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- I Am Become Death

"Caroline" Bellamy softly called out staring at the blonde beauty with an concerned look on his face noticing the distance look in her eyes only for her to blink a couple of times turning around snapping out of her thoughts, " are you doing all ri...

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"Caroline" Bellamy softly called out staring at the blonde beauty with an concerned look on his face noticing the distance look in her eyes only for her to blink a couple of times turning around snapping out of her thoughts, " are you doing all right?" Caroline nodded her head softly and replied, " Yeah. Fine. You know, all things considered" looking down at her necklace that her mother had given her, " are you sure you're doing okay?"

Caroline forced a smile on her lips humming as she nodded her head in confirmation, " Yeah" Bellamy raised his brows not believing a word she was saying causing her to sigh in defeat shaking her head, " No. I don't know. I have lost every single person I have ever cared about, my mom, my dad, James... I can't loose you, Hannah, Clarke or Octavia. I'm so tired of being afraid. I keep loosing the people that I love one by one it has to stop"

"You're not the only one who's afraid of loosing someone, Care" Bellamy spoke wrapping his arm around the blonde girl pulling her into hug only for Caroline to pull away sending him a small smile watching as he walked away wiping a tear away from her eye not noticing that Hannah was watching the two of them, " Care, are you okay?" Caroline let out a breathe wiping her eyes, " I'm okay, I promise. Everything will be fine after today"

Hannah frowned in confusion as she watched after her best friend who walked away looking around the crash site where the drop ship had landed, " Caroline and Clarke shouldn't be here" Finn spoke up as he came to stand beside her with Raven following after him only for the raven haired girl to send him a look, " their parents was on the ship. They're looking for answers" Hannah responded narrowing her eyes at Finn only for Raven to send him a look noticing how his eyes have not left Clarke, " you wanna help her? Find me the black box, hard drives, anything that will explain why the ship crashed."

Caroline eyes scanned around the crash site looking down at the multiple of burnt skeletons and couldn't help but think that one of these bodies could be her father's, " stay sharp!" Bellamy called out snapping Caroline out of her thoughts as she looked over at him, " grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, just a matter of when" Caroline rolled her eyes in annoyance as it could of gone completely different if Jasper didn't start shooting at them, " do you blame them?" Finn questioned glaring coldly at Bellamy.

"No, I blame you" Bellamy resorted with a glare tightening his grip on his gun. " maybe if you didn't bring the guns" Finn muttered under his breathe only for Bellamy glare to hardened but before he could say anything Raven beat him to it, " if we didn't bring guns, we all would've been killed" Caroline scoffed as she folded her arms across her chest, " you're wrong, I almost got Anya to agree to a truce but when you pulled out the guns and started shooting at them it destroyed any kind of piece we could of had with the grounders"

"Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore. It's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now" Bellamy stated as he looked between them all as Finn turned his attention back towards Clarke who was walking around aimlessly looking at the damage only to see red substance leaking from the rocket, " Clarke! Stop!" Raven called out rushing towards the blonde who moved away only for Hannah, Caroline and Finn to follow after them.

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