Chapter 20

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Kendra's POV-

"What do you mean I can't see Michael!! I payed eighty dollars for these tickets online!" I throw my arms up in the air and glare at the ticket man. I'm really starting to get pissed off if I don't see MICHAEL JOE JACKSON! "I'm sorry ma'am but someone ripped you off." I put my hand over my forehead and close my eyes. Why me, why couldn't they ripped someone else off, why am I thee unlucky one? "Um ma'am could you step to the side. You're holding the line up." I huff then roll my eyes and step to the side. I can't believe this, I payed eighty fudging dollars to see Michael and now I find out it was all a scam, maybe I should just go home. I walk out of the double doors as some of his fans whisper about me and laugh, this is humiliating that I payed eighty dollars and can't even see my idol because I fell for a trick, way to go Kendra. I sit on the curb outside of the building and listen to Michael sing, I wish I could see his beautiful face and body, I should have never went online and bought those tickets but what choice did I have all the ones at ticket master and the ticket booth were sold out and I really wanted to see him only if it was for a couple of hours I would of been complete and happy. I sit outside and listen to the whole concert until its over, I silently cry as his fans flood from the building with smiles on their faces. I look down and wipe my tears, I bring my hands to my face and cover it, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up and see a guy with a saddened expression on his face. He's big with dark eyes and has a grey ponytail and a cigar in his hand. "Why are you crying?" I dry my tears and stand up dusting myself off. "I got ripped off so I didn't get a chance to see Michael Jackson." The strange man smiles then grabs my hand and leads me to a big black SUV. Before I could think I'm inside of the truck with Michael Jackson right in front of me.






Michael' POV-

"Goodnight everybody!!!" I run off the stage and into backstage with all of the crew. "Good show everyone, you guys really made me happy." I smile then make it to my dressing room and change into something dry and comfortable. Woo the fans here in this city are really something else, they have so much energy. "Hay Mike get ready we leave now." I grab my things and walk outside with my security, where's Frank? "Hay bill where is Frank?" He closes my door then gets in the front seat. "He's outside taking a smoke." I nod my head then look out the window, he better hurry before the fans find our car. "There he is Michael and he's with a girl, ooh he's got a lady friend that wants to meet you." I blush then roll my eyes. "Oh hush bill she's probably not even into me like that." Frank opens the door and the girls slides in and sits in front of me, I stare at her face and take in her beauty. Wow she's beautiful. I extend my hand and she shakes it. "Hi I'm Michael and you are?" She smiles then blushes. "Hi I'm Kendra." I sit back in my seat and remove my sunglasses. "Its nice to meet you." I look her body over, and smirk. She's built very nicely. "Joe you can pull off now." I grab a blanket and cover my lap. "Um Mr. Jackson where are we going?" I laugh then shake my head no. "You don't have to call me Mr. Jackson, I'm Michael Mr. Jackson is my father." She laughs nervously then bites her bottom lip. "And we are going to my hotel, is that alright with you?" Kendra nods her head yes then plays with the hem of her shirt. "We're here Mr. Jackson." Bill exits out of the car first then rushes over to my side to let me out then frank helps Kendra out and we make our way in the back door of the hotel. Kendra and I make it to my hotel room and I flop down on my bed and I pet the spot next to me offering a seat. She drops her purse on the sofa and sits next to me. "So tell me about yourself." She smiles then makes a thinking face. "Well I love music and I love you and your music." I blush then jump off the bed. "I'll be right back kendra, I really need a bath and I love you more."- "OK Michael." I grab a towel, a rag, and a bar of soap and enter the bathroom. I take my curly hair out of a bun and turn the warm water on, after I check it I step in and wet my body then I lather it really good with Axe soap while I dream about Kendra naked and in the shower with me. I moan as I rub myself, once I'm done I step out and wrap the towel around my waist and exit the bathroom and into the room Kendra is in. "Hay Kendra can you hand me my shirt over there. She looks up from a book she was reading and stares hard at my abs. "Uhhh, uhhh, I'll get it." She blushes then walks over to my clothes and grab them. "Here you go." I smile then slip my shirt on and boxers on under my towel, I take the towel and dry my hair then sit next to Kendra on the bed. Now is a good time to tell her how I feel. "Kendra, I like you a lot so will you please go on a date with me?"
Kendra grins then wraps me in a hug. "Of course Michael, this is a dream." I giggle and pitch her cheeks. "No this is reality sweet cheeks." I'm dying to kiss her soft plump lips, I grab her chin and stare in her eyes then at her lips, I lean in and capture her perfect lips with mine. I grab her hand and rub it as I kiss her deeper, we pull back and I blush. "Uh let's watch a movie." She grabs my hand and lays back on the bed with me as we watch Mickey mouse. "I can't wait for our date tomorrow!"


Part 2 coming up ForeverSupportingMJ

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