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Meira walked back behind Dwalins house with him, reaching a large open area with a few stumps and rocks lined up a distance away.
She removed her sheathed sword from her back and laid it on the stump beside her, she then drew her bow and grabbed an arrow from her quiver placing it in her bow.
She let out a large slow breath and drew the string back, locking her eyes on her target, one of the stumps some yards away.
She steadily held her breath then released the string of her bow letting the arrow fly through the air and hitting it's mark.
"Bullseye" she said, with a smirk.
"Getting better" Dwalin said, his arms crossed standing beside her.
Meira drew her bow back again, and let the string loose letting the arrow fly, this time quicker than before. The arrow flew through the air hitting its mark right next to the arrow she shot before.
"Lucky shot, Meira" a young boys voice said behind her.
Meira looked to see who had spoken, the boys dark brown neck length hair bounced as he slowed to a stop and his brown eyes locked with hers, she smirked,
"You're just jealous you can't hit the bullseye" Meira chuckled, resting her bow against the stump next to her then looking at the boy again.
A blonde hair boy followed not far behind, half of his neck length blonde hair was pulled into a braid on the back of his head, his bright blue eyes shined in the light,
"I'm glad to see you My cousin'th" Meria said smiling at the two boys, it's been a few weeks since she had seen them, but it always felt like forever.
A short, white haired dwarf walked around the corner of the house and walked towards the happy group,
Dwalin chuckled,
"By my beard brother, you've gotten shorter than last time"
Balin chuckled,
"Sadly, its not taller brother, least that is the only thing" he said getting closer to the group and hugging his brother,
"Wait for it" Fili said to his brother and cousin,
Balin and Dwalin leaned away from each other for a moment then they smack their heads together, laughing,
"Good to see you, Kronul" Balin said,
"Eye" Dwalin agreed,
"My my you sure have grown, Meira" Balin exclaimed walking over to the trio,
"I must say though, you're cousins are sure to pass you withing the season, but sure not in looks" he smirked,
Meria chuckled,
"I guess I'll have to settle for the looks" she hugged Balin, missing the old white haired dwarf.
"How have you all been getting by?" She asked to the three,
"Mother is as spiteful as ever" Fili said,
"Always nagging" Kili added,
"Well someone has to keep you two in line" Meria chuckled,
"You're not wrong." Balin said, rolling his eyes slightly, he sighed
"We've been getting by just fine, been working at the shop just outside of the Bluemountains to keep me busy along with making sure your aunt is getting by fine with the boys"
Balin smiled,
"How of you and your Ka'az? " He asked,
" Fine, he has been working at the Smith and I've been her with Dwalin more days than not" Meria said,
" I don't think he trusts me being alone for very long" she smiled,
Balin nodded,
"Well then, we don't want to be waisting daylight, shall we get started?" Dwalin asked,
They all nodded and started their training.


After the group trained it was getting close to supper time so they decided to head back to Meria and her father's house.
Meira and the boys trailed ahead of Dwalin and Balin of foot, waving sticks around as they did so, pretending to fight.
Soon the group made it to the house, Meira opened the door and rushed inside, followed by the brothers, she grabbed some vegetable off of the counter along with a pot and placed them on the table. She pushed the chair closer to the table and hopped onto it having to stand up in order to reach to chop the vegetables.
Once she was done she added the vegetables to the pot along with some meat and broth, she carried it over to the hearth and placed the pot on the hook, stirring the stew with a wooden spoon.
She heard a thud of boots stomping outside, then the door opened,
"Ka'az!" Meira exclaimed rushing over to give her father a hug as he closed the door,
"Something smells good" he smirked looking down at his daughter,
The two boys rushed over to give their uncle a hug,
"Cencle Thorin!" They both exclaimed giving their uncle a hug, and him returning it,
"My you both have gotten big" he smirked at both of them,
He let them got and the three cousins ran up the stairs and up into Meira's room.
"Balin, old friend" Thorin said giving the old dwarf a hug,
"It's good to see you Thorin." He said, sitting back down at the dining table and Thorin taking a seat next to him, he stared at the fire that danced in the hearth,
"You looks as if you haven't slept in a week" Balin said,
Thorin looked over at his friend, the dark circles around his eyes grew darker throughout the day,
"..... Haven't been able to, not between Meria and myself" Thorin said crossing his arms on the table in front of him,
"Nightmares?" Balin asked,
"Meira's have been bad of recent, been waking up screaming..... Makes it hard"
Thorin said with a sigh,
"No kid should have to sleep like that"
Balin looked at his king, sadness in his eyes,
"Thorin, if I may" Balin started,
"I know.... I know we've mentioned it before, but I will again for you and for Meira's sake. Come back to the Bluemountains with us. She can stay with me from time to time, for you to rest. There is a Smith over there that I'm sure I can persuade into letting you work if that is your reason for staying. You need not to do this alone, Thorin."
Thorin shook his head,
"Thorin. I know you feel like you have to take care of the lass alone, even I have offered to take her a night when needed." Dwalin added,
"I've thought of moving closer to our kin, but I will not leave you two here alone. Think about what Balin said..." Dwalin placed his hand on his kings arm,
"Aurelia wouldn't want you to do this alone" Thorin looked up at his friend, he nodded.
"Sleep on it tonight, then give us an answer in the morn" Balin said,
"Let us eat and I'll give the wee bears a good story to help them sleep"
With that Balin stood up grabbed the stew off its place on the hearth and dished up some stew for each,
" Fili, Kili, Meira! " Dwalin called,
"Supper! "
The three cousins rushed down the stairs, Fili nearly falling face first if Meira hadn't pulled him back by his shirt.
Meira ran over and sat next to her father smiling at him then digging into the stew.
Thorin looked at his daughter, thinking of what his kin had said, then began to eat.
The group had finished, their belly's full and warm from the delicious stew,
"I will say Meira, you haven't gotten you're skill to cook from your father" Dwalin chuckled,
Meira smirked.
"Alight you three, up you go, say your goodnights, it's time for a story" Meria almost jumped out of her seat but controlled herself, she gave her father a big hug,
"Goodnight Ka'az" she said,
Thorin kissed her forehead as he hugged her back,
"Goodnight My yoran" he said, then let her go.
Meira followed her cousins upstairs,
"Goodnight Dwalin!" The three yelled rushing up the stairs, eager for a story, Balin trailed up the stairs behind them, slowly.
"She's turning out just fine, Thorin" Dwalin said, Thorin nodded agreeing, but wished things were different all the same.


Meria ran to the corner of the stone walled room, terrified, her mother standing in front of her, her long black hair trailing behind her and her bright soft eyes filled with fear.
She looked at Meira, loud bangs could be heard from outside of the door, the only thing that stood between Meria and her mother and whatever may lie on the other side,
"Hap avhiuk dar uko kulknej ukhall avaukave avhe gijak ro avhe gism rraus! lat liwo noav proavecav lav-li from avhe darkneukuk!" A dark, raspy straining voice yelled from the other side
"Meria" Her mother crouched in front of her, holding Merias face with her soft hands,
"You are my brave girl, your father's light. I love you my dear daughter with all that I am, and nothing can ever dim your light. Nothing can ever stop you from who you are meant to be, no matter what happens I never want you to forget that" Meira looked at her mother, tears burning her eyes and cheeks as they rolled down her face, she managed to nod,
" Yes O'Si I won't.... I love you" Meria said,
"Now come, go through here and be as silent as a mouse, no matter what, do not move" Meria's mother guided her into a small cubby hidden by a slab of stone, in which Meira crawled into, pulling her knees to her chin and holding them tightly against her with her arms.
She looked at her mother who gave her a smile,
"Va / var (pl) are salen greatest Piir" her mother said then slid the stone cubby shut.
The next thing Meira heard was the crashing of the door being broken down followed by metal apon metal. She heard her mother scream in pain as Meria cupped her hands to her mouth silencing herself. Then. There was silence.
"Gism rraus" the dark raspy voice said in a mocking tone, "Gism rraus" it said again.
Meria didn't dare move, dare breath. She held her breath keeping her hands cupped tightly against her mouth staring into the dark nothingness around her.
"Theausan movun lav-li.  Search elukewhere  Do noav leav avhaav gism wiav eukcape!" The raspy voice yelled, Meria heard the load thuds of their footsteps exiting the room.
Meria stayed silent for some time finally she built up the courage to get out, she placed her hands on the stone slab and pushed upwards slightly. The stone door lifted up enough for light to shine into the dark cubby.
Meira peered into the room, the door had been broken down and everything that once was sacred in the dwarven room was destroyed, she looked down and seen her mothers hand cover in red.
She choked back tears and yelled.

Meira woke up with a scream,
"Kuridir!" Tears poured down her face as she rolled out of bed and fell to the ground with a thud, she pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed.
"Meria!" Thorin exclaimed, running up the stairs and to his daughter, who scrambled and grasping her father as hard as she could and didn't let go, Thorin lifted her up, not loosening his grip on her, he rocked her back and forth in his grasp  holding her against him,
Fili and Kili now awake in the bed we're staring at the two giving their uncle worried looks,
"It's okay boys, go back to sleep" Thorin said, he turned and started down the stairs with Meria,
"Kuridir...." Meria whispered.
Thorin held Meira tight as he stepped off of the stairs and onto the main floor below, he walked over to the hearth and sat down in his chair,
"Every night this happens?" Balin asked, looking at Meria, he brushed her messy hair out of her eyes, she still didn't loosen her grasp on Thorin nor move, tears still rolling hot down her cheeks.
"Some nights worse than others" Thorin said, rocking her back and forth,
"Poor lass... Such horror one so young shouldn't have gone through" Balin said with a sad sigh,
" We will go... For her sake" Thorin looked at Balin, who nodded.
Soon Meria had fallen asleep again in her father's arms, Thorin falling into the same sleep, but never letting go of his treasure.


Cousins ~ cousin'th
Father ~ Ka'az
Uncle ~ Cencle
Treasure ~ yoran
Mother ~ Kuridir

Black speech//

Open this door so we shall taste the blood of the half breed! You will not protect her from the darkness! ~ Hap avhiuk dar uko kulknej ukhall avaukave avhe gijak ro avhe gism rraus! lat liwo noav proavecav lav-li from avhe darkneukuk!
Half breed ~ Gism rraus
They moved it. Search elsewhere, do not let the half wit escape! ~ Theausan movun lav-li.  Search elukewhere  Do noav leav avhaav gism wiav eukcape!


Mother ~ O'Si
You are my greatest treasure ~ Va / var (pl) are salen greatest Piir
Half breed ~ Gism rraus

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