Chapter 1: Mission, Cursed Office Building

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"Alright everyone, look alive!" The strongest sorcerer, Satoru Gojo said to his three students. "Umm... This is just an office building." The vessel of Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori said, being a little bit confused.  "Correction! It's a cursed office building! oooooh!" Gojo says in his usual goofy, annoying tone. "Gojo, why are we here? is this a mission? We just got Kugisaki, don't you think this is a little too soon?" The most levelheaded of the four, Megumi Fushiguro says in his usual bored tone. "Yeah, plus you promised us Sushi." The girl of the group, Nobara Kugisaki said. 

"All true statements," Gojo says, "But it couldn't hurt to do a little more training! What if a big mission appears? at you guys' current level you all would be murdered instantly!"

"Well alright," Itadori says, pulling out his cursed tool, Slaughter Demon. "What's the mission, Gojo Sensei?" 

"We have identified three cursed spirits within the building; however, their grades are unknown. Don't worry though, they can't be any tougher than a grade 3." Gojo says briefing his students. "Oh! and Yuji? I know I already said this before but, do not let Sukuna out. There's no telling what he would do."

"You got it Sensei." Itadori says as he, Fushiguro, and Nobara, enter the abandoned building. Once they enter the building, Fushiguro stops and tells everyone something. "Alright listen up, I propose we split up. Itadori and Kugisaki, you two will sweep the top floors while I get the bottom ones."

"Hey! why do you get to go alone but I have to partner up with him?" Nobara said kind of angrily. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Itadori said a little offended. "It's because I have more experience than both of you combined." Fushiguro said before walking away, ending the conversation. "Man, that guy pisses me off so much." Nobara said sighing. "Alright Kugisaki, Let's go!!" Itadori said running before immediately tripping and falling. "This should be entertaining." Nobara says looking down at Itadori chuckling.

Meanwhile Fushiguro and his divine dogs were running around and scoping out the building.  'Cmon, where is the cures? I've looked everywhere.' That's when one of Fushiguro's divine dogs sensed something. "What is it?" Fushiguro asked. The dogs barked in the direction of a dark room. Fushiguro approached with caution but stopped when a long. skinny arm erupted from the darkness in the room. "The meeting.... The meeting is starting..." The curse muttered as it exited the darkness and stood in front of Fushiguro. The curse was like seven feet tall and really skinny. Its limbs were long and lanky, and it had on a business suit. Its skin was white and crusty, and it had no eyes, just a long sadistic looking smile that stretched along its face.

"Go get em!" Fushiguro says as the divine dogs charge at the tall curse. however, the curse just picks up both of them up and throws them into a wall with such force the wall cracks. "What the? I thought this curse was at least grade 3 this is-" Suddenly another one that curse appears behind Fushiguro. "The office.... it's... it's... its closed." The curse mutters before attempting to grab Fushiguro but he dodges out of the way. right into another curse who grabs both his arms and holds him up. "Dammit!" Fushiguro mutters. "I should have not come... I'm too injured from getting Sukuna's finger from Itadori's school!" Then three more of the exact same curses appear. "Dammit!"

"Man, where are those curses?" Itadori says looking around with Nobara close behind him. "Maybe the curse you ate is scaring all of them away." Nobara says. "Maybe..."

"AAAH!! Itadori!? What happened to your face?!" Nobara screamed in disgust. Itadori was confused until he saw that Sukuna had manifested on his face as a mouth and an eye. "Oh that, don't worry he does that from time to time." 

"That is so gross!!" Nobara said gagging. Sukuna ignoring her comment says, "I am the king of curses after all. Curses fear even the mention of my name." Itadori groan before slapping his face to get Sukuna to go away before they both continued searching for curses. "So, um... Itadori? How did you end up eating that finger?" Nobara asked. Itadori turns around to look at Nobara before he says, "Well, Me and my club found it and my two club members went to sneak inside my school to do something with it. That's when Fushiguro came and told me what it was, and we rushed to the school. Long story short, there were curses and we only lived because I ate it, and Sukuna came out." 

"Woah. why did you go through? You could have just stayed home and let Fushiguro take care of it."

"Yeah, I could have but... before I went to the school with Fushiguro, my grandpa died. but before he did..." Itadori hesitated before he said, "... He told me I'm a strong kid... so I should help people..." He said that last part smiling and tearing up a little bit. "Oh... Itadori I'm sorry for your lost..." Nobara said empathetically, feeling bad for Itadori. "Don't worry I'm fine. Ever since then I vowed that I would give myself and people I care about a proper death... just like my grandpa..." Nobara smiled, Itadori was a better guy than she gave him credit for. This moment was interrupted when they both heard. "Don't.... Don't bully me..." They both turned to see a curse with a pear-shaped body, one eye, a large mouth, no arms, and four legs. "Man, it's ugly. " Nobara said pulling out her hammer and nails. "Tell me about it." Itadori said pulling out slaughter demon.

Meanwhile Fushiguro's not doing so good. He was already injured but not it's more apparent. The curse kept multiplying, not giving him enough room to summon his shikigami. "Dammit! At this rate, I'm going to die!" The curses beat and pummeled Fushiguro along with throwing him into walls. It was not looking good for the 10 shadows user.  "I have to use fleeing hares so I can distract them and get out of here but... They won't let me!" Fushiguro didn't know what to do at the moment. Actually, he did know what to do, it's just his pride wouldn't allow it.

"Man, that was so easy." Nobara said standing over the curse she and Itadori just exorcised. "I know, we make such a good team, don't we." Itadori said putting his hand up for a high five and smiling. Nobara hesitated before shrugging and high fiving Itadori. "Yeah, we do make a good team."

"You think there's any more curses up here? I don't sense any."

"Yeah, I think we picked this place clean."

"You think Fushiguro is done exorcising his curses?"

"Probably cuz after all, 'He's more experienced than-"



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