twenty - taylor

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Travis held my gaze for a long moment as he ducked his head between my thighs, but then he turned all of his attention to where I needed him most. I pressed my lips tightly together, stifling a moan as his hot breath teased between my legs, wanting to beg him for more, but also knowing I wanted him to take his time with me. 

Then his mouth was on me, his tongue sliding slowly, gently into my folds where I craved him. I gasped, my back arching forwards out of my control as Travis' strong hands secured around my thighs, gripping me tightly but not painfully. His tongue worked against my clit gently, sending hot sparks rushing through my body with every light stroke inside me. Travis seemed to know exactly what I needed from him. It was like he knew exactly how to fuck me with his mouth to render me a helpless mess beneath his touch. I felt like I was dying, in the best possible fucking way to ever exist. This man was mine, and I was his. Simple as that. I'd never wanted anything more, and I had it.

"Travis!" I cried out before smashing my lips together, remembering the two people sitting right outside the little bedroom. They really didn't need to be hearing any of this. I'd even heard Tree specifically demand for us to keep it down when Travis had come in.

"Oh I know you can be louder than that for me sweetheart." Travis pulled back to say before his mouth hit my clit again, harder than before. I cried out, writhing under his tongue. "Louder." Travis almost demanded, his tone rough, erotic. "Or I'll stop." Oh, fuck it. Tree and Aaron could deal with our noise. I couldn't resist obeying his command, not when he'd demanded it so roughly.

"Fuck!" I let loose on the tension in my chest, shouting the word with a loud moan as Travis slipped two fingers into me alongside his tongue. He worked his hand fast, fingering me roughly as I fell apart, moans falling uncontrollably from my lips in a constant stream. "Travis!" I cried his name, arching further towards him. "Oh god!"

"Cum for me sweet girl." He ordered, the words rushing through me like fire, settling down in my heart. "Right now."

A scream rose in my throat, bubbling past my lips as I came, bucking uncontrollably against Travis' constant touch. He coaxed me through the waves of my orgasm until my body stopped trembling and slumped back, my chest heaving as I fought to try and breathe normally again. I didn't know how he did it, but I was helpless to him. Completely and utterly helpless. One might even say I was absolutely and hopelessly down bad.

"Oh my god." I moaned quietly as Travis pressed warm, open-mouthed kisses up the insides of my thigh and over my stomach like he was trying to memorize every inch of my skin with his mouth. He left lingering warmth behind, making me shiver.

"I did promise you." He murmured after a moment when he stopped his kissed just underneath my chest, resting in the middle of my upper stomach. "I hope it met your expectations Miss Swift."

"You're such an idiot, of course it did." I giggled at him, slipping my arms around his neck and pulling him close for a kiss as he dragged himself back up the bed to my level. "I love you Travis." I whispered as I kissed him.

"I love you more my sweet girl." Travis crooned adorably against my lips. He was such a teddy bear that it sent little flutters of butterfly wings flapping against my stomach, a feeling I'd only ever read about in books, seen in movies. I couldn't believe that the feeling actually existed in real life. I'd never thought it did, but I felt it with him. "I love you so much." He kissed me slowly, lingering against my lips for a long time. "Sweetheart, you should get some more rest." Travis sighed a minute later. "I can tell you're still tired. You need to sleep off the shows properly."

"Yeah." I sighed. I knew I did; my body was still shattered from the four consecutive shows. "Stay with me?" I asked hopefully.

Travis just grabbed the blankets, shifting to tug them over the both of us and pulling me close against his chest. I smiled, turning to bury my face against his neck and closing my eyes as I settled down with a tired sigh. As we lay there, Travis slipped one of his legs between mine and hooked his foot around my ankle like he wanted to get even closer, rhythmically starting to stroke my hair. He stroked the strands lightly, like he was trying to help me sleep. I sighed happily, immediately soothed by the gentle motion.

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