It was Pandora, clad in a soft pink dress and matching pumps, with delicate accents. Her steps crunched the branches and leaves beneath her, her heart racing like a child in a candy store. But then, a crunch on the ground sounded, distinct from her own. "Hello...?" she ventured. Suddenly, she felt a hand grab her, and she let out a shriek, flailing her arms in fear. "Shh, shh, Pans, it's me," chuckled another voice. Pandora whirled around to confront her assailant, only to find her friend Onyx. His face bore a mischievous smirk as he laughed. "Not funny!" she protested, though soon joining in the laughter. He extended his hand, and she took it with a shy smile playing on her lips. "My lady," he teased. "Kind sir," she replied with a curtsy, and together they walked off.

Pandora's run-in with Onyx was pure chance. It happened about a year back when she was out exploring the districts with her dad. They were supposed to be learning about all the gritty stuff that made people dislike the place, but instead, Pandora found herself falling for its hidden beauty. She spotted Onyx lugging heavy crates of coal, and their eyes locked. From then on, he couldn't seem to look away. Slowly, Pandora drifted away from her dad, and Onyx somehow found his way to her. Their friendship bloomed fast. Before she knew it, Pandora was fully immersed in the district life. She laughed with local teens by the lake, danced to folk tunes, and played tricks on peacekeepers, always with a mischievous grin and a twirl of her favorite dress. Their bond deepened with each passing day. Onyx became Pandora's guide to the district's hidden treasures and secret spots, showing her the vibrant heart beneath its rough exterior. Together, they explored winding alleyways adorned with colorful graffiti, stumbled upon cozy cafés tucked away from prying eyes, and discovered the joy of impromptu street performances by talented locals.

As their friendship flourished, Pandora found herself drawn to Onyx's infectious zest for life and his unwavering loyalty. Her stomach fluttered in his presence and her face reddened like the roses they'd never get to see. The best day of her life was last week when Onyx pulled her away from her peacekeepers and asked her out on a date. They'd be going to the hob on one of the days Peacekeepers rarely frequented and Pandora was more excited than ever.

Onyx didn't have fancy clothing like her but she couldn't care less, she found him to be his most handsome when he was just in his work attire, she tried giving him money but he refused, he was too much of a gentleman to let her pay for him. Yet she still snuck coins in his bags and pockets while he was distracted. "I'm real happy that you agreed to go on a date with me Pans," he said And god his accent drove her wild "I'm glad you asked me.."

As Pandora and Onyx made their way to the hob, the bustling heart of the district, anticipation bubbled within them. The air was alive with the sound of laughter and music, a stark contrast to the oppressive atmosphere usually enforced by the Peacekeepers. Tonight, however, the district felt free, liberated from the watchful eyes of authority. As they entered the hob, the melodious voice of Lucy Gray, the legendary first winner of District 12, filled the air. Her hauntingly beautiful tunes drew a crowd, and Pandora couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder as she listened to the songstress perform with her covy. Lucy Gray was a unique beauty, with her colorful dress, large dark eyes, and silky hair. Pandora remembers being so excited when she heard of the girls win, it was an impressive feat for District 12 to win.

Suddenly Onyx pulled Pandora into the center of the makeshift dance floor, his strong arms encircling her waist as they swayed to the rhythm of the music. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of the crowd and the infectious energy of the music, Pandora felt truly alive. They danced with abandon, their laughter blending with the music as they spun and twirled beneath the starlit sky. For a fleeting moment, all worries melted away, leaving only the pure joy of the present. Pandora felt like a butterfly, weightless and free, she felt like just another district girl on a date. But then, as Onyx twirled her around, Pandora's gaze landed on a familiar figure standing on the outskirts of the crowd. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized Coriolanus Snow, her assigned Peacekeeper. He was engrossed in Lucy Gray's performance, his attention fully captured by the singer. She let out a shaky breath and clung herself to Onyx in hopes of ensuring he wouldn't see her "Pans... what's wrong? Asked Onyx as he pulled her slightly away so he could look at her face. Pandora's breath caught in her throat as she watched him, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach. Despite the festive atmosphere, the sight of Snow sent a shiver down her spine. Something about that man was different, it was surreal.

"My Peacekeeper...he's here" Whispered Pandora as she pointed towards the man with cold eyes and buzzed platinum hair. Onyx's face twisted in thought for a minute before he quickly brought Pandora close to him and made his way off the dance floor "We've danced enough anyway, lets go do something else" Pandora nodded and before they excited she turned to look back one last time to see Snow...but he wasn't there.

Pandora and Onyx walked silently down the dirty streets of District 12 until it began to drive Pandora crazy in anxiety "So...where are we going?" she asked "To see something you probably never see" Onyx smirked as usual and led her through a dark Allyway and into the forest. They kept going further and further until they had reached a large clearing by a lake "Look" he pointed up to the dark sky which usually contained nothing, but instead it was littered with glittering stars "Onyx its beautiful" she gasped as she stared up into the sky "The coal usually darkens the sky so badly we can't see the stars...but if you just search hard enough, you find they're always there" Pandora smiled at this and buried herself into his side for warmth "Kinda like us" she giggled "Exactly like us, even when you leave the district, you'll still be by my side, in the darkest corners of my mind...inhabiting my heart for life" Pandora's face flushed red at his words and her insides churned so bad she thought she'd vomit, she was almost gitty as his face drew closer to hers. She'd finally have her first kiss, and it would be from the boy she'd been crushing on all year. "Get away from her" the sound of a gun clocking seperated the two teens in a flash. Confused and panicked Pandora tried to make out the figure in the darkness...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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