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Michael's POV-

"No, I'm not telling her!" I shout at Jackie then flop on my bed. "Look little brother all you have to do is beg, okay, she can't say no in her case you could just eat her or something." I grab a pillow and throw it at his head. "That's such a dumb idea, why would I eat her if I like her?" Jackie scartches his head then smiles. "Because she doesn't like you and you suddenly become very hungry, duh." I blow air from my mouth and rub the side of my head with my hand. "Get out Jackie because your not helping me knock her off her feet." Jackie laughs then becomes serious. "All you have do is go in there and show you love her, be kind of in control. Kiss her!" I think for minute, hay that's not such a bad idea but I won't let him know that, he thinks all of his ideas are good but they aren't. I'll just mark Lex just to let everyone know she's mine and only mine.




Lex's POV-

Michael and I have known each other since we were six years old and every time I would ask him to come over my house his parents wouldn't let him and he didn't go to school, he was home schooled. At times he would act very strange and odd or even hide from me which I didn't understand, why would my best friend hide from me. One day I was walking late at night from a party that Michael wasn't at of course and almost got raped until this giant cat came out of nowhere and saved me, I found it quite odd its eyes were dark and mystious but innocent at the same time like Michael's. Over the time I started reseaching all kind of cats online until I came across the one I saw save me, it was a black panther and Michael did one day mention he liked some kind of giant wild animal. I would spend my time watching Michael and how he would act and just suddenly disappear one day I finally saw him, he was the big giant panther cat that would save me. Michael decided he wanted to see me and when I told him to stay away from and that I knew what he was he confessed his undying love for me and I pushed him away just so I could think things through. "Lex listen I really love you and I want to be with you." Michael walks over towards me and pushes me up against the wall, I close my eyes and moan when I feel his warm lips on my neck. He wraps one arm around my waist and the other on the wall, he leaves little kisses down to my collar bone and kisses his way back up to my weak spot and gently sucks on it leaving purple bruises. With one quick move he scraps my neck with his pointy teeth then licks it multiple times before he pulls back and kisses my lips softly. "Baby please be mine." I look in his big dough brown eyes and kiss him passionately, I pull back and run my fingers through his beautiful curls. "I would love to be your girlfriend Michael."


Hopefully you liked it MjandLexfor


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