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Ochako tossed and turned that night, her mind never resting. If she was going to be honest, Deku was the one clouding her thoughts.

          She had gone home right after what happened in the alley, meaning she didn't pass on that "message" to Izuku. She was worried⎯really worried⎯that if she told him, he would go and take the Pros with him, hoping he could put an end to this trouble. In fact, Ochako knew he would just that.

          She didn't want him getting hurt anymore than he already was. Uraraka even had to face the horrible truth: Deku could get killed.

          In the condition he's currently in, it wouldn't take much, and that scared Ochako to death. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if Izuku got killed. She just couldn't.

          She also couldn't decide if she should tell Deku about the message or not.

          It was the same scenario⎯Ochako didn't want him killed or hurt even more. Now that she was actually thinking it over, it was a lose-lose.

          If she didn't tell Deku at all, those villains would just come after him. If she did tell him, he would be in an epic face-off, the odds not in his favor.

          Ochako sighed, pulling up the blankets up to the bottom of her nose, her eyes moving with the fan as it spun. She turned on her side, pulling up the blanket even more when she felt her eyelids become heavier.

          Everything will be fine, she comforted herself, closing her eyes softly. Yeah, just fine. This'll all blow over and then, it'll be okay.

          Except no matter what she told herself, Ochako knew in the depths of her heart that something was about to go down.

          But at what cost?


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

          Izuku groggily opened his eyes, squinting them when light blinded him. A slight pain throbbed in his right shoulder, pulsing throughout his arm, a sting coming from his left arm and leg. He tried to move his left hand to rub his eyes, but something stopped him. He rose his head slightly to see an IV in his skin, the small dripping sound filling the air.

          That's when he remembered. His head flopped back onto the hospital pillow, his head trying to block out reality.

          Crap. How long have I been out? Mom... Ochako... dammit..

          That was all he could think about, his head not liking the morning sun at the moment.

          Wait.. morning?

          His eyes shot open, searching for a sign as to what day and time it was. His frantic green eyes landed on a clock, a calendar below it.

          Seven o'clock in the morning. Tuesday.

          Only the night, Izuku was somewhat relieved⎯however, not relieved to find out there was only two days left until his and Ochako's project was due. Hopefully Mr. Aizawa will let her do some things on her own.

          He could only hope, especially with his teacher being one of the strictest teachers of UA.

          The door to Izuku's hospital room creaked open then, All Might peeking his head through the small crack. "Young Midoriya? You awake?"

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