Hallucinations - P2

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requested by : HelloIamCalm12

now it's real Neptune angst + my au



Is this what you wanted?

Really, Neptune?




Neptune's eyes flickered open, and he sat up. His vision was blurry, and all he heard was the sound of a heartbeat monitor and voices outside.
"Wh- where.. what?" Neptune looked around.

White walls.


It's this all over again..

The mental hospital..

"N-No.. I don't want to be here..."

"Never again."

The door slid open, and someone walked in. Uranus turned, noticing Neptune was awake.
"Uhh.. hey, mate.." Uranus waved, walking over. "You alright?"

"I don't wanna be here again! Th- they're gonna-"

"Woah, calm down. It's a nice place!" Uranus paused, "Not the other place where you came from." He looked down, seeming to be thinking for a moment. "Why'd you do that?"


"Why did you jump?" Uranus repeated himself, concerned.

"Well.. Guillermo said I'd land on my feet!" Neptune replied.
"Mate, you can't just.. do that. It's dangerous, you know?" Uranus fumbled with his words, trying not to be too insensitive. "It's like, every other day you get into an accident.. I'm worried."
"But Guillermo-"

"Neptune, I can't find another way to say this, but.."

"He's not real."

"N-No, of course he's real! Are you- Are you lying?!" Neptune stammered, panicking.
"Neptune, Neptune- it's okay! I mean- agh.." Uranus trailed off, seeing that Neptune wasn't listening. He needed a distraction.
Just then, the door opened again. Uranus turned around.

"Oh.. hey, Saturn." Uranus waved, watching the other walk over to him.
"Hi, dear. Um.. is Neptune alright? He seems to be a little distressed." Saturn glanced over at Neptune, worried.
"I just.. hold on," Uranus leaned forward and whispered into Saturn's ear.
"Oh. Uh. I did bring the weird little water toy Neptune has." Saturn handed the item to Uranus.
(You know the little toy things that have two buttons at the bottom and there's water inside, and you have to put the rings on top of the hooks using the buttons or smth?)
"Oh, perfect." Uranus grinned, "Hey, Neptune?" Uranus turned, offering the toy to Neptune. Neptune took the toy and began pressing the buttons randomly.
"Great! Glad he's having fun with that," Saturn smiled, putting his hands behind his back.
"Well, I suppose we should go now.. Not really sure if it's okay to leave him, though." Uranus murmured the last part, but Saturn still managed to hear him.
"Oh, Uranus! We can still visit again later!" Saturn added, "Or call him. I'm pretty sure he has his phone."
"I mean.. if you say so. Bye, Neptune." Uranus waved, walking out the door.
Neptune looked up and grinned, waving back. Saturn closed the door behind them, and now Neptune was alone.

Alone again.


481 words
I will make a gc of this because I CAN HAHA

Give requests please.

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