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Thursday 5pm (1 week later)

Jennie's P.O.V.

I couldn't stop thinking about Lisa. My mind was so consumed by thoughts of her that I lost all track of time and clarity.

Another evening had passed by and lately it seemed as if they all simply merged into one. I sat at my desk alone, continuing to sign another document for our featured advertisers in this month's up and coming edition of the magazine.

 I sat at my desk alone, continuing to sign another document for our featured advertisers in this month's up and coming edition of the magazine

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Rosé knocked gently on the door, entering with a file of papers in her hand. "Jennie, you need to take a break. You've hardly been home much all week. I know things have been difficult for you recently with Lisa and Rina leaving-"

"My personal life is not falling apart if that's what you're implying, Rosé." I scowled, continue to focus my attention on the documents in front of me.

All week I had spent most of my time alone in my office. Each day, I would venture home simply to freshen up and change outfits, have a quick meal and try to sleep which in itself was such a difficult task without Lisa there beside me. Yet when the emptiness of the house became too much, I went back to the company and stayed there trying to fill the empty void with paperwork.

Each day felt like a sorrowful, repetitive cycle. It lacked any real sense of purpose for me now for after all this endless effort at the office, no one was waiting at home.

"Jisoo mentioned that Lisa has been working remotely this week..." She continued to say, gently collecting a printed spreadsheet from the photocopier in the corner.

I huffed, irritation soaring. "Well there's nothing quite like stating the obvious."

Sensing my tone, she seemed eager to go as she made her way back towards the door. "Okay... well... I'll umm... just take this budget report and the expenses list to finance department."

I clicked my fingers, beckoning her to bring it towards me. "Let me check the expenses for last month."

She looked at the document and then back at me in confusion. "You already checked it though-"

"Then let me check it again! I don't have all day so today would be nice!" I yelled, annoyed that I was having to repeat myself.

A usual, cheery voice broke us from the intense moment as Winter was smiling clearly oblivious to the mood of the room. "Hi mom! Oh, hi Mrs Kim!"

Noticing her daughter beside the door, Rosé handed me the expenses list before. Taking her way towards her. Winter engulfed her in a hug with a bright smile, making me miss Rina all the while. "Minjeong? I didn't realise the time, I'll just be a few minutes and then we can go home."

"Should I go wait with Eomma in the car or?" She said, gesturing outside to the window where Jisoo had likely already finished her shift for the day and was waiting in the parking lot.

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