Chapter 8~Part 2

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Kendra's POV:

Once Michael left out of my room I quickly undressed and made my way into the shower. The bathroom itself was so fancy, but so was the shower. The shower was separate from the tub which was pretty amazing and he had amazing shampoo and soap. I soaped and lathered myself continuously making sure to clean myself good and for all those times I couldn't, the warm hot water felt so good on my body that it gave me goosebumps. Once I was done with washing myself I shampooed my hair with lavender and cherry shampoo and oh my gosh it smelt so amazing and I truly felt clean now. I opened the curtain and stepped out feeling the coldness of the room so I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me while walking into my room where there were undergraments and pajamas sitting on the bed, I walked over to the bed and grabbed the clothes putting them on. Wow they actually fit. Once I'm dressed I make my way downstairs and try to remember where the main entrance is but I end up getting lost looking for michael, hmmmm I wonder where he could be? I retrace my steps and end up at a big, huge golden door with the initials MJ, this has to be his room. I knock softly and hear a soft voice answer back telling me to come in, I slowly twist the door knob and enter seeing Michael laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. I walk over to his bed and sit down watching him still look at the ceiling, what's wrong with him?



"What's wrong with you?", I ask while still studying his face


"I don't think so, you seem pretty down about something, so what is it"

"Ok now it's my turn to ask you this question, can I trust you Kendra?", Michael asks while sitting up

"Yes, of course you can", I say while looking him directly in the eyes

Michael blows air from his mouth "OK here it goes, do you know who I am Kendra?"

"Uh your Michael, duh"

"No, I mean do you know what I do for a living?"

"Oh no, please tell me your not a drug dealer or a mobster"

"What?, no I'm not any of those", Michael says while laughing

"Then I don't have a clue as to what you do for a living, but you do look like you could be a dancer because your built like one"

Michael blushes before smiling big "So you don't know who I am"

"Of course I do your my friend, Michael"

"Well I'm gonna tell you this but you have to promise you won't think differently of me or believe the lies you hear from other people, okay"

"Um, ok"

Michael takes a deep breath before looking up into my eyes "Kendra I'm not just Michael, I'm Michael Jackson the performer slash king of pop and I've been performing since I was five years old and everywhere I go I get treated differently, I get lied on, I get called a werido or a creep for looking the way I do, some might even say ooh he looks like a girl but I have feelings too and sometimes it hurts so bad to know that people actually think that way about me, I just hope you don't think the same thing"

"I don't think the same thing, I think your wonderful Michael and your also very handsome and beautiful inside and out, so don't let them or anyone get you down because you're truly amazing"

"Kendra, I know this is to soon and we just met and all but I knew I liked you from the first time I saw you and now I feel as though I'm in love with you, but if you don't feel the same it's okay, I always get rejected by the girls I like so don't feel bad", Michael says while looking down

"Michael, I don't know what to say, I mean I'm just some homeless girl with no family and you choose me out of pretty famous models. Michael you're the handsome and beautiful one, you deserve someone better then me, I'm a nobody"

"No Kendra, you don't understand you are perfect for me and for the first time I actually feel as though I've found my soul mate, I use to never believe in finding the special and perfect someone until I found you and I don't plan on letting you get away, I just can't let you get away"

I wipe the tears from my face and lean in giving Michael a sweet kiss "Then I won't let you get away either"


Hopefully you liked it,ForeverSupportingMJ


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