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Kayla's POV:

So today Michael and I are going on a date and I'm so excited I'm finally his girlfriend, Michael has dated so many girls but they only wanted two things and that was the money and sex but I only want love from him. I hurried and got dressed because I already took care of the hygiene stuff and made my way downstairs, 6:00 on the dot and just when I was getting my purse from the couch the doorbell rung so I checked myself in the mirror and I looked fabulous then I walked over to the door and opened it and saw Michael with flowers in his hand

"Aw Michael, come on in",I say while moving aside letting him in and closing the door

"Well these are for you beautiful"

"Mikey, you shouldn't have"

"But I wanted to because you mean the world to me Kayla"

"Thank you Michael",I say while blushing and walking into the kitchen getting a vase and filling it with water to put the flowers in

"Well ,let's go",Michael says while grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door

"Wait Michael I need to lock the door",I quickly run back up to the house and lock it then I turn around and run back to Michael while he's holding the car door open for me, such a gentleman. "so Michael where are we going"

"Well it's a surprise baby girl",Michael says while starting the car up and backing out of my driveway

"Can you please just give me a hint",I ask while watching him drive, wow he's beautiful even when he's driving.

"No can do baby girl, just know you'll love it"

"Fine",I say while slouching in my seat

Michael gasps while laughing "are you giving me attitude Kayla"


"Yes you are"

"No ,I'm really not Michael",I laugh while watching the car come to a halt in the middle of nowhere, it's just trees. "um Michael"


"Where are we",I ask while opening my door and getting out

"I'm here to eat your blood",Michael says in a scary voice

"Michael stop playing"

"Do you trust me Kayla"

I hesitate for a second "yes, I do trust you"

"I should tell you I'm not like other guys"

"I know Michael and that's why I love you"

"No I mean I'm different"

"And this is where you turn into a werewolf wolf Michael",Michael and I both burst out laughing

"Ok now close your eyes"

I close my eyes and feel Michael's gentle touch guiding me some place "are we there yet"

"Yes you can open them now"

I open my eyes and see a big beautiful water fall with the moon shining perfectly on the water and a blanket with candles and food set up nicely. I gasp "Michael you did all of this"

"Yup I told you I love you and will do anything for you Kayla",Michael says while walking up to me and grabbing my hand

"I love you too Michael",I look up into his big beautiful brown eyes and kiss his lips softly. "I love you too"

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