thirty seven - travis

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Taylor let out a little moan into my mouth as I fingered her gently, being very careful not to do too much. She seemed comfortable enough and nodded, urging me on. Kissing her soft lips again and again, I found her clit and stroked lightly, easing her into it.

"Travis." Taylor sighed wistfully.

"You okay?" I whispered, wanting to make sure.

"Mhmm." She nodded. "It's helping I think. God!" She gasped as I worked her clit slowly, letting out a breath against my lips. "Harder."

"Are you sure?"

"Just a little." Taylor begged. I complied, and she let out a little whimper of pleasure, surging forwards for another kiss. She fell apart a second later, moaning my name in her light, breathy voice as she trembled. Then she cried out in pain, her face scrunching up as she was hit with another contraction.

"Push sweetheart." I reminded her, moving my hand to her back and rubbing her skin gently. Taylor huffed, her face going red as she pushed as hard as she could. Then Kira was there, checking with my fiancé before she checked on how far the baby was along.

"Great, it's working." She assured Taylor. "Keep pushing, I can feel the head now."

Taylor let out a gasp, her head falling down onto my arm. I took my hand off her back and stroked her hair as she caught her breath, sweaty and red. But she seemed happier, spurred on by Kira's encouragement that things were moving along again. After a moment, Taylor shifted her head up and looked at me.

"We're going to have two daughters soon." She whispered.

"I know." I murmured, tucking a blonde strand behind her ear. "You're doing amazing my sweet girl." I told her, and Taylor moaned in pain as she had another contraction.

"One big push Taylor, baby is right there." Kira urged, and Taylor cried out, pushing even harder.

"You're incredible sweetheart, you're almost there." I squeezed her hands, in awe at her raw power. I'd never seen her so broken down but so determined before. She was fucking amazing.

Then Taylor gasped, ducking her head down. I followed her gaze, watching as our first daughter was born. My eyes widened as Taylor panted, and Kira looked up at her.

"You need to grab her Taylor." She said.

"Huh?" Taylor blinked.

"Grab her."

Taylor let go of my hands, sitting back on her knees and reaching down to take our daughter. She lifted her up, and as soon as our baby broke the water, a high pitched wailing started. Taylor burst into tears, sobbing as she held our daughter to her chest, her hands clasping around our tiny baby. She looked at me, tears falling as she clutched the baby against her chest and shoulder, resting her cheek against soft head resting there. Our daughtered was wet and covered in blood, but so beautiful it took my breath away. I was frozen, staring.

"Do you want to cut the cord before the second baby comes along Taylor?" Kira asked.

"No." Taylor whispered with a shake of her head. "Travis can do it."

I nodded, taking the scissors Kira offered me. Taylor turned the baby around as Kira guided me, and I cut the cord. Kira immediately put a clamp on and then Taylor cradled our daughter close, smiling down at her as she wailed. I passed the scissors back, in awe at the sight. I was a father. Taylor was a mother.

"Hi little girl." Taylor sobbed. "Hi. I love you so much." She pressed a kiss to our daughter's forehead. "I love you little baby. I love you." She looked up at me. "Travis she's perfect."

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