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"Do you want to come in?" Ochako offered, walking with Izuku to the open front door. "I could get you something to drink."

"Would your parents be okay with that?" Izuku didn't feel like taking a shower when he got home.

"Oh, they're out tonight. It'll be just us!" she smiled.

Izuku stopped for a moment, looking back down the street from where he came. He wasn't sure if his mother would be too pleased when he didn't come home immediately. Looking back at Ochako, he couldn't help but notice her excitement as she smiled at him. Deku sighed, smiling in return.

"Yeah. I—I guess my mom wouldn't mind."

Ochako's smile grew as the pads of her fingers touched—excluding her pinkie. "Great!"

They both walked inside, Uraraka shutting the door to lock it. Then they both made their way to the kitchen, Deku stopping by the couch to set Ochako's dog on the cushion. They soon had a cup of ice water each, sitting at the table in the kitchen.

"We still have tomorrow for the project," Ochako started, swirling the water with the straw she held between her two fingers.

Izuku stood up slightly, taking a piece of paper out of his back pocket. Sitting back down, he unfolded the tree product, looking it over. "If I'm gonna take a guess at our grade, we're probably looking at a C+."

Ochako choked on her drink, alarming Izuku slightly. "What?!"

With an uneasy smile, Midoriya nodded. "Yeah. We would have to do something all day in order to get.. maybe a B+."

The young lady slouched in her chair, looking across at her friend. "You're being serious?"

"Well, if Mr. Aizawa's grading policy is nicer than the one I put our project through, we would get an A most likely. Although, I don't think Mr. Aizawa is gonna go easy on us."

Uravity slouched even more, a thought suddenly coming across her mind to make her perk up. "I just remembered! I volunteered to work at the animal shelter tomorrow! We could do that!"

Izuku scratched the top of his head. "That could work. We could keep Cheveyo in my backpack so he won't turn to mush‒there shouldn't be much water involved. What time did you volunteer?"

Ochako felt her excitement bubbling. "I volunteered from four to six o'clock, and that's in the evening. That way we could do stuff throughout the day too."

Izuku nodded along, piecing together the day so it would run smoothly. "What could we do until then, though?"

Drinking her water, the young lady racked her brain for an idea. That's when Izuku snapped his fingers. "The museum is showing a new display of fossils! Maybe we could do that?"

"But the museum doesn't open until noon," Ochako leaned back in her chair, swirling the water in her cup. "What could we do until then?"

"It might be cooler in the morning. We could go to the park? Oh, and we could also go to Recovery Girl for my shoulder!" Izuku began to talk to himself, rubbing his chin, his eyes widening. "I've got it! Do you have a pencil or something I could use?"

"Yeah! One second!"

The Zero Gravity user hurried to her father's small office room, grabbing a pen after moving many different blueprints. Izuku went to work as soon as the pen touched his fingertips, flipping over the paper to write.

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