Story 1

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Izuku and Kacchan walked down the hallways together, their steps echoing softly against the tile floor. The school was practically empty, save for a few stragglers hurrying to their next class. The air was heavy with the scent of cherry blossoms that swayed gently outside the windows, a warm spring breeze drifting in.

"Kacchan, you know I've been wondering...why do you think Mr. Aizawa invited us here? I mean, we're both pro heroes now."

"Maybe he just wanted to see how we're doing, or maybe he has a special mission for us," he shrugged, his expression unreadable. "I don't know, Deku."

"Oh, right, I forgot about that." Izuku's cheeks flushed a light pink. "So, have you been? I mean, since we last saw each other."

Kacchan's expression softened slightly. "I've been...alright, I guess. It's been...different without you around, Deku." He paused, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. "I'm sorry for everything I did in middle school."

"It's fine, Kacchan. I've moved on. I'm just glad we can be friends now." Izuku smiled at him, hoping the sincerity in his voice would be enough.

Kacchan looked away, his cheeks reddening. "Yeah, me too." There was a long silence as they continued down the hallway. "So, what's your favorite thing about being a pro hero?" he finally asked.

"Hmm...that's a tough one. I mean, I love helping people and using my quirk to make a difference. But I think my favorite part is working with all these amazing heroes. Everyone here is so strong and inspiring."

"I guess so." Kacchan paused, biting his lip. "You know...Deku...I've been thinking..." He trailed off, hesitant.

"What is it, Kacchan? You can tell me." Izuku gave him a reassuring smile.

"It's just...I've been wondering if...maybe...we know..." He looked down, his cheeks burning red. "Be more than just friends."

Izuku's heart skipped a beat at Kacchan's words. He'd never expected him to feel this way. "Are you...are you saying what I think you're saying, Kacchan?"

"Yeah." Kacchan took a deep breath, looking up at him with determination in his eyes. "I think I'm starting to have feelings for you, Deku. And I just wanted to let you know. I mean, if that's okay with you."

"Kacchan..." Izuku's voice was soft, full of emotion. "I feel the same way." He took a step closer, their faces only inches apart. "I've always had a crush on you, even when we were enemies. You're so strong and brave, and I've always admired you."

 A slow smile spread across Kacchan's face as he looked into Izuku's eyes. "Really?" he breathed. "I've always thought you were amazing too, Deku. You're kind and determined, and you never gave up on me, even when I was being a total jerk."

"I couldn't help it," Izuku confessed with a shy laugh. "I just wanted to be your friend." He leaned in closer, their lips inches apart. "And now...I want so much more."

Kacchan closed the distance between them, pressing his lips softly against Izuku's. The kiss was gentle at first, but quickly deepened as they both lost themselves in the moment. Their hands found each other's shoulders, pulling them closer together.

Izuku moaned into the kiss, feeling a rush of warmth spread through his body. He wrapped his arms around Kacchan's neck, pulling him closer still. He could feel the other boy's hard chest pressed against his own, and it sent a shiver down his spine.

Kacchan groaned into the kiss, his tongue darting out to explore Izuku's mouth. He felt so alive, so wanted, and it was all because of this incredible boy in his arms. He could feel Izuku's hands fisting in his hair, pulling him closer still, and it drove him wild.

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