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*dusts cobwebs off this story*

*clears throat*

Hey guys!! It's been a looooong time, hasn't it??

I'll try not to get too sentimental, but let's be honest—that probably won't happen, lol! I wanted to say thank you so much for being such amazing readers and supporting my work even after all this time!

It's been *digs through cabinets in brain* 6 years (holy shit!!!) since I first started writing this book. Honestly, I can still remember when I decided to write this. It was the beginning of my writing adventure and the reason I fell in love with writing! And to have such a great reader base is much more than I could ever ask for!

Now, I do remember that I kind of left you all hanging with the lack of updates for book two and so on—especially since I had promised to rewrite this book so I could rework maaaany plot holes that this book has.

And also, I'm much more mature—not only in writing but also in general. But let's be honest... I'm never gonna outgrow my anime roots! After all, no matter how many times I leave, I always come back heheheheheh!!

Which is why I would like to announce to you all... that I am currently working on the rewrite!!

After changing universes many times, I have decided to keep it in the original BNHA universe with my own twist. Recently, I have learned that Midoriya becomes a sort of "villain" in the most recent episodes, and couldn't help but think that that was what I wanted to occur in my own books.

So while the new version "To Promise You" will be in the BNHA universe, once the book starts, nothing from the current series will be cannon. Not even the ending of the series will coincide with the actual anime/manga.

I would also like to mention that my writing has changed as well, but I've been reading your comments again, and keep smiling from all of your excitement and frustration and happiness!!

You reminded me of why I write fanfiction and I can't thank you enough!

I hope you'll stick with me as we continue this adventure together!!

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