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Ochako's eyes flew open as she turned her head to look up at All Might, who was standing in front of the entire Class 1-A, Aizawa beside him.

          "All Might," she breathed, the ghost of a smile on her features. She turned back to Deku, hugging him gently. "We'll be okay now, Deku.."

          All Might then turned to Uraraka and Midoriya, ready to go assist them when grumbling was heard, the noise growing louder. Posiongrip suddenly burst from a nearby pile of bricks, his face set in a snarl. Toshinori ended up facing the villain instead, his fists clenching when the other two villains joined in behind Posiongrip.

          "What do we do now?" Jōkā whispered, watching All Might, as did Fang and Posiongrip. Posiongrip popped his shoulder to relive the stress. "We continue with the plan."

          "Does your plan involve all of 1-A?"

          Posiongrip rolled his eyes. "That's where the heroes come in."

          Fang growled softly, as if to ask a question that his leader answered. "Think about it, Hiromichi. With the Pros here, they won't let the kids fight. Also, to them we're just three villains that don't know what we're doing, but they're about to be in for a rude awakening."

          The purple-haired villain smiled evilly as he finished speaking, straightening his spine while clasping his hands together. "What a pleasure to finally meet you, All Might."

          "What do you want, villain?"

          Posiongrip laughed once. "Don't like to waste time, hmm? I like it. Now to answer your question..."

          He finished by extending his hand towards the unconscious UA student, All Might clenching his jaw in both anger and fear. "You will never capture Young Midoriya!"

          "If I could get what I want without physically needing the boy, then I wouldn't be here, but I'm afraid there's no way around it."

          "Why do you even need him?! Tell me! What is your plan?"

          Posiongrip glanced at Fang, nodding once towards the Symbol of Peace. He returned his attention back to the hero. "I may as well tell you, since it seems that the final fight is upon us. Midoriya's strength is different than everyone else's, breaking his bones every time he uses his Quirk. Why is that, though? You know, don't you, All Might?"

          The Number One Hero watched as Posiongrip's smile got wider, glancing once towards the class behind him. What is he up to?

          Ochako observed the scene before as it unfolded, startled when Izuku started to cough. Her hand flew to rest on his chest unknowingly as she watched his eyes flutter open. He seemed confused at first as he looked around, his deep gaze eventually landing on Uraraka, causing her to let out a sigh of relief.

          "Ochako, what―what happened?" his voice cracked slightly as he turned over, his nose barely skimming Ochako's torso. Uraraka nearly squeaked, forgetting that Deku's head was resting on her lap, and he hadn't realized it yet. She had barely noticed that her hand was splayed over his chest, so she was currently in full tomato-mood at the moment.

          "Y-You passed out," she stuttered, gently sliding Izuku's head onto the dirt in front of her knees.

          "Enough with beating around the bush, villain! Why are you after Young Midoriya?!"

          Izuku and Ochako's attention was turned back to the main scene, seeing All Might sweating profusely while Posiongrip seemed to be having the time of his life. He smirked. "I'm not sure you want me to answer that."

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