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"It's Bakuog. He's in the hospital."

     "Todya's topic is the incident that took place at 10:24 last night in Tomi City."

     It all finally made sense; the incident in Tomi City and Katsuki's injuries were because of the same person. Izuku wasn't exactly sure if this was the villain who attacked his friend/nenemis/rival or not, but it was a pretty good chance that this (excuse Midoriya's uncharacteristic language) bastard was to blame.

     The aspiring Hero could feel Ochako's fear through her grip on his shirt, knowing he had to get both of them out of there as soon as he could. "How do you know my name?"

     The villain laughed, hitting Fang on the shoulder lightly while snorting. The girl laughed with him, looking lost as to why he was laughing. Then he stopped bluntly. "We've—well, I've been watching you for a very long time, Midoriya."

     Izuku started sweating, noticing the villain named Fang was slowly stepping to the left, the girl stepping to the right. They were cornering the two students.

     "All I need is for you to come with us, and we won't hurt your little friend," the purple-haired man continued, twirling his blade through his fingers with a smile.

     Crap! The young man thought, glancing at every villain while trying to figure out a plan of action. If they keep this up, we'll be surrounded in no time. Even if we weren't, we'd never be able to get away. That one can turn into a wolf, basically limiting our options of making a run for it. Not that we had much anyhow.

     His eyes moved to the girl. And even though she hasn't shown her Quirk, we can't underestimate her. One move like that would get us in the hospital or killed.

     Izuku's gaze turned to the villain in front of him. He's obviously got a Quirk like Yaoyorozu's, but he's only created a knife from his skin, nothing else. Maybe he can only make knives, but what's the purple's purpose? It can't be good whatever it is.

     His arm tensed even more around Ochako, the limb shaking from the tight muscles, his jaw clenched in frustration. Crap! What're we gonna do?!

     "You know, all this silence is making me bored."

     "What even makes you think I'd go with you?" Deku shouted, sweat running cold from his temple. "I don't even know you. That and you're villains."

     The man gestured to Midoriya. "Ah! Where are my manners? I'm Posiongrip. No spaces, just how it sounds. This is Fang, a bit headstrong and silent, but we make it work. And this is—"

     "Hi!" The girl jumped up with a hand in the air, catching the attention of the two at once. "I'm Jōkā. Nice to meet you before you forcefully join us and become our slave against your will."

     Posiongrip made a motion with his hand, moving it across his neck with a look that said shut up. Jōkā looked at him with an innocent smile, shrugging. "What? What'd I say?"

     "What you meant to say," Posiongrip growled. "Was that we'd hate to hurt your little girlfriend if you don't agree."

     If the situation wasn't what it was, both of the teenagers would've gone completely red and deny it with stuttering; they would if they weren't in danger.

     "Ochako," Deku whispered through clenched teeth, trying to be discreet to the three villains. "Get my phone out of my backpack.."

     I can't think about the questions she'll have. Not when we need him. Izuku kept his eyes on the villains, Ochako trying her best to keep the zipper quiet.

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