Chapter 13

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Michael's POV-

Once I was done dropping Kendra off at home I flew towards the woods and got food from a deer, blood from animals don't taste as good as humans sweet, thick, sticky blood but it at least fills my hunger. When I was done feeding I used my super speed and ran home. Jermaine has to be there and he's probably telling my mother some lame excuse about how I just attcked him but he should know mother likes me more and has a very soft spot for me because I'm her baby boy and also because I'm just like her. "Michael sweetie, where were you?" Mother asks while rushing over to me examing my face. "I was out finding food mother. She backs away from me then puts her hand on her hip. "And what is this I hear about you likeing a girl, hmm?" I blush then scratch the back of my head. "Well you see. Um it was a girl that Jermaine and I saw and I was attracted to her smell and Jermaine tried to eat her, mother." Mother smiles then pulls me into a warm tight hug. "You love her, don't you?" I sigh then turn my back towards mother. "Yes, and I'm afraid she might get hurt." Mother walks up closer to me and rubs my back. "Oh sweetie I'm sure you and her will be just fine. Have you asked her on a date yet?" I turn back around and smile brightly at mother. "Yes!" She claps her hands excitedly. "Oh my little boy is growing up. She gasps. Have you kissed her yet?" I look down while blushing. "Yes."- " how was it?" I bite my bottom lip then smile. "It was amazing, magical. It was fireworks." Mother grabs my cheeks then kisses them. "My baby boy got him a girlfriend, soon to be wife." I laugh with mother then make my way upstairs to get some sleep I have a date tomorrow.




Kendra's POV-


Michael picked me up and took me to a nice restaurant, it had amazing food and you could dance also. One thing Michael never told me about his self while we were on this date was he could dance, and good at it too. The music would just make him dance like I've never seen before. The way he moved his hips and thrusted his body upwards turned me so on that I thought if he did one more sexy thing I would take him on right in the restaurant on the tables or dance floor. I grab my purse and Michael grabs my hand and leads inside my house. "I had a great time Michael." He smiles then takes a seat on the couch. "Me too, we should do it more often." I take my hand and fan myself, the way he said we should so it more often turned me on deeply. "Uh yeah." Michael stands up and sits by me, he grabs my chin and pulls it up pulling me into a hot flamed passionate well needed kiss. I groan as his hands rub up and down my exposed legs. Michael pulls back and kisses his way to my neck, his hands hold me down as he sucks and licks my spot. He licks my neck one last time before sticking his sharpened fangs in my neck. I scream out in pain as he drains my body, inside I feel like I'm slowly dying. I close my eyes as everything goes blurry then in minutes I open them again with super clear vision and amazing hearing, I could hear a bee flying all the way across town. I look across the room and see Michael with his face in his hands. I sit up and listen to him cry. "Michael, what's wrong?"- " I'm sorry I bit you, I couldn't control myself, I knew I shouldn't have fell for you but I did and now I've hurt you!" I walk over to Michael and sit next him then take his hands away from his beautiful face. "Don't be mad Michael, I'm falling for you and I don't care that you bit me. We can be together forever now." He wiped his tears with his free hand then pulled me into a passionate kiss giving me chills, we pull back and I lay my head on his chest. I think I finally found that someone, and that someone is Michael Joe Jackson.

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