eleven - taylor

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Travis was waiting for me by the door when I came out, and his eyes slipped up and down my body for a half second before he turned away. I swallowed, glancing down at what I was wearing to make sure it was okay. I had no idea what to wear to properly meet his family, so eventually I'd settled on a dark red maxi dress with long sleeves, and some red ankle boots to go with it. His family would judge me however they pleased no matter what I wore.

Without a word to me, Travis drove us to his brother's house. We were silent the whole way, but when we got there, Travis turned off the car and then looked over like he wanted to talk.

"Try not to fuck this up okay?" He said. "My family pay attention. They'll be able to tell if we slip up."

"Are you doubting my acting abilities again?" I sighed. Travis shrugged. "Fucks sake." I groaned, reaching across and resting my hand on his jaw. Pulling Travis closer, I leaned over and brushed my lips lightly against his, letting out a sigh against his mouth. After a moment, I blinked my eyes open and gazed up at him, smiling like I absolutely adored him.

"Fine." Travis sighed. "Your acting abilities are fine."

"Thank you." I rolled my eyes, turning for the door.

Travis slipped his hand onto the small of my back as he led me up to the door, opening it without knocking. I swallowed nervously as we walked inside, down a hallway to come out into the living room.

"Hey, you guys made it!" 

"Hey Ky." Travis smiled, reaching out and embracing the woman that came over with one arm. "Taylor, baby, this is Kylie. She's Jason's wife. Ky, this is Taylor."

"Hi." Kylie came over to hug me, and I hugged her back a little surprised. "So you are real." She laughed.

"I am." I smiled back at her. "It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Jason." Jason Kelce introduced himself, sticking out his hand, which I shook with a smile.

"I know." I murmured, a little starstruck. "I was a huge Eagles fan growing up." Jason laughed, throwing Travis a wink, who shook his head. 

"Don't." Travis sighed. "I got her on my side now." He pulled me closer against his side and Jason laughed again. "Mom, Dad." He steered me over to two people sitting on the couch, three little girls playing around with them. They were already watching, waiting for us. Donna stood up, smiling widely at me as Travis' Dad - Ed if I remembered correctly - looked between me and Travis. 

"Hi Taylor sweetheart." Donna took both of my hands and I smiled tentatively. "It's so lovely to finally meet you, we've been asking Travis to bring you home for so long now."

"It's nice to meet you properly." I said, and Donna nodded to herself. 

"Come sit." She patted the couch and I exchanged a look with Travis before I went to sit down with her. Travis sat down on my other side, resting a hand on my thigh as he talked to his dad.

Donna and I talked to a while, and god, I felt like she could still tell that this was all a lie. I gave her no reason to think that I might be faking everything, but it was like she could see right through me. The way she looked at me, the slight shift to her voice, it put me on edge.

"Hi!" The oldest of the three little girls had gotten up from the floor and was standing in front of me. 

"Wyatt girl, this is Taylor." Travis introduced me. 

"I know." Wyatt rolled his eyes dramatically at her uncle before looking at me. "You're famous. I love your music."

"Aw thank you sweetie." I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

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