Story 6

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It's been a while since Katsuki and Izuku have been intimate, and both of them are eager to reconnect. The room is dark, lit only by the flickering candlelight that casts eerie shadows across the walls. The air is thick with anticipation, and the scent of sweat and lube fills the space. Izuku stands confidently at the foot of the bed, his Dom presence palpable. Katsuki, on the other hand, lies naked on the bed, his limbs spread wide and vulnerable.

"Well, Katsuki, you chose... bondage or spanking?" He asks with a sly grin, enjoying the power he has over his lover in this moment.

"B-bondage," Katsuki stammers out, his heart racing. He wants to be completely at Izuku's mercy, and he knows that's exactly what he's asking for. "Please, Master... tie me up and use me."

"Such a slut for me aren't you?" Izuku smirks and graps the ropes. Izuku moves around the bed, taking in the sight of Katsuki's exposed body. His blond hair is disheveled, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Izuku can feel the need to dominate him, to own him completely. With a devious smile, he moves to the foot of the bed and begins to bind Katsuki's wrists together with soft, supple rope. He wraps it around his lover's wrists, securing them tightly but not so tightly that it hurts. The rope digs into Katsuki's skin, leaving marks that will remain long after this night is over.

His heart races as he feels the ropes being tied around his wrists. He's never felt so helpless, so vulnerable, so completely at Izuku's mercy. He arches his back, pressing his chest upwards, offering himself to his lover. "Please, Master... do whatever you want to me."

Katsuki's pleas only fuel his desire to dominate him further. He stands up, towering over the bound man on the bed. With a sultry grin, he reaches down and unbuttons his pants, letting them fall to the floor in a pool around his feet. His erect cock springs free, throbbing with need. He straddles Katsuki's hips, positioning his aching length at the entrance to his lover's body. "Are you ready for me, my pet?" he asks, the words dripping with desire.

Katsuki's breath hitches in his throat as he watches Izuku undress, his heart racing. He nods frantically, his chest heaving up and down. "Yes... yes, please..."

With a single thrust, he pushes inside Katsuki's body, feeling the tight heat engulf him. He groans, leaning forward to press their sweat-slicked bodies together. His hips begin to move, thrusting rhythmically as he takes control of their coupling. He watches Katsuki's face as he takes him, enjoying the way his eyes roll back in his head and his mouth parts in a silent moan.

His back arches off the bed as he feels Izuku's cock stretching him, filling him completely. He wraps his legs around Izuku's waist, pulling him closer still. "Oh, God, yes... fuck me... please..." He pants, his eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure washes over him in waves.

Katsuki's body feels so good wrapped around him, his hot walls milking him in perfect rhythm. He bites his lip as he watches Katsuki writhe beneath him, eyes squeezed shut in ecstasy. "Such a cock slut" Izuku tightens the ropes slightly and increases his pace. He groans, feeling Katsuki's body tense and relax around him. "You love this, don't you? You love feeling me fuck you like this."

Katsuki: "Yes... I do..." he moans, gripping the sheets in his fists as Izuku's thrusts grow deeper and harder. "I'm yours, Master... take me..." He arches his back, offering himself up for each powerful stroke. "Fuck me..." he whimpers, feeling the tension building inside him, ready to explode in a wave of pleasure.

Izuku feels the pressure building inside himself as well, his climax looming just out of reach. He leans down, brushing his lips against Katsuki's ear. "Don't come yet, pet." With that, he presses his finger over Katsuki's engorged cock, holding back the tide of pleasure. He watches as Katsuki's eyes widen in surprise and his hips jerk involuntarily.

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