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Lex's POV-

"You will not ever see him again, do you understand!" I bite my bottom lip to stop from crying. I nod my head yes and run upstairs to my room and slam the door floping on my bed and cry. Why can't I see Michael? I love him and he loves me but my parents forbid me from seeing him, they think he's not the right boy for me and blah blah. My phone beeps and on the screen I see Michael's face, its a text. "I'm so sorry I got you in trouble Lex but I love you and your parents need to know that. I would die for you, I just want to be with you again." I smile as tears start to fall down my cheeks more. I replied back with a heart saying I love you. I put my phone down once I hear my mother enter. She sits on the edge of the bed and smiles at me, I turn my back towards her and ignore her. "Lex sweetie, please don't be like this ... I just want what's best for you." What she said made me so angry. Michael was the best and only the best, he would take a bullet to the brain for me and she thinks that's not good enough. I stare at my mother with a cold stare. "He is what's best for me but you're to blind to see it." She drew back her arm and slapped me hard across the face. I hold my cheek as the tears start pouring out of my eyes. "Listen young lady don't you dare talking to me like that. I'm you're mother and what I say goes!" She gets off my bed then walks to door but then turns around and glare at me. "At this rate you will never see that boy again!" She slams the door. I get out of my bed and go to the bathroom, if I can't see Michael and be happy with him then I'll end my life, its not like my mother would care. She's too cold to care, she only cares about herself anyways. I go through the medicine cabinet and find a razor and sleeping pills. I slide down the wall and cut a line in my wrist, this is for you Michael just know I love you. I grab the paper and pencil and write my letter to Michael letting him know I love him and I always will then I cut again but this time deeper. The blood gushes out as I open the medicine bottle and pour all of the pills down my throat. I cut five more times on each wrist and watch the blood drip on the floor and leak through the door. I guess this is it, I love you Michael. I close my eyes as the medicine kicks in.


Michael's POV-

I must see Lex and I don't know why but I have this terrible feeling! I rushed out my room and into my car driving to Lex's home and when I got there I rung the doorbell and her mother came to the door with not a happy face. "What do you want boy?"- " I'm sorry to bother you but I must see Lex, please can I see Lex Mrs." She rolls her eyes then step aside. "You've got two minutes." I smile then make my way upstairs to her room and when I get there its blood on her carpet. Oh no, I walk over to the bathroom door and open it. Her body lays on the floor, I scream for her mother and she comes rushing in. "What hhhappened." She cries and holds Lex in her arms. I grab my phone and call the ambulance and in no time they rush in and put her body in the vehicle and take her to the hospital. I pray that Lex makes it because I don't think I could live without her. I look at Lex mother and see her crying and shaking, I walk over to her and hug her. She buries her head in my chest and cries harder. "I'm so sorry Michael, I shouldn't have made her stop seeing you. It's obvious she loves you and you love her." I grab her mother's hands and make her look at me. "It okay, I know she's gonna make it so lets get to the hospital." She wipes her tears then we make our way down stairs and outside to her car. She pulls out and drivers to the hospital. When we got in nurses and doctors were rushing to one room and I just knew it was Lex's room. I paced the floor back and forth until the doctor came back and he had a smile on his face. "Are you the mother of Lexi" Lex mother smiles faintly shaking her head yes. "Miss Lexi made it even though it took everything to bring her back but she's wide awake so you can go see her." Lexi Mother grabs my hand and leads me inside of Lexi's room, I walk in and Lexi gasps when she sees me and her mother. "Michael, mom!"- " I'm here baby girl and I just wanna say please don't ever try to leave me, I almost lost you ... I'm sorry I stopped you from seeing Michael, I now no that you love him and he loves you." I smile then grab Lexi's hand as her mother kisses her cheek and leaves out of the room leaving Lexi and I alone. "Lexi don't ever try to leave me, I love you." I stars deep into her eyes and passionately kiss her. I open my eyes and pull back and rub her cheek. "I love you too Michael."


I hopefully you liked it Lex MjandLexfor

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