Chapter Twenty One

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On the drive up to Avery's family home, I couldn't seem to calm my nerves. I was self conscious about the way my clothes draped off my thin frame and the beanie I had to wear to cover my bald head. I knew I looked fragile and sick and I hated that it was the impression I'd be making the first time I met Avery's family. They already knew I was an arrogant, careless person who had hurt their son, and now I didn't even have my looks to fall back on. They'd probably wonder what Avery saw in me.

We pulled into the driveway of a small, one story house. Some of the houses around it had peeling paint and needed work, but Avery's family home was well maintained. Avery held my hand as he led me to the front door and walked right in. Before I could look around, a blonde blur flashed past me and barreled into Avery, squealing and almost knocking him over.

"I've missed you so much!" The young woman, who I assumed was his sister, hugged Avery tightly enough to lift his feet off the floor.

"I've missed you too, but I can't breathe," Avery squeaked out.

"Sorry." She released him and stepped back. "I can't believe you haven't come to see me now that you're in Bellevue!"

"I've been busy."

His sister turned toward me, her eyes wide. "Oh, right. You're Devin, the guy who's taking up all my brother's time." She smiled and stepped forward to give me a gentle hug. "I'm his older sister Kylie. I'm happy I'm finally getting to meet you! I've heard so much about you from Avery."

"Uh, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing," I joked.

Before Kylie could answer, a tall guy with brown hair stepped into the room. "Avery!" When he got closer, he grabbed Avery and ruffled his hair.

"Stop," Avery protested, which only resulted in him getting put into a headlock by his brother. He struggled to get loose and I couldn't help but laugh. I'd never seen Avery roughhousing with anyone before.

The guy let him go before turning to me and sticking out his hand for me to shake. "Ben. Avery's older brother."


Ben raised an eyebrow. "So you're the one who made Avery's life hell at camp and destroyed his salmon project."

Unsure how to handle this, I glanced over at Avery.

Ben laughed and grinned at me. "Just playing with you, man. All's forgiven." He motioned for me to follow. "Our parents are in the backyard."

We didn't have far to walk to get through the house, but I glanced around and tried to take everything in. Past me would have thought poorly of the tiny home with barely any room in the kitchen, and the family room and dining room blended together in the same space. But now that I'd stepped outside of my privileged world, I saw Avery's family home differently. It was warm and lived in. Pictures of Avery and his family were displayed all over and I could tell there had been a lot of love in this house.

The backyard was equally as tiny. Avery's parents were standing on a concrete patio only big enough for a grill and a small set of outdoor furniture. His dad, tall with dark brown hair and a close cropped beard, turned away from the grill to greet me.

"Devin, welcome! It's great to have you here. I'm Jerry, and this is Annie." Jerry shook my hand, but Annie surprised me by pulling me in for a hug.

"Hi, Devin." She was a petite blonde, and it was immediately obvious where Avery had gotten his looks and compact body from. "Can I get you anything? Water? A snack? Dinner will be ready in about half an hour."

"Sure, I'll take some water."

"Come on. Let's get you back inside. It's a bit chilly out here."

As I followed her back into the house, I knew her concern about me being warm enough was because of my health, but I didn't feel annoyed by it.

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