twenty two - taylor

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We didn't talk about Travis' job offer for the rest of the week. He didn't want to just yet, and I was glad for that. I still needed a little time to process it, think about what we'd do.

But it wasn't easy. There were a lot of eyes on us, so Travis and I spent most of our time together at the hotel if I wasn't out at rehearsals. He had some coursework to do and I spent a little time with my guitar, playing around with ideas for new songs. But it was really nice to just relax when we were at the hotel. It felt domestic, normal. Like we weren't high profile.

"Hey." I murmured, leaning over the back of the couch and sliding my hands over Travis' shoulders as he worked on his computer.

"Hey you." He smiled up at me, his eyes flickering quickly down to the sports bra and little shorts that I was wearing. "Going to the gym?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to go for a quick run. But I was thinking that maybe when I get back..." I pressed my lips to the side of Travis' neck softly, teasing him a little. "You and I could have a little workout of our own."

"Sweetheart." Travis sighed wistfully as I kissed his jaw. "You know we're not supposed to have sex the night before a show. Tree will have my head if I wear you out in any way." I huffed, annoyed. "Don't give me that attitude sweet girl, you can wait three days."

"I can't though." I whined, sliding my hands down his chest against his shirt. Aiming lower.

"Sweetheart." Travis grabbed my hands. "You have no idea how much I want you. You know you're sexy as hell." He smiled up at me and I sighed, giving in. "But hey, when you're back I'll give you a massage okay? Help you relax."

"Hmm." I smiled as he took my chin and kissed me lightly. "Okay." Kissing me would make me agree with him, and Travis knew that. He used that to his advantage, and I folded.

"I love you sweet girl." He told me sweetly.

"I love you too." I whispered back, kissing his jaw one more time. "I'll be back soon okay."

I felt Travis' gaze lingering on me as I left and couldn't help but smile to myself, so happy that life was so incredible at the moment. Security fell into step behind me as I went down to the gym, keeping an eye on things as we went inside, but there was only one other person there. Sticking in my headphones, I put on some music and got on the treadmill. Even though I'd been doing lots of rehearsing, running was a different kind of burn that I enjoyed. Careful not to push myself, I ran for a while until my body was sweaty and spent, and then I hit the button to stop. Too fast.

In the moment, I'd forgotten that I was meant to warm down. The sudden stop of the treadmill wasn't what I was used to, and the change in momentum made me stumble. Like an absolute idiot, I tripped over my feet and fell hard on my ass. My security guard was there in an instant, fussing over me as I waved him off, insisting I was fine. Well, it hurt like a bitch actually, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Are you sure you're alright Miss Swift?"

"I'm fine." I told him as I was helped to my feet. "No one saw that right?" My security chuckled.

"I don't think so." He told me, waiting until I had my balance before letting me go. 

"Good." I sighed, taking my headphones out. Brushing down the back of my shorts, I left the gym, my face a little flushed at my stumble. I really hoped no one had seen that. How embarrassing. I'd almost brought that one ad I'd done into real life.

Sipping at my water bottle, I went back up in the elevator. Just as the doors opened on our floor, my phone started ringing in my hand. Glancing down, I sighed to myself when I saw my Mom's contact coming up. I'd been pretty vague with everyone recently, rarely accepting calls and texts. But I couldn't ignore everyone forever. With a sigh, I answered the call.

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